
The impact of surgical delay on resectability of colorectal cancer: An international prospective cohort study
The impact of surgical delay on resectability of colorectal cancer: An international prospective cohort study
Adamina Michel
Bačić Giordano
Karlović Damir
Kršul D
Zelić Marko
Bakmaz B
Ćoza I
Dijan E
Katušić Z
Mihanovic J
Rakvin I
The impact of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic on the quality of breast cancer care in EUSOMA-certified breast centres
The impact of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic on the quality of breast cancer care in EUSOMA-certified breast centres
van Dam Peter
Tomatis Mariano
Ponti Antonio
Marotti Lorenza
Aristei Cynthia
Biganzoli Laura
Cardoso Maria J
Cheung Kwok L
Curigliano Giuseppe
De Vries Jakob
Santini Donatella
Sardanelli Francesco
Rubio Isabel Teresa
Baldini Valentina
Ballardini Bettina
Berger Johannes
Berlière Martine
Bonetti Andrea
Bortul Marina
Bussels Barbara
Cagossi Katia
Epifanio Castiglione Gaetano Antonio
Cedolini Carla
Esgueva Colmenarejo Antonio J.
Corsi Fabio
Cretella Elisabetta
Fogazzi Gianluca
Fortunato Lucio
Fougo José Luis
Generali Daniele
Gouveia Pedro F.
Grossi Simona
Huscher Alessandra
Kaelides Michalis
Kuhn Elisabetta
Levy Christelle
Massarut Samuele
Meani Francesco
Montemezzi Stefania
Musolino Antonio
Negreiros Ida
Bagge Roger Olofsson
Pagani Gianmatteo
Peterko Ana Car
Prové Annemie
Roelstraete Heidi
Roncella Manuella
Saguatti Gianni
Sarlos Dimitri
Sgarella Adele
Staelens Gracienne
Taffurelli Mario
Tazzioli Giovanni
Tinterri Corrado
Vassilieff Maud
Verhoeven Didier
The incidence and characteristics of male breast 
The incidence and characteristics of male breast cancer
Grebić Damir
Pavić Karla
Kustić Domagoj
Čargonja Paola
Pirjavec Aleksandra
The incidence of nosocomial infections in patients with isolated severe traumatic brain injury
The incidence of nosocomial infections in patients with isolated severe traumatic brain injury
Valenčić Lara
Sotošek Tokmadžić Vlatka
Kuharić Janja
Šustić Alan
The influence of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase and catechol O-methyltransferase gene polymorphism on the efficacy of insulin detemir therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
The influence of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase and catechol O-methyltransferase gene polymorphism on the efficacy of insulin detemir therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Božek Tomislav
Blažeković Antonela
Nikolac Perkovic Matea
Gotovac Jerčić Kristina
Šustar Aleksandra
Smirčić- Duvnjak Lea
Outeiro Tiago
Pivac Nela
Borovečki Fran
The influence of field size and off-axis distance on photoneutron spectra of the 18 MV Siemens Oncor linear accelerator beam
The influence of field size and off-axis distance on photoneutron spectra of the 18 MV Siemens Oncor linear accelerator beam
Brkić Hrvoje
Ivković Ana
Kasabašić Mladen
Poje Sovilj Marina
Jurković Slaven
Štimac Damir
Rubin Otmar
Faj Dario
The influence of ski helmets on sound perception and sound localisation on the ski slope
The influence of ski helmets on sound perception and sound localisation on the ski slope
Ružić Lana
Tudor Anton
Radman Ivan
Kasović Mario
Cigrovski Vjekoslav
