Author Goran Arbanas
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract (croatian) Sigmund Freud smatra se jednim od ranih seksologa, uz Magnusa Hirschfelda i Havelocka
Ellisa. Njegova stajališta o homoseksualnosti (koja nije bolest, niti se terapijskim metodama
može liječiti) bliski su suvremenim stajalištima o tom pitanju. Za razliku od aktivnog teorijskog
bavljenja pitanjima seksualnosti u ranim radovima psihodinamičkih psihoterapeuta,
kasniji su autori zanemarili područje seksualnih poremećaja i rodne disforije. Grupna analiza
potpuno je izostala.
Spol je biološka odrednica koja označuje tijelo i obično se doživljava kao binarni koncept
muškog i ženskog (premda postoje i međuspolna, nebinarna stanja). Unatoč teorijskom prihvaćanju
temeljne čovjekove biseksualnosti, ne postoji nijedan rad koji se bavi psihodinamičkim
pitanjima međuspolnih stanja. Rodni identitet naš je doživljaj sebe, naš reprezentant
selfa u odnosu na muževnost/ženstvenost, tj. muškost/ženskost. Rodna uloga predstavlja
socijalne stereotipe ponašanja, odijevanja i tipičnog reagiranja muškaraca i žena u konkretnom
društvu u danom trenutku.
Osim transrodnih osoba, u kojih rodni identitet nije ujednačen sa spolom, postoje i brojne
nebinarne osobe koje svoj rodni identitet ne doživljavaju u dihotomiji muško-žensko, nego
u različitim oblicima androginog ili rodno neutralnog doživljaja sebe (reprezentatna selfa).
Cilj dinamičke psihoterapije, uključujući i grupnu analizu, trebao bi biti mogućnost za propitivanje
i istraživanje vlastitih identiteta, doživljaja, iskustava i osjećaja u uvjetima sigurne
sredine. Moguće je da se u takvim uvjetima osoba susretne sa svojim pravim selfom, koji
može biti i neheteroseksualan i nebinaran.
Abstract (english) Sigmund Freud is considered to be one of the early sexologists, together with Magnus
Hirschfeld and Havelock Ellis. His views on homosexuality (that it is not a disease and cannot
be altered by therapeutical methods) are close to contemporary attitudes towards this
issue. Contrary to some very active theoretical considerations of sexuality of early psychodynamic
psychotherapists, the issues of sexual dysfunctions and gender dysphoria have been
neglected in the last few decades. Group analysis has been particularly silent about the topic.
Sex is a biological determinant that denotes body and is usually considered through a binary
concept of masculinity or femininity (although non-binary, intersex conditions do exist).Despite the theoretical acceptance of the basic human bisexuality, a single article has not
been published about the psychodynamic aspects of intersex conditions. Gender identity is
the internal perception of one’s gender, our self-representation, in terms of masculinity/femininity
or maleness/femaleness. Gender role is a social stereotype of behaviours, dressing
and expected reactions of men and women in a specific society, at a specific time.
Apart from transgender people, whose gender identity is incongruent with their sex, there is
a myriad of non-binary people who do not perceive their gender identity as a male-female
dichotomy, but in different forms of androgynous or gender-neutral perceptions of themselves
The aim of dynamic psychotherapy, including group analysis, should be the creation of a
space where a person’s identity, experience, thoughts and feelings can be questioned and
explored in a secure setting. In such circumstances, there is a possibility to meet one’s own
self, which can be expressed as non-heterosexual and non-binary, in addition to expected
heterosexual and binary norms.
Keywords (croatian)
rodni identitet
rodna disforija
nebinarni identiteti
seksualna orijentacija
Keywords (english)
gender identity
gender dysphoria
non-binary identity
sexual orientation
Language croatian
Language english
Publication type Professional paper - Review paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Psihoterapija
Numbering vol. 35, no. 1-2, pp. 3-28
p-ISSN 0350-3186
DOI https://doi.org/10.24869/psihei.3
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:832675
Publication 2021
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/270462
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-01-26 21:07:41