Abstract (croatian) | SAŽETAK. Cilj: Uloga enzima iz superobitelji fosfolipaza A2 indicirana je u testisima, povezano s
poremećajem spermatogeneze, te u prednjem režnju hipofize, gdje sudjeluje u lučenju gonadotropnih
hormona, prolaktina i ACTH. U radu se istražuje moguća povezanost dvaju polimorfizama, u genu za
citosolnu PLA2 (PLA2G4A, rs10798059) i genu za o kalciju neovisnu PLA2 (PLA2G6A, rs4375), s kliničkim
značajkama 96 muškaraca s oligoastenospermijom ili astenospermijom, od kojih je 65 imalo neplodnost
nepoznata uzroka. Metode: U genskoj analizi korištena je metoda PCR-RFLP, a u analizi rezultata χ2-test,
stupnjevita regresijska analiza i ANOVA. Rezultati: Učestalosti ispitanih genotipova i alela nisu značajno
različite među ispitanicima i 59 kontrolnih muškaraca. Stupnjevita regresijska analiza pokazala je statistički
značajnu povezanost oba polimorfizma s vrijednostima FSH u serumu ispitanika, te polimorfizma iPLA2 s
brojem spermija i vrijednostima ukupnog testosterona na razini statističke značajnosti manje od 5%.
Dodatna regresijska analiza u skupini 65 muškaraca s idiopatskom neplodnošću potvrdila je povezanost
serumske vrijednosti FSH s polimorfizmima iPLA2 (βFSH=0,504; F=19,827; P<0,0001) i cPLA2 (βFSH=0,322;
F=9,670; P<0,01), te serumske vrijednosti LH i polimorfizma iPLA2 (βLH=0,319; F=6,892; P<0,02) i to s
većom statističkom vjerojatnošću. Genotip C/C iPLA2 polimorfizma udružen je s najvišom srednjom
vrijednosti FSH u serumu (višom od fizioloških granica), dok su najniže srednje vrijednosti zabilježene u
heterozigota (T/C). LH vrijednosti pokazuju isti uzorak raspodjele prema iPLA2 genotipu, ali je varijabilnost
razine hormona unutar fizioloških granica. Zaključak: Rezultati upućuju na to da bi navedeni polimorfizmi
mogli, zasad nepoznatim mehanizmom, utjecati na proces lučenja gonadotropnih hormona iz prednjeg
režnja hipofize i/ili na funkciju testisa, a time i na reproduktivnu sposobnost muškaraca. |
Abstract (english) | ABSTRACT. Aim: The role of PLA2 superfamily enzymes is indicated in the human testes, associated
with disturbance of spermatogenesis, and with hormonal secretion from anterior pituitary. The aim of
this study was to investigate the association between two polymorphisms (rs10798059 in the cytosolic
PLA2 gene -PLA2G4A and rs4375 in the calcium-independent PLA2 gene-PLA2G6A) and clinical features
of 96 oligoasthenospermic or asthenospermic men. Methods: Sixty five infertile men with idiopathic
infertility were included in the study. Genetic analyses were performed using PCR-RFLP method while
chi-square test, multiple stepwise regression and ANOVA were used in the statistical analyses. Results:
The frequencies of cPLA2 and iPLA2 genotypes and alleles were not significantly different between
tested group and 59 control men. Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed a statistically significant
association between both investigated polymorphisms and FSH serum level in 96 patients (P<0,05).
Furthermore, iPLA2 polymorphism was significantly associated with sperm number and total serum
testosterone level (in both cases P<0,05). Additional multiple stepwise regression analysis in 65 men
with idiopathic infertility confirmed an association between iPLA2 (βFSH=0,504; P<0,0001) and cPLA2
(βFSH=0,322; P<0,01) polymorphisms and FSH means at a higher level of statistical significance. The
same analysis also revealed an association between LH means and iPLA2 polymorphism (βLH=0,319;
P<0,02). The genotype C/C of the iPLA2 polymorphism was associated with the highest mean FSH
value (above the physiologic range) while the lowest mean was found in heterozygotes (T/C). According
to iPLA2 genotype, LH means varied within the physiologic range but were distributed in the same
manner as did FSH means. Conclusions: The results suggest that investigated iPLA2 and cPLA2
polymorphisms might influence the exocytosis of gonadotropins from the anterior pituitary and/or
testes function, thus modulating reproductive fitness in men. |