Title (croatian) Značaj preemptivne transplantacije bubrega
Title (english) The Importance of Pre-Emptive Kidney Transplantation (PKT)
Author Lidija Orlić
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Internal Medicine)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Urology
Abstract (croatian) Preemptivna transplantacija bubrega (PTB) definira se kao transplantacija bubrega koja se učini prije početka dijalize. Ima više prednosti za bolesnike. Prvenstveno, takvom se metodom izbjegavaju komplikacije povezane s dijalizom. Također, PTB ima pozitivan financijski aspekt, značajno je jeftiniji u odnosu na dijalizu. Incidencija PTB-a je različita, u SAD-u iznosi od 2,5 % do 9,3 % od ukupnog broja transplantacija bubrega, a u Španjolskoj čini 5 %. U nekim transplantacijskim centrima postotak je značajno veći. Svi bolesnici koji su kandidati za transplantaciju bubrega ujedno su i kandidati za PTB. Općenito, PTB se preporučuje kada brzina glomerularne filtracije (GF) padne ispod 15 ml/min, odnosno prema KDIGO (engl. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) preporukama kada je GF manji od 10 ml/min, ili ranije ako postoje simptomi. Optimalno vrijeme za PTB nije još definirano. Tijekom posljednjih desetljeća objavljene su brojne studije o PTB-u iz različitih zemalja i transplantacijskih centara koje su analizirale ishode preživljavanja bolesnika, transplantata i kardiovaskularnih događaja. Ponekad su rezultati bili oprečni. Dvije metaanalize koje su objavljene u posljednjoj godini pokazale su dobrobiti PTB-a posebno u pogledu preživljenja bolesnika i transplantata. Između ostalog, dokazana je dodatna prednost PTB-a od živog donora. Stariji bolesnici također imaju prednosti od PTB-a, čak i u transplantacijama od starijih donora, u odnosu na dijalizu. PTB je metoda izbora u liječenju djece s terminalnim stadijem bubrežnog zatajenja. Dokazano je da i drugi PTB ima prednosti. U Kliničkome bolničkom centru Rijeka od 2014. provodimo preemptivne transplantacije bubrega od umrlog donora te one čine oko 10 % od ukupnog broja transplantacija bubrega. Jedan od glavnih uzroka za neprovođenje PTB-a je nepostojanje potencijalnoga živog darivatelja bubrega kao i kasno upućivanje bolesnika u transplantacijski centar.
Abstract (english) Pre-emptive kidney transplantation (PKT) is defined as a kidney transplant performed before starting dialysis. It has several advantages for patients. Primarily, this method avoids complications related to dialysis. PKT also has a positive financial aspect, it is significantly cheaper than dialysis. The incidence of PKT is different: in the USA it is from 2.5% to 9.3% of the total number of kidney transplants, and in Spain 5%. In some transplant centers, the percentage of PKT is significantly higher. All patients who are candidates for kidney transplantation are also candidates for PKT. In general, PKT is recommended when the glomerular filtration rate (GF) falls below 15 ml/min. KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines recommend PKT when the GF is less than 10 ml/min, or earlier if symptoms are present. The optimal time for PKT has not yet been defined. During the last decades, numerous studies on PKT have been published from different countries and transplant centers that analyzed the outcomes of patient survival, transplants, and cardiovascular events. Sometimes the results were contradictory. Two meta-analyses published in the last year have shown the benefits of PKT especially in terms of patient and graft survival. The advantage of PKT from a living donor has also been proven. Older patients have advantages from PKT also and even in transplants from older donors, compared to dialysis. PKT is the method of choice in the treatment of children with end-stage renal failure. The second PKT also has advantages. At the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, since 2014, we have been performing PKT from a deceased donor, which makes up about 10% of the total number of kidney transplantations. One of the main reasons for not performing PKT is the lack of a potential living kidney donor and late referral of the patient to the transplant center.
Keywords (croatian)
preemptivna transplantacija bubrega
transplantacijski centar
Keywords (english)
pre-emptive kidney transplantation
transplant center
Language croatian
Language english
Publication type Professional paper - Review paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Medicus
Numbering vol. 32, no. 2. Transplantacija, pp. 231-236
p-ISSN 1330-013X
e-ISSN 1848-8315
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:458967
Publication 2023
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/315863
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-09 13:16:35