
The EFIS vaccination task force expert report
The EFIS vaccination task force expert report
Sarantopoulos Alexandros
Brown Doug
Wiedermann Ursula
Dominguez Carmen Alvarez
Bogdan Christian
Gürsel İhsan
Janković Srđa
LeClerc Claude
Locati Massimo
Spurkland Anne
Regateiro Frederico
Van Damme Pierre
Žvirblienė Aurelija
Wensveen Felix M.
The ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report 2017: a summary
The ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report 2017: a summary
Kramer Anneke
Boenink Rianne
Noordzij Marlies
Bosdriesz Jizzo R
Stel Vianda S
Beltrán Palma
Ruiz Juan C
Seyahi Nurhan
Comas Farnés Jordi
Stendahl Maria
Garneata Liliana
Winzeler Rebecca
Golan Eliezer
Lopot František
Korejwo Grzegorz
Bonthuis Marjolein
Lassalle Mathilde
Slon Roblero Maria F
Kuzema Viktorija
Hommel Kristine
Stojceva-Taneva Olivera
Asberg Anders
Kramar Reinhard
Hemmelder Marc H.
De Meester Johan
Vazelov Evgueniy
Andrusev Anton
Castro de la Nuez Pablo
Helve Jaakko
Komissarov Kirill
Casula Anna
Magaz Ángela
Santiuste de Pablos Carmen
Bubić Ivan
Traynor Jamie P
Ioannou Kyriakos
Idrizi Alma
Palsson Runolfur
des Grottes Jean-Marin
Spustova Viera
Tolaj-Avdiu Miloreta
Jarraya Faical
Nordio Maurizio
Ziginskiene Edita
Massy Ziad A
Jager Kitty J.
The Effect of Early Cervical Cancer Diagnosis
The Effect of Early Cervical Cancer Diagnosis
Haller Herman
Rupčić Stanislav
Krašević Maja
Mamula Ozren
Perović Danko
Brnčić-Fischer Alemka
Vrdoljak-Mozetič Danijela
Stamatović Miroslav
Manestar Miljenko
The Effect of Intra-articular Injection of Autologous Microfragmented Fat Tissue on Proteoglycan Synthesis in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
The Effect of Intra-articular Injection of Autologous Microfragmented Fat Tissue on Proteoglycan Synthesis in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Hudetz Damir
Borić Igor
Rod Eduard
Jeleč Željko
Radić Andrej
Vrdoljak Trpimir
Skelin Andrea
Lauc Gordan
Trbojević-Akmačić Irena
Plečko Mihovil
Polašek Ozren
Primorac Dragan
The Effect of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Bone Regeneration and the Expression of Osterix and Cyclooxygenase-2 during Critical-Size Bone Defect Repair
The Effect of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Bone Regeneration and the Expression of Osterix and Cyclooxygenase-2 during Critical-Size Bone Defect Repair
Volarić Darian
Žauhar Gordana
Chen Jie
Jerbić Radetić Ana Terezija
Omrčen Hrvoje
Raič Antonio
Pirović Roko
Cvijanović Peloza Olga
The Effect of a Compulsory Curriculum on Ethical Attitudes of Medical Students
The Effect of a Compulsory Curriculum on Ethical Attitudes of Medical Students
Brajenović-Milić Bojana
Ristić Smiljana
Kern Josipa
Vuletić S.
Ostojić Saša
Kapović Miljenko
The Effectiveness of Benzalkonium Chloride as an Active Compound on Selected Foodborne Pathogens Biofilm
The Effectiveness of Benzalkonium Chloride as an Active Compound on Selected Foodborne Pathogens Biofilm
Kovač Bruno
Piletić Kaća
Kovačević Ganić Nikolina
Gobin Ivana
The Effectiveness of a 40-year Long Iodine Prophylaxis in Endemic Goitre Region of Grobnik, Croatia
The Effectiveness of a 40-year Long Iodine Prophylaxis in Endemic Goitre Region of Grobnik, Croatia
Crnčević-Orlić Željka
Ružić Alen
Rajković Koraljka
Kapović Miljenko
The Efficacy of an Energy-Restricted Anti-Inflammatory Diet for the Management of Obesity in Younger Adults
The Efficacy of an Energy-Restricted Anti-Inflammatory Diet for the Management of Obesity in Younger Adults
Kenđel Jovanović Gordana
Mrakovčić-Šutić Ines
Pavičić Žeželj Sandra
Šuša Branislav
Rahelić Dario
Klobučar Majanović Sanja
The Emerging Role of Rhinoviruses in Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children – Clinical and Molecular Epidemiological Study From Croatia, 2017–2019
The Emerging Role of Rhinoviruses in Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children – Clinical and Molecular Epidemiological Study From Croatia, 2017–2019
Ljubin-Sternak Sunčanica
Meštrović Tomislav
Ivković-Jureković Irena
Kolarić Branko
Slović Anamarija
Forčić Dubravko
Tot Tatjana
Mijač Maja
Vraneš Jasmina
