Abstract | Šok je patološko stanje vezano uz smanjenu tkivnu perfuziju koja rezultira nedovoljnom opskrbom tkiva kisikom.
Šok u djece dijeli se u 5 kategorija: hipovolemijski, distributivni, kardiogeni, opstruktivni i disocijativni. Među distributivne šokove ubrajaju se septički, neurogeni i anafilaktički šok.
Ovisno o prisutnosti kompenzatornih mehanizama i stanju djeteta, tijekom šoka se razlikuju kompenzirani, hipotenzivni i ireverzibilni stadij.
U dječjoj dobi po učestalosti prednjače hipovolemijski i septički tip šoka. Do šoka u djece najčešće dovode prolongirani proljevi, teška krvarenja, bakterijske i virusne infekcije, a rjeđe miokarditisi, poremećaji srčanog ritma, srčana tamponada, kongenitalne anomalije.
Pristup svakom djetetu oboljelom od šoka temelji se na ABC i PAT principu. Pacijenti u šoku prezentiraju se lošim općim stanjem, tahikardijom ( iznimka je kardiogeni šok), tahipnejom, promijenjenom bojom, vlažnošću i toplinom kože te kvalitativnim i(li) kvantitativnim poremećajima stanja svijesti. Pojava hipotenzije javlja se u kasnijim stadijima. Progresijom šoka mogu se razviti petehijalna krvarenja, meningealni znakovi, oligurija, anurija te MODS koji može dovesti do smrtnog ishoda.
Terapijski pristup prilagođava se stanju pacijenta te tipu i uzroku šoka od kojeg boluje. Temelj liječenja šoka u djece jest intravesnka nadoknada tekućina. Među dodatnim lijekovima u prvoj liniji nalaze se antibiotici za liječenje septičkog šoka te adrenalin za liječenje anafilaktičkog. Druga linija liječenja uključuje vazopresorne lijekove, a treća kortikosteroidnu terapiju. |
Abstract (english) | Shock is a pathological state characterised by an insufficient perfusion which leads to the inadequate delivery of oxygen to tissues.
Shock in children can be classified in 5 main categories: hypovolemic, distributive, cardiogenic, obstructive and dissociative. There are 3 subcategories of distributive shock: septic, neurogenic and anaphylactic.
Depending on the presence of compensatory mechanisms, shock can be divided in 3 stages known as compensatory, hypotensive and irreversible shock.
The most common types of shock in pediatric population are hypovolemic and septic shock. The most frequent causes of shock include prolonged diarrhoea, heavy bleeding, bacterial and viral infections. Myocarditis, pathological heart rhythms, pericardial tamponade and congenital anomalies may also lead to shock but are less frequently found among paediatric patients.
The approach to a patient in a state of shock starts with the ABC and PAT principles. During shock patients are usually in a bad general condition, they suffer from tachycardia (the exception is cardiogenic shock) and tachypnoea. Their skin has an abnormal colour, temperature and moisture and they suffer from qualitative and/ or quantitative disorders of the central nervous system. Hypotension usually develops in the late stages of shock in children. The progression of shock might lead to the formation of petechiae, meningeal signs, oliguria, anuria and MODS that might be the imminent cause of a lethal outcome.
Therapy should be administered considering the patient’s state and the type of shock. The first line of therapy consists of intravenously applied fluids. Among the drugs used in the First therapeutic step are antibiotics for septic and adrenalin for anaphylactic shock. Vasopressors are administered as second line therapy drugs while corticosteroids are used in the third line of therapy. |