Title (croatian) | Informirani pristanak – konceptualni, empirijski i normativni problemi |
Title (english) | Informed consent – conceptual, empirical and normative issues |
Author | Iva Sorta-Bilajac |
Author's institution | University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities) |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Integrative Bioethics (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences) |
Abstract (croatian) | Informirani pristanak je izjava bolesnika ili ispitanika nekog znanstvenog istraživanja
koja liječnika ili medicinskog istraživača opunomoćuje da provede određene mjere, terapiju ili
da uključi ispitanika u istraživački protokol. Kako u svojim teorijskim (pret)postavkama, tako i u
praktičnoj primjeni u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi, suvremena medicinsko-etička doktrina informiranog
pristanka susreće se s tri vrste problema: konceptualni problemi (pokušati razlučiti
značenje i (pred)uvjete informiranog pristanka), empirijski problemi (pokušati saznati, primjerice,
koliko vremena treba da bismo dali informaciju u određenim uvjetima i koliko je data informacija
shvatljiva za bolesnika ili rodbinu) i normativni problemi (pokušati ustanoviti kada,
kako i čijom obvezom smatrati informirani pristanak).
Derivirajući (formalno i sadržajno) koncept informiranog pristanka iz (bio)etičkih principa dobročinstva
i autonomije, te pronalazeći uporište u domaćoj i međunarodnoj medicinsko-etičko-
pravnoj regulaciji informiranog pristanka (Zakon o zaštiti prava pacijenata RH, Helsinška deklaracija,
UNESCO-va opća deklaracija o bioetici i ljudskim pravima) prepoznaje se prisustvo
višedimenzionalnog okvira za pristup razrješavanju pitanja opterećenih moralnim vrijednostima,
prisutnih unutar sustava zdravstvene skrbi. |
Abstract (english) | Informed Consent is a statement of the patient or subjects of a scientific research,
which empowers physicians or medical researchers to conduct a certain medical procedure,
therapy, or enroll subjects in the scientific-research protocol. In its theoretical settings, as
well as in practical application in everyday clinical practice, modern medical-ethical doctrine
of informed consent encounters three types of issues: conceptual issues (try to discern the
meaning and (pre)conditions of informed consent), empirical issues (try to find out, for example,
how much time should be given to disclose information in certain circumstances,
and how the information is understandable to the patient or his/her relatives) and normative
issues (try to establish when, how, and whose obligation should informed consent be
Derivation (formal and contextual) of the concept of informed consent from the ethical
principles of beneficence and autonomy, and finding of a ground floor in the domestic and
international medical-ethical-legal regulation of informed consent (Law on protection of patients’
rights, Helsinki Declaration, UNESCO’s Universal declaration on bioethics and human
rights) recognizes the presence of multidimensional framework for resolving morally burdened
issues present within the health care system. |
Keywords (croatian) |
Keywords (english) |
Language | croatian |
Publication type | Professional paper - Review paper |
Publication status | Published |
Peer review | Peer review |
Publication version | Published version |
Journal title | Medicina Fluminensis : Medicina Fluminensis |
Numbering | vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 37-47 |
p-ISSN | 0025-7729 |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:184:654489 |
Publication | 2011-03-07 |
Document URL | http://hrcak.srce.hr/66087 |
Type of resource | Text |
Access conditions | Open access |
Terms of use | |
Created on | 2017-05-09 16:06:01 |