Abstract | Komarci (Culicidae) su skupina insekata koja se ističe po svojoj rasprostranjenosti ali i
po zauzimanju novih područja. Zadnjih godina poznatija po invazivnosti i lakoj
prilagodljivosti je vrsta Aedes albopictus. Upravo ta vrsta je pridonijela potpuno novom
gledištu promatranja komarca. Uz molestiranje on je dokazani vektor Denga groznice i
Chikungunya virusa. Cilj ovog rada bio je dokazati prisutnost Aedesa albopictusa
monitoringom na području općine Dobrinj – otok Krk. Monitoring populacije komaraca se je
provodio u periodu toplijih mjeseci tijekom 2013. i 2014. Za prikupljanje adultnih oblika
korištena je metoda čovjek- aspirator, ovipozicijske lovke za prikupljanje jajašaca te mrežica i
staklene posuda sa hvataljkom za prikupljanje ličinki u prirodnim ili umjetnim leglima.
Rezultati dobiveni ovim istraživanjem potvrdili su prisutnost agresivnije, dnevno aktivnije,
molestirajuće vrste koja se posljednjih godina ubrzano širi kontinentalnim ali i priobalnim
dijelom Hrvatske. Prisutnost vrste azijskog tigrastog komarca Aedes albopictus na našim
prostorima predstavlja imperativ za provođenje sustavnih javnozdravstvenih programa u cilju
edukacije stanovništva, kontrole brojnosti te smanjenja rizika od pojave i širenja vektorskih
zaraznih bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | Mosquitoes (Culicidae) are a family of insects distinguishable by its widespreadness
as well as the ability to quickly assert dominance in a new domain. In recent years,
mosquitoes comprising Aedes albopictus species became the most infamous ones, mainly due
to their invasiveness and adaptability. We can safely say that this species contributed the most
to a completely new viewpoint when dealing with mosquitoes. In fact, apart from being a
molestor, this mosquito is a proven vector of Dengue fever and Chikungunya virus. The aim
of this study was to prove the presence of Aedes albopictus in the municipality of Krk - island
of Krk, while simultaneously educating the population and improving coordination of local
government services and relevant institutions. Finally, we hoped to further help the
development of control and reduction measures in regards to Aedes albopictus.Mosquito
population monitoring was conducted during a period of two consecutive years, i.e., during
2013. and 2014. In order to collect adult forms and eggs, we used man-extraction fan method
and oviposition traps. Additinally, nets and glass containers with pincers were used in order to
collect larvae in natural or artificial breeding sites. Results obtained in this study confirmed
the presence of an aggressive, daily more active, molesting species, which has, in recent
years, rapidly spread, not only throughout the continental, but also coastal Croatia. The
presence of Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, in these areas, calls for immediate
implementation of systematic public health programs in order to educate the population while controlling the mosquito population and reducing the risk of occurrence and spread of
vector-borne diseases. |