
Teški oblici medikamentoznih egzantema
Teški oblici medikamentoznih egzantema
Andrea Spinčić
Teški oblici medikamentoznih egzantema su rijetke, nepredvidive, vjerojatno imunološkim mehanizmima posredovane reakcije na lijekove, praćene značajnim morbiditetom i mortalitetom, a obično zahtijevaju hospitalno liječenje. Potrebno ih je na vrijeme prepoznati i odmah prekinuti primjenu uzročnog lijeka, uz provedbu odgovarajuće potporne i eventualno sistemske imunomodulacijske terapije. Stevens-Johnsonov sindrom i toksična epidermalna nekroliza su teške bulozne reakcije koje se...
The Role of PrPC in the Course of CMV Infection
The Role of PrPC in the Course of CMV Infection
Benjamin Herrlich
This thesis investigates the influence of PrPC on the immune response against MCMV in lung tissue. Histological investigations support the preliminary claim that the absence of PrPC influences viral clearance in multiple tissues such as in the liver leading to less recorded tissue insult. Further, viral titration of lung tissue demonstrated no significant difference between wild type mice and those lacking PrPC . Searching for an explanation for this finding, we analyzed differences in...
The Vaginal Microbiome in Health and Disease
The Vaginal Microbiome in Health and Disease
Moritz Kramer
There are different compositions characterizing a healthy vaginal microbiota, typically characterized by a dominance of Lactobacilli and an acidic pH milieu, constituting the primary barrier against pathogenic intrusion. Even subtle perturbations can precipitate various clinical presentations or adverse obstetric outcomes. The vaginal microbial balance (VMB) is intricately modulated by multifaceted factors, encompassing the woman's age, hormonal milieu, lifestyle choices, prior infections...
The role of diet in inflammatory bowel diseases
The role of diet in inflammatory bowel diseases
Adrijan Kalić
The review presents a focused examination of IBDs, primarily concentrating on CD and UC, encompassing their etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic modalities, therapeutic strategies, and nutritional considerations. Etiologically, a complex interplay of genetic predisposition and environmental triggers are accountable for the rising global incidence of IBDs. Clinical manifestations vary but common symptoms include chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, and weight...
The role of exosomes in the pathophysiology of diabetes and their potential clinical implications
The role of exosomes in the pathophysiology of diabetes and their potential clinical implications
Art Sefedini
T2DM stands as one of the most prevalent chronic diseases globally, with an increasing incidence, notably associated with obesity. While its pathophysiology remains incompletely understood, it is primarily linked to insulin resistance, resulting in reduced glucose uptake by the liver, muscles, and adipose tissue, consequently leading to elevated blood glucose levels. Classical clinical features of T2DM include polydipsia, polyuria, and polyphagia, yet many patients are asymptomatic,...
The role of glucagon-like petide-1 receptor agonists in the treatment of type 2 diabetes
The role of glucagon-like petide-1 receptor agonists in the treatment of type 2 diabetes
Laura Helene Forst
The aim of this thesis is to illustrate the potential of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) in the treatment of type 2 diabetes with regard to metabolic and pleiotropic effects such as cardio- and nephroprotection. Several studies have shown that GLP-1 RAs such as liraglutide, semaglutide, or dulaglutide reduce body weight and should be used especially in T2DM when body weight reduction is a treatment goal. This is not only for cosmetic reasons, but could also help...
The role of thyroid hormones in the immune control of 
 cytomegalovirus infection
The role of thyroid hormones in the immune control of cytomegalovirus infection
Ivan Samuel Modrić
Recent research indicates that the interaction between the immune and endocrine systems plays a vital role in protecting tissues during pathogen encounters. Immune and endocrine cells are frequently found together in endocrine tissues, where they interact and influence each other's responsiveness. Furthermore, even when these cell types are located in separate areas, endocrine cells can receive signals from peripheral immune cells or vice versa. This immuno-endocrine...
Timektomija kod bolesnika oboljelih od miastenije gravis
Timektomija kod bolesnika oboljelih od miastenije gravis
Tea Šokčević
Svrha ovog preglednog rada je prikaz timektomije kao oblika liječenja u osoba oboljelih od miastenije gravis. Miastenija gravis je kronična, autoimuna, neuromuskularna bolest karakterizirana slabošću i zamaranjem skeletnih , poprečnoprugastih, mišića. U 80% oboljelih od miastenije gravis nalazi se abnormalnost timusa od čega 10-20% ima timom, a preostali dio hiperplaziju timusa. Timus je parenhimatozni organ sivocrvenkaste boje smješten u prednjem gornjem dijelu medijastinuma, iza...
Tinitus i kvaliteta života
Tinitus i kvaliteta života
Laura Rovazdi
Tinitus ili šum u uhu jedan je od najranije opisivanih medicinskih pojava. Definira se kao svjesna percepcija zvuka koja se pojavljuje u odsutnosti vanjskog izvora podražaja koju pojedinac može osjećati unutar uha ili glave. Najčešće se šum opisuje kao zvonjava, šištanje i cvrčanje iako postoje i slučajevi gdje opisan kao složeniji poput melodije ili glasova. Glavna podjela tinitusa je na dvije skupine, a to su objektivni i subjektivni tinitus. Tinitus nije bolest, već simptom...
Tipovi ponašanja djece u ordinaciji dentalne medicine
Tipovi ponašanja djece u ordinaciji dentalne medicine
Paula Punoš
Bol kao negativno iskustvo u djece dovodi do razvoja dentalnog straha. DS kao dominantan čimbenik uvelike otežava dentalno medicinske zahvate i posljedično može dovesti do odbijanja suradnje i pogoršanja oralnog zdravlja. Ako ga se ne prepozna i pravilno ne tretira, može se razviti u DA. Količinu DS-a i DA možemo objektivno mjeriti pomoću VPT-a, FIS-a i CFSS-DS-a. Izrazito je važno da liječnik dentalne medicine poznaje normalno ponašanje djeteta u određenoj dobi jer je to jedini...
