Sažetak | Grkljan je organ koji je u našem organizmu smješten na granici respiratornog i digestivnog trakta. Iz tog razloga na njega imaju utjecaj kako inhalatorni agensi tako i alimentarni agensi. Zbog ovakvog smještaja, nije rijetkost da se bolesti koje zahvate primarno grkljan pojavljuju i na susjednim organima poput traheje, pluća, jednjaka i jezika.
Kada govorimo o karcinomima, najčešće neoplazme grkljana su skvamozni karcinomi koji nastaju iz displastično promijenjenog epitela. Do displazije dolazi zbog ponavljanog djelovanja nekog kancerogena na samu sluznicu grkljana ali i okolnih organa. Na taj se način stvara tzv. polje kancerizacije u kojemu epitel s vremenom postaje displastično promijenjen. S obzirom da kancerogeni poput alkohola ili duhanskog dima ne djeluje samo na sluznicu grkljana već i na sluznicu svih organa s kojima dolaze u kontakt, nije čudno da je kod pojave laringealnih karcinoma česta pojava sinhronih i metahronih tumora koje smo nazvali sekundarne primarne neoplazme.
Ekspresija markera koji su uključeni u onkogenezu kao što su P53, mEGFR i nEGFR, ciklin D1, TGF-α i Ki-67, mogla bi biti potencijalni indikator mogućnosti razvoja sekundarnih primarnih neoplazmi kod pacijenata s primarnim karcinomom grkljana.
Svakako je potrebno naglasiti pacijentu važnost redovitih onkoloških kontrola s ciljem pravovremenog otkrivanja eventualnih sekundarnih primarnih tumora pogotovo u visoko-rizičnih pacijenata. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Larynx is an organ located at the intersection of the respiratory and digestive systems. Consequently, it is influenced by both inhalatory and alimentary agents. The same noxae, can affect the surrounding organs ie. trachea, lungs, esophagus and tongue.
When cancerology is concerned, the most common laryngeal neoplasms are squamous cell carcinomas that arise from dysplastically altered epithelium. Dysplasia occurs due to the continuous carcinogenic effects on the mucous membrane of the larynx and the surrounding organs. In this way, the so-called field of cancerization is made. In this area the epithelium becomes altered over time. Given that carcinogens such as alcohol or tobacco smoke affect not only the laryngeal mucosa but also the mucosa of all organs they come in contact with, onset of synchronous and metachronous tumors, which we call secondary primary neoplasms, is becoming quite common in patients with primary Larynx is an organ located at the intersection of the respiratory and digestive systems. Consequently, it is influenced by both inhalatory and alimentary agents. The same noxae, can affect the surrounding organs ie. trachea, lungs, esophagus and tongue.
When cancerology is concerned, the most common laryngeal neoplasms are squamous cell carcinomas that arise from dysplastically altered epithelium. Dysplasia occurs due to the continuous carcinogenic effects on the mucous membrane of the larynx and the surrounding organs. In this way, the so-called field of cancerization is made. In this area the epithelium becomes altered over time. Given that carcinogens such as alcohol or tobacco smoke affect not only the laryngeal mucosa but also the mucosa of all organs they come in contact with, onset of synchronous and metachronous tumors, which we call secondary primary neoplasms, is becoming quite common in patients with primary laringeal cancers.
Expression of oncogenic markers such as P53, mEGFR and nEGFR, cyclin D1, TGF-α and Ki-67, could be very important in the development of secondary primary neoplasms in primary laryngeal cancer.
Moreover it is crucial for patients to be aware of the importance of regular oncologic follow ups whose goal is early discovery secondary primary neoplasms in high-risk patients..
Expression of oncogenic markers such as P53, mEGFR and nEGFR, cyclin D1, TGF-α and Ki-67, could be very important in the development of secondary primary neoplasms in primary laryngeal cancer.
Moreover it is crucial for patients to be aware of the importance of regular oncologic follow ups whose goal is early discovery secondary primary neoplasms in high-risk patients. |