Abstract | Dermatomiozitis je sistemska autoimuna bolest koja pripada heterogenoj skupini autoimunih poremećaja koji se nazivaju idiopatske upalne miopatije. Karakterizirana je specifičnim kožnim promjenama, slabošću proksimalnih mišića i različitim sistemskim manifestacijama koje variraju ovisno o dobi pojave bolesti. DM se može javiti u dječjoj dobi, odrasloj dobi te može biti induciran lijekovima. Uzrok i mehanizam nastanka bolesti još uvijek nisu potpuno shvaćeni, iako se prepoznaje niz faktora za koje se vjeruje da igraju ulogu u patogenezi, uključujući genetske, imunološke i okolišne čimbenike. Patognomonične kožne promjene dermatomiozitisa su Gottronove papule, Gottronov znak i heliotropni eritem. Ostale karakteristične promjene obuhvaćaju Shawlov znak, V znak, Holsterov znak, te promjene na noktima i vlasištu. Najčešće je zahvaćena proksimalna muskulatura ramenog i zdjeličnog obruča, dok se u mnogim slučajevima prvo zahvaćaju mišići vrata i trbuha. Sistemske manifestacije bolesti obuhvaćaju opće simptome, zahvaćenost pluća, kardiovaskularnog sustava, zglobova te gastrointestinalnog sustava. Kod odraslih osoba s dermatomiozitisom često se javlja intersticijska bolest pluća i povećan rizik od maligniteta, dok je kod djece s juvenilnim dermatomiozitisom češća pojava kalcifikacija kože i lipodistrofije. Dijagnoza bolesti postavlja se na temelju kliničkih i laboratorijskih kriterija te biopsije mišića. Terapija DM-a je indivdualizirana ovisno o ozbiljnosti kožne bolesti, prisutnosti mišićnih te sistemski simptoma. Važnu u ulogu u terapiji ima fotoprotekcija uz odgovarajuću lokalnu ili sistemsku terapiju. |
Abstract (english) | Dermatomyositis is a systemic autoimmune disease that belongs to the heterogeneous group of autoimmune disorders known as idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. It is characterized by specific skin changes, proximal muscle involvement, and various systemic manifestations that vary depending on the age of onset of the disease. DM can occur in childhood, adulthood, and can be drug-induced. The cause and mechanism of the disease are not fully understood, although several factors are believed to play a role in pathogenesis, including genetic, immunological, and environmental factors. Pathognomonic skin changes of dermatomyositis include Gottron's papules, Gottron's sign, and heliotrope erythema. Other characteristic changes include Shawl's sign, V sign, Holster's sign, as well as nail and scalp changes. The most commonly affected muscles are the proximal muscles of the shoulder and pelvic girdle, while in many cases, the muscles of the neck and abdomen are affected first. Systemic manifestations of the disease include general symptoms, lung, cardiovascular, joint, and gastrointestinal involvement. In adults with dermatomyositis, an interstitial lung disease often occurs, along with an increased risk of malignancy, while in children with juvenile dermatomyositis, skin calcifications and lipodystrophy are more common. The diagnosis of the disease is based on clinical and laboratory criteria and muscle biopsy. Treatment of DM is individualized depending on the severity of skin disease, presence of muscle, and systemic symptoms. Photoprotection along with appropriate local or systemic therapy plays an important role in therapy. |