Abstract | Endokrini poremećaji, preko manjka ili viška hormona, dovode do raznih
funkcionalnih i morfoloških promjena kože što se očituje brojnom i kompleksnom
simptomatologijom. U kožne manifestacije dijabetesa spadaju acanthosis nigricans,
limitirajuća zglobna mobilnost i sklerodermiji sličan sindrom, scleredema diabeticorum,
eruptivni ksantomi, dijabetičko stopalo, necrobiosis lipoidica, granuloma anulare, dijabetička
dermopatija i bullosis diabeticorum. Klasični znak hipertireoze je tireoidna dermopatija.
Pored toga, koža je topla i baršunasta, kosa tanka, a nokti mekani, sjajni i krhki. Miksedem je
klasična manifestacija hipotireoze. Moguća je pojava alopecije, dok je koža redovito suha i
hiperkeratotična. U hiperparatireoidizmu se rijetko javljaju kacinoza kože i kalcifilaksija, a u
hipoparatireoidizmu koža je ljuskasta, hiperkeratotična i edematozna. Patognomonične za
Cushingov sindrom su ljubičaste strije na abdomenu. Osim toga, uočava se kožna atrofija i
hiperpigmentacija. Hiperpigmentacija je glavna kožna manifestacija Addisonove bolesti.
Hipoestrogenizam uzrokuje kserozu i atrofiju kože, dok hiperestrogenizam ima suprotan
učinak od toga. Moguća je pojava melazme kod viška estrogena. Višak androgena uzrokuje
iznenadnu pojavu akni, hirzutizam i androgenu alopeciju. Akromegalija se manifestira
zadebljanjem kože, kapaka, usana, nosa i stvaranjem suvišnih nabora na licu, pojačanim
znojenjem, hirzutizmom i acanthosis nigricans. Karakteristika oboljelih od hipopituitarizma
je bljedoća i atrofija kože, te nestanak aksilarne i pubične dlakavosti. Liječenje kožnih
manifestacija endokrinih poremećaja je uglavnom ciljano i usmjereno na uzrok. U
slučajevima manjka hormona, ono najčešće podrazumijeva medikamentnu nadoknadu
hormona. Primarna terapija kod pretjeranog stvaranja hormona je kirurška. |
Abstract (english) | Endocrine disorders, through deficiencies or excess of hormones, lead to various
changes in cutaneous function and morphology that result in numerous and complex
symptomatology. Cutaneous manifestations of diabetes include acanthosis nigricans, limited
joint mobility and scleroderma-like syndrome, scleredema diabeticorum, eruptive xanthomas,
diabetic foot, necrobiosis lipoidica, granuloma annulare, diabetic dermopathy and bullosis
diabeticorum. The classic sign of hyperthyroidism is thyroid dermopathy. Besides that, skin is
warm and velvety, hair is thin and nails become soft, shiny and brittle. Myxedema is a classic
manifestation of hypothyroidism. Alopecia may be present while there is regularly dry and
hyperkeratotic skin. Calcinosis cutis and calciphylaxis rarely occur in hyperparathyroidism
whereas hypoparathyroidism is associated with scaly, hyperkeratotic and edematous skin.
Violaceous striae on abdomen are pathognomonic of Cushing syndrome. Other clinical
findings include skin atrophy and hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmenation is the main
cutaneous manifestation of Addison disease. Hypoestrogenism causes xerotic and atrophic
skin, while hyperestrogenism has the opposite effect. Melasma can be associated with
estrogen excess. Androgen excess can cause sudden onset of acne, hirsutism and androgenetic
alopecia. Acromegaly manifests with thickened skin, eyelids, lips and nose, with deep
grooves on the face, excessive sweating, hisutism and acanthosis nigricans. Patients with
hypopituitarism are characterizied by pale and atrophic skin and loss of pubic and axillary
hair. Treatment of cutaneous manifestations of endocrine disorders is mostly specific and
etiologic. In cases of hormone deficiency, that means replacement therapy of hormones. The
primary treatment of hormone excess includes surgical procedures |