Sažetak | Hipotireoza je stanje hipometabolizma zbog smanjene funkcionalne sposobnosti štitnjače.
Incidencija bolesti u djece i adolescenata u Hrvatsko je 1: 4371 u godinu dana . Uzroci bolesti su većinom razvojne prirode, a u manjem broju nasljedne. Najčešći uzrok kod priroĎene hipotireoze je ektopija, aplazija ili hipoplazija štitne ţlijezde, a kod stečene hipotireoze Hashimotov tireoiditis. Klasični simptomi bolesti razlikuju se s obzirom na dob u kojoj je bolest nastala stoga u dijelimo na priroĎenu i stečenu. Simptomi priroĎene hipotireoze su dispneja popraćene kongestijom nosne sluznice, grubim plačem,lijeno sisanje, pospanost, slaba spontana motorika, opstipacija i produljen neonatalni ikterus. Simptomi stečene hipotireoze su umor, letargija, usporenje intelektualnih aktivnosti, menomeragija kod ţena, gubitak kose i obrva, suha koţa, dobivanje na tjelesnoj teţini i promukao glas. Za točnu dijagnozu vaţno je napraviti dobar klinički pregled, ciljanu obiteljsku i osobnu anamnezu , ultrazvučni i kolordoplerski pregled štitne ţlijezde, te odrediti TSH, FT4,. A-TPO , A-Tg .
Izbor terapije je L-tiroksin u dozi od 25 do 150 mU/L i njome se danas omogućuje djeci i adolescentima dobra kvaliteta ţivota.
U Hrvatskoj i drugim zemljama se danas provodi neonatalni TSH-probir s ciljem pravodobnog uvoĎenja terapije, osobito kod novoroĎenčadi jer se time preveniraju teţe posljedice poput pojave kretenizma . |
Sažetak (engleski) | Hypothyroidism is condition of hypometabolism caused by lower function of thyroid gland. The incidence of this disease among Croatian children and adolescents is 1:4371 per year. Causes of hypothyroidism are mostly development nature then genetic nature. The most often cause for congenital hypothyroidism are ectopia, aplasia or hypoplasia of thyroid and the most often cause in secondary hypotiroidism is Hashimoto disease. The common symptoms of hypothyroidism depending on type of hypothyroidism. Symptoms of congenital hypothyroidism are dispnea with nasal congestion, hoarse-sounding cry or voice, poor breast feeding, sleepness, floopy infant, opstipation and jaudince.
The symptoms of secondary hypothyroidism are sluggishness, letargy, low intellectual activity, menomeragia , hair and eyebrown loss, ,dry brittle hair ,low gain on body mass and hoarse-sounding voice. The correct diagnose is made by good clinical exam, precise family and personal anamnesis, ultrasound and color doppler of thyroid gland and TSH, FT4, A-TPO, A-Tg detection.
The therapy is L-thyroxine in dose 25-150 mU/L that can provide good quality of life without symptoms of disease.
The main goal of neonatal screening method is prevention of symptoms and possible complications such as cretinism.
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