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Dragan Lepur (list of objects)
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Authoring papers
The epidemiological and clinical features of odontogenic infective endocarditis
Šutej, Ivana; Peroš, Kristina; Trkulja, Vladimir; Rudež, Igor; Barić, Davor; Alajbeg, Ivan; Pintarić, Hrvoje; Stevanović, Ranko; Lepur, Dragan
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication: 2020.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
The epidemiological and clinical features of odontogenic infective endocarditis
, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
Changes in Medication Prescribing Due to COVID-19 in Dental Practice in Croatia—National Study
Šutej, Ivana; Lepur, Dragan; Bašić, Krešimir; Šimunović, Luka; Peroš, Kristina
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication: 07.01.2023.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Koronavirusna bolest 2019 (COVID-19)
Lepur, Dragan
Educational Content
Function: author
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Patogeneza infektivnih bolesti
Lepur, Dragan
Educational Content
Function: author
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Procjena vrijednosti određivanja CO2 reaktivnosti moždanih arterija transkranijskim Dopplerom u infekcijama središnjeg živčanog sustava
Lepur, Dragan
Doctoral thesis
Defence date: 17.03.2010.
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