Sažetak (hrvatski) | Cilj: Statini značajno smanjuju rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, a s obzirom na mehanizamdjelovanja sličan bisfosfonatima, mogu povoljno djelovati i na koštani metabolizam. Ciljje bio istražiti povezanost između mineralne gustoće kosti (BMD) slabinske kralježnice i lijevogkuka s lipidnim i antropometrijskim parametrima u pacijenata liječenih zbog dislipidemije. Osimtoga, cilj je bio analizirati odnos između vremenskog perioda liječenja statinima i BMD-a. Ispitanicii metode: Ispitanici su većinom žene u postmenopauzi (N = 65), ali i muškarci (N = 15), kojise zbog dislipidemije liječe statinima. Iz ispitivane skupine isključeni su oni pacijenti koji se zbogosteoporoze liječe bisfosfonatima. U svih ispitanika su koštanom denzitometrijom izmjerenevrijednosti BMD-a slabinske kralježnice i lijevog kuka. Rezultati: BMD slabinske kralježnice pozitivnokorelira s koncentracijom triglicerida u krvi (r = 0,24, P = 0,046), ali korelira negativno sukupnim kolesterolom (r = -0,31, P = 0,008), HDL kolesterolom (r = -0,28, P = 0,020) i LDL kolesterolom(r = -0,35, P = 0,004). BMD lijevog kuka korelira pozitivno s trigliceridima (r = 0,25,P = 0,031), dok su negativne korelacije nađene s ukupnim kolesterolom (r = -0,30, P = 0,011),HDL kolesterolom (r = -0,28, P = 0,015) i LDL kolesterolom (r = -0,30, P = 0,010). Vremenski periodliječenja statinima pozitivno korelira s BMD-om slabinske kralježnice (r = 0,23, P = 0,048).Zaključak: Razvidno je da postoji povezanost između koštanog metabolizma i lipidnog statusa,kao i između koštanog metabolizma i vremenskog perioda liječenja statinima. Ipak, potrebno jeprovesti nova randomizirana klinička istraživanja kako bi se taj odnos u potpunosti razjasnio. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Aim: Statins significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and with regardto the mechanism of action similar to bisphosphonates, may have a favorable effect on bonemetabolism. The aim was to investigate the relationship between bone mineral densities(BMD) of the lumbar spine and left hip with anthropometric and lipid parameters in patientstreated for dyslipidemia. In addition, the aim was to analyze the relationship between theperiod of treatment with statins and BMD. Patients and methods: Respondents were mostlypostmenopausal women (N = 65), and men (N = 15) who are treated with statins for dyslipidemia.Patients who are treated for osteoporosis with bisphosphonates were excluded from thestudy group. Bone densitometry was used to measure values of BMD of the lumbar spine andleft hip in all patients. Results: BMD of the lumbar spine is correlated positively with concentrationof triglycerides in the blood (r = 0.24, P = 0.046), but negatively correlated with totalcholesterol (r = -0.31, P = 0.008), HDL cholesterol (r = -0.28, P = 0.020) and LDL cholesterol(r = -0.35, P = 0.004). Left hip BMD correlated positively with triglycerides (r = 0.25, P = 0.031),whereas a negative correlation was found with total cholesterol (r = -0.30, P = 0.011), HDLcholesterol (r = -0.28, P = 0.015) and LDL cholesterol (r = -0.30, P = 0.010). Period of treatmentwith statins is positively correlated with BMD in the lumbar spine (r = 0.23, P = 0.048).Conclusion: It is obvious that there is a relationship between bone metabolism and lipid profile,as well as between bone metabolism and the period of treatment with statins. However, it is necessaryto carry out new randomized clinical researches to fully clarify these relationships. |