Abstract | CAD/CAM tehnologija sve je više u uporabi u modernoj dentalnoj medicini zbog svoje mogućnosti pružanja trodimenzionalnog plana nekog proizvoda putem računala i njegove strojne izrade. Prednosti ove visoke tehnologije su pojednostavljenje ljudskog rada, olakšavanje i ubrzavanje proizvodnje, te dobra kvaliteta proizvoda. U početku je primjena ovih proizvoda bila vrlo mala zbog visokih cijena i kompliciranosti uređaja, no kasnije se ipak povećala prelaskom na PC tehniku i padom cijena. CAD/CAM sustavi se najviše rabe za izradu nadomjestaka kao što su inlay-i, onlay-i, mostovi, krunice. Sastoje se od tri dijela, a to su uređaj za prostornu digitalizaciju (Computer Aided Inspection- CAI), računalo na kojem se planira nadomjestak (CAD segment) i stroj za frezanje (CAM segment).
Materijali koji se najviše rabe za izradu nadomjestaka su najvećim djelom titan i razne vrste strojno obradive keramike.
Kroz povijest javilo se niz uređaja kao što su: Duret/Sopha, Minnesota, DentiCad-Rekow, Procera, DCS Precident, Microdenta, Ceramatic, Cicero, COMET, CAP, Inlac, Etkon, CAC, itd.
Također je postojalo niz klasifikacija vezano uz navedene uređaje i danas se najviše rabi klasifikacija temeljena na tehnici izrade nadomjestaka, prema kojoj postoje tri skupine: pravi CAD/CAM sustavi (Procera, Duret/Sopha, Minnesota, DCS Precident, Microdenta, Cicero, CAP, Inlac, Showa/Nissan), CAD/CIM sustavi gdje pripada Cerec sustav i kopi-frez sustavi gdje ubrajamo Ceramatic i Celay sustave. Prema vrsti materijala vidimo da svi osim Inlac sustava obrađuju strojno obradivu keramiku, dok titan ne obrađuju Duret/Sopha sustav, CAP, Showa/Nissan, Ceramatic, Celay i DentiCad. |
Abstract (english) | The CAD/CAM technology is even more in use in modern dentistry, because of its possibility of giving the 3D plan for any kind of products, by the use of computer and its machine production. The advantages of this technology are in diminishing the human work, making the production easier and quicker and also keeping a good quality of products. In the begin the use of this high technique products was very small because of its high price and big complexity, but later the use increased with the appearance of PC technology. CAD/CAM are mostly used for making the restorations such as inlays, onlays, bridges and crowns.
CAD/CAM systems are made of three different parts: Computer Aided Inspection device, computer for planning the restoration (CAD part) and mill machine (CAM part).
Materials used for making the restorations are mostly titanium and different kinds of milling ceramics.
During the history there were series of CAD/CAM devices like: Duret/Sopha, Minnesota, DentiCad Rekow, Procera, DCS Precident, Microdenta, Ceramatic, Cicero, COMET, CAP, Inlac, Etkon, CAC system and many more.
Also there were series of classifications according to listed devices and the mostly used one is one which is based on the technique of the restoration production, in which are three groups: real CAD/CAM systems (Duret/Sopha, Minnesota, Procera, DCS Precident, Microdenta, Cicero, CAP, Inlac, Showa/Nissan), CAD/CIM systems (Cerec) and copy-mill systems (Ceramatic, Celay). According to the material types we can see that all systems except Inlac system can process milling ceramics, while Duret/Sopha, CAP, Showa/Nissan, Ceramatic, Celay and DentiCad cannot process titanium as a restoration material. |