Sažetak | Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti i usporediti udio masti u odabranim hrvatskim tradicionalnim mesnim proizvodima, podrijetlom s obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava i trţnica iz razliĉitih ţupanija po regijama Primorske, Sjeverozapadne i Istoĉne Hrvatske. U radu je, uz kratki osvrt na naĉin proizvodnje te na glavna svojstva tradicionalnih mesnih proizvoda, objašnjena uloga masti u prehrani i preporuĉeni dnevni unos, te prehrambene navike vezane uz konzumaciju mesnih proizvoda u Republici Hrvatskoj. Analizirano je ukupno 137 mesnih proizvoda iz kategorije kobasica, suhomesnatih proizvoda, ĉvaraka i slanine. Prije same analize uzorci su homogenizirani pomoću ureĊaja Grindomix GM 200 pri razliĉitom broju okretaja u minuti (rpm) i vremenu homogenizacije do potpunog usitnjavanja uzorka. Tako homogenizirani, pohranjeni su u plastiĉnim posudicama na +4 °C te su analizirani u što je moguće kraćem vremenu. Maseni udio sirovih masti ispitivan je metodom po Soxhletu, na ureĊaju za ekstrakciju (Soxtherm 2000 Automatic, Gerhardt) uz ekstrakciju masti petroleterom. U skladu s oĉekivanjima, najmanji prosjeĉni udio masti odreĊen je kod suhomesnatih proizvoda (14,62±2,30%,), zatim kod kobasica(34,17±8,96%,), dok je najveći prosjeĉni udio masti odreĊen kod slanine i ĉvaraka(43,32±4,75%.). UtvrĊeno je da je domaća kobasica statistiĉki znaĉajno više masna vrsta trajnih kobasica nego što je to kulen. Kod pršuta i suhe šunke utvrĊene su znaĉajno niţe vrijednosti udjela masti u odnosu na suhu lopaticu. TakoĊer, statistiĉki znaĉajna razlika utvrĊena je kod pancete koja je imala znaĉajno manji udio masti od slanine i ĉvaraka. Iako su uzorci uzorkovani po razliĉitim regijama Republike Hrvatske, s obzirom na geografsko podrijetlo, meĊu proizvodima iste vrste nije utvrĊena statistiĉki znaĉajna razlika, ukazujući na ujednaĉenost recepture i tradicionalne tehnologije proizvodnje u seoskim domaćinstvima i obiteljskim gospodarstvima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The main objective of this study was to define and compare the fat content in selected Croatian traditional meat products, originating from the family farms and markets in different countries by region Littoral, North-Western and Eastern Croatian. This study explains the way of production and the main characteristics of traditional meat products. Also it explained the role of fat in the diet, the recommended daily allowance and nutritional habits associated with the consumption of meat products in the Republic of Croatia. A total of 137 meat products from the category of sausage, cured meats, cracklings and bacon were analyzed. Before the analysis the samples were homogenised using a 200 gm Grindomix at different revolutions per minute (rpm) and duration of grinding. Homogenized samples were stored in plastic vials at 4 °C and then were analyzed in the shortest possible time. Mass fraction of crude fat was investigated by the Soxhlet method, on the extraction device (Soxtherm 2000 Automatic, Gerhardt) using petroleum as solvent. As expected, the lowest average fat content was determined in dry-cured meat products (14.62 ± 2.30%), followed by sausages (34.17 ± 8.96%), while the highest average fat content was determined in bacon and pork scratchings (43.32 ± 4.75%.). It was found that homemade sausage was significantly more fatty types of dry sausages than homemade Slavonian sausage (kulen). Between smoked ham and dried ham were found significantly lower levels of fat than in dry pork shoulder blades. Also, a statistically significant difference was found in pancetta which had a significantly lower proportion of fat from bacon and pork scratchings. Among the samples taken at various Croatian regions, with regard to geographical origin, between the products of the same type, there was no significant difference, which indicates on the uniformity of the recipe and tradicional production technology in rural households and family farms. |