Sažetak | Bolesti krvotvornog sustava dijele se po poremećajima pojedinih krvotvornih loza. Najčešće su definirane kao: bolesti eritrocita, bolesti trombocita te bolesti leukocita
Bolesti eritrocita su anemije i policitemija. Anemični poremećaji povezani s oralnim znakovima i simptomima uključuju anemiju uzrokovanu željezom, megaloblastične anemije, hemolitičke anemije, hemoglobinopatije i aplastičnu anemiju. U manifestacije se uključuje bljedoća usnica i sluznice, crven, gladak i atrofičan jezik, žutica, deformacije maksile, karijes, gingivitis, disfagija, parestezije mentalnog živca i druge. Policitemija karakterizirana je ljubičastocrvenim promjenama sluznice, krvarenjima.
Bolesti trombocita su trombocitopenija i poremećaji hemostaze. U bolesnika s trombocitopenijom mogu se naći hemoragijske bule, edematozna, hiperemična gingiva koja spontano krvari, neugodan zadah. Poremećaji hemostaze povezani s oralnim znakovima i simptomima uključuju hemofiliju A, hemofiliju B te Von Willebrandovu bolest. Glavno kliničko obilježje tih bolesti je krvarenje.
Bolesti leukocita su neutropenija i leukemija. Oralne manifestacije neutropenije su infekcije, parodontne bolesti i ulceracije sluznice usne šupljine. Oralne manifestacije leukemije javljaju se zbog same bolesti (bujanje gingive, destrukcija alveolarne kosti, pomicanje zuba, bljedilo sluznica, cijanoza, spontana krvarenja, petehije, ekhimoze, hematomi) i zbog liječenja bolesti (mukozitis, kserostomija, bakterijske, gljivične infekcije, osteoradionekroza). |
Sažetak (engleski) | The classification of blood system diseases is based on changes within individual groups of blood cells. They are most commonly defined as: diseases of erythrocytes, diseases of platelets and diseases of leukocytes.
The diseases of erythrocytes are anaemias and polycythemia. Anaemia disorders resulting in oral symptoms and signs include iron deficiency anaemia, megaloblastic anaemia, haemolytic anaemia, hemoglobinopathies and aplastic anaemia. Manifestations include pale lips and pale mucous membranes, red, smooth and atrophic tongue, jaundice, deformations of maxilla, caries, gingivitis, dysphagia, paresthesias of mental nerve and others. Polycythemia is characterised by purple-red changes of the mucous membranes with bleeds.
The diseases of platelets are thrombocytopenia and bleeding disorders. In patients with thrombocytopenia haemorrhage bullae, oedematous, hyperemic gingiva that bleeds spontaneously, as well as bad breath, may be found. Bleeding disorders resulting in oral signs and symptoms include haemophilia A, haemophilia B and Von Willebrand disease. The main clinical sign of these diseases is bleeding.
The diseases of leukocytes are neutropenia and leukaemia. Oral manifestations of neutropenia are infections, periodontal diseases and ulcerations on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Oral manifestations of leukaemia occur due to a disease (gingival enlargement, destruction of the alveolar bone, teeth movement, pale mucous membranes, cyanosis, spontaneous bleeds, petechiae, ecchymoses, hematomas) or due to the treatment of a disease (mucositis, xerostomia, bacterial infections, fungal infections, osteoradionecrosis). |