Author Borna Džundžev
Mentor Sunčana Simonić-Kocijan (mentor)
Committee member Sunčana Simonić-Kocijan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Kovačević Pavičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Glažar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Prosthodontics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Prosthetic Dentistry
Abstract Skidanje FPR-a trebalo bi učiniti što efikasnije, jednostavnije, bezbolnije i brže. Da bi se postigli takvi rezultati potrebno je koristiti različite tehnike skidanja FPR-a. U ovom su radu one podijeljene na konzervativne, polukonzervativne i destruktivne tehnike. Odabir tehnike najviše ovisi o vrsti rada, vrsti cementa, stanju zuba nosača i odluci hoće li se rad sačuvati.
Konzervativne tehnike koriste se za privremeno cementirane radove ili u kombinaciji sa drugim tehnikama. One ne oštećuju nadomjestak, a za skidanje su najčešće upotrebljavani ručni i ultrazvučni instrumenti, skidači i kliješta. Upotreba lasera nudi odličnu, ali skupu alternativu za skidanje potpuno keramičkih radova.
Polukonzervativne tehnike djelomično oštećuju FPR osiguravajući tako njegovo lakše skidanje. Iako se rijetko koriste u ordinacijama dentalne medicine one mogu ponuditi alternativu destruktivnim tehnikama, ali valja uzeti u obzir i moguća oštećenja parodonta.
Destruktivne tehnike, odnosno tehnika zarezivanja najčešće je korištena tehnika skidanja FPR-a cementiranog trajnim cementom. Zarezivanje se najčešće radi na vestibularnoj plohi nadomjestka uz posebnu pažnju na sigurnost mekih tkiva. Nadomjestak se potom „otvara“ upotrebom instrumenta sa ravnim ili križnim radnim dijelom.
Lomovi fasete često su susretani u ordinaciji dentalne medicine. Odluka o tome hoće li se nadomjestak zamijeniti ili popravljati ovisi o više faktora od kojih su najznačajniji vrijeme i cijena. Iako ja zamjena nadomjestka često idealno rješenje ono nije uvijek i najpraktičnije. Popravak FPR-a bi trebalo pokušati napraviti uvijek kada to uvjeti dopuštaju. Protokoli popravka ovise o materijalu na kojem je došlo do loma kako bi se ostvarila najbolja moguća veza između nadomjestka i materijala za popravak. Zadaća terapeuta je biti dobro upoznat sa različitim pripremama površine prije nanošenja materijala za popravak (kompozitnih smola). Tretmani kao što su silanizacija, jetkanje HF kiselinom i pjeskarenje smatraju se ključem ostvarivanja dobre veze između FPR-a i kompozitnih smola. Upotrebom univerzalnog adheziva kao što je Monobond® omogućen je popravak keramike ili polimera jednostavnim i za pacijenta bezopasnim postupkom.
Abstract (english) Removing of fixed partial denture (FPD) should be done as efficiently, easily, painlessly and as quickly as possible. In order to achieve such a result it is necessary to use different techniques to remove FPD. In this paper, they are split into conservative, semi-conservative and destructive techniques. The selection of the technique depends mostly on the type of materials, the type of cement, the condition of the underlying tooth and the decision whether the FPD will be preserved.
Conservative techniques are used for temporarily cemented dentures or in combination with other techniques. They do not damage the FPD. Most commonly, manual, ultrasonic instruments, removers and pliers are used. The use of lasers offers an excellent but expensive alternative to removing full ceramic FPD.
Semi-conservative techniques partially damage FPD enabling its easyer removal. Although they are rarely used in dental practice, they can offer an alternative to destructive techniques, but it is also necessary to take into account the possible damage to periodontal tissues.
Destructive technique, more precislely cutting technique, is the most commonly used technique of removing FPD cemented with permanent cement. Incision is most often done on the vestibular surface of the reteiner crown with special attention to the safety of soft tissues. The substitute is then "opened" using an instrument with a flat or cross working part.
Fractures of veenering porcelain are often encountered in the dental practice. The decision on whether to replace or repair depends on a number of factors, the most significant of which is time and price. Although the replacement of the FPD is often the ideal solution it is not always most practical. The FPD repair should be attempted whenever the conditions allow it. Repair protocols depend on the material on which the fracture occurred in order to achieve the best possible connection between the FPD and the repair material (composite resin). The task of the therapist is to be well acquainted with the different preparations of the surface before applying the material for repair. Treatments such as silanization, HF acid etching and sandblasting are used to make a good connection between FPD and composite resins. Using a universal adhesive such as Monobond®, repair of ceramics or polymers with a simple and harmless procedure for the patient is enabled.
popravak fiksno protetskog rada
skidanje fiksno protetskog rada
Keywords (english)
removal of the fixed partial denture
repair of fixed partial denture
sliding hammer
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:941118
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-11-05 16:04:58