
Different Ecological Niches of Poisonous Aristolochia clematitis in Central and Marginal Distribution Ranges—Another Contribution to a Better Understanding of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy
Different Ecological Niches of Poisonous Aristolochia clematitis in Central and Marginal Distribution Ranges—Another Contribution to a Better Understanding of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy
Brzić Ivan
Brener Magdalena
Čarni Andraž
Ćušterevska Renata
Čulig Borna
Dziuba Tetiana
Golub Valentin
Irimia Irina
Jelaković Bojan
Kavgacı Ali
Krstivojević Ćuk Mirjana
Krstonošić Daniel
Stupar Vladimir
Trobonjača Zlatko
Škvorc Željko
Different Perforin Expression in Peripheral Blood and Prostate Tissue in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer
Different Perforin Expression in Peripheral Blood and Prostate Tissue in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer
Sotošek Tokmadžić Vlatka
Tomaš M.I.
Sotošek Stanislav
Laškarin Gordana
Tulić V.
Đorđević Gordana
Šustić Alan
Mrakovčić-Šutić Ines
Different combinations of maternal and 
postnatal diet are reflected in changes of 
hepatic parenchyma and hepatic TNF-alpha 
expression in male rat offspring
Different combinations of maternal and postnatal diet are reflected in changes of hepatic parenchyma and hepatic TNF-alpha expression in male rat offspring
Perić Kačarević Željka
Grgić Anđela
Šnajder Darija
Bijelić Nikola
Belovari Tatjana
Cvijanović Olga
Blažičević Valerija
Radić Radivoje
Differential Expression Patterns of TDP-43 in Single Moderate versus Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice
Differential Expression Patterns of TDP-43 in Single Moderate versus Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice
Janković Tamara
Dolenec Petra
Rajič Bumber Jelena
Gržeta Nika
Križ Jasna
Župan Gordana
Pilipović Kristina
Differential Susceptibility of RAE-1 Isoforms to Mouse Cytomegalovirus
Differential Susceptibility of RAE-1 Isoforms to Mouse Cytomegalovirus
Arapović Jurica
Lenac Tihana
Antulov Ronald
Polić Bojan
Ruzsics Z.
Carayannopoulos L. N.
Koszinowski U. H.
Krmpotić Astrid
Jonjić Stipan
Difficult tracheal intubation in neonates and infants. NEonate and Children audiT of Anaesthesia pRactice IN Europe (NECTARINE): a prospective European multicentre observational study
Difficult tracheal intubation in neonates and infants. NEonate and Children audiT of Anaesthesia pRactice IN Europe (NECTARINE): a prospective European multicentre observational study
Disma Nicola
Virag Katalin
Riva Thomas
Butković Diana
Kerovec Sorić Ivana
Kralik Sandra
Markić Ana
Ažman Josip
Markić Joško
Pupačić Daniela
Difficulties in Accessing the List and Full Text of the Defended PhD Theses from Medical Schools: a Retrospective Case Study from Croatia
Difficulties in Accessing the List and Full Text of the Defended PhD Theses from Medical Schools: a Retrospective Case Study from Croatia
Puljak Livia
Tolić Matea
Sablić Marko
Silobrčić Vlatko
Heffer Marija
Polić Bojan
Barčot Ognjen
Sapunar Damir
Dijabetes i debljina – začarani krug
Dijabetes i debljina – začarani krug
Klobučar Majanović Sanja
Dijabetička nefropatija
Dijabetička nefropatija
Vujičić Božidar
Turk Tamara
Crnčević-Orlić Željka
Đorđević Gordana
Rački Sanjin
