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Tip of the iceberg: Immunohistochemical markers reveal malignant transformation underneath a vocal polyp surface
Medicina Fluminensis, 57 (2021), 2; 171-176.

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Braut, T., Krstulja, M., Marijić, B., Maržić, D., Kujundžić, M., Zamolo, G. ... Oštarijaš, E. (2021). Tip of the iceberg: Immunohistochemical markers reveal malignant transformation underneath a vocal polyp surface. Medicina Fluminensis, 57. (2), 171-176. doi: 10.21860/medflum2021_371640

Braut, Tamara, et al. "Tip of the iceberg: Immunohistochemical markers reveal malignant transformation underneath a vocal polyp surface." Medicina Fluminensis, vol. 57, br. 2, 2021, str. 171-176.

Braut, Tamara, Mira Krstulja, Blažen Marijić, Diana Maržić, Milodar Kujundžić, Gordana Zamolo, Damir Vučinić i Eduard Oštarijaš. "Tip of the iceberg: Immunohistochemical markers reveal malignant transformation underneath a vocal polyp surface." Medicina Fluminensis 57, br. 2 (2021): 171-176.

Braut, T., et al. (2021) 'Tip of the iceberg: Immunohistochemical markers reveal malignant transformation underneath a vocal polyp surface', Medicina Fluminensis, 57(2), str. 171-176. doi: 10.21860/medflum2021_371640

Braut T, Krstulja M, Marijić B, Maržić D, Kujundžić M, Zamolo G, i sur.. Tip of the iceberg: Immunohistochemical markers reveal malignant transformation underneath a vocal polyp surface. Medicina Fluminensis [Internet]. 01.06.2021. [pristupljeno 30.09.2024.];57(2):171-176. doi: 10.21860/medflum2021_371640

T. Braut, et al., "Tip of the iceberg: Immunohistochemical markers reveal malignant transformation underneath a vocal polyp surface", Medicina Fluminensis, vol. 57, br. 2, str. 171-176, Lipanj 2021. [Online]. Dostupno na: [Citirano: 30.09.2024.]

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