Abstract | Tumori testisa su rijetki tumori koji zahvaćaju 1% muškaraca. Adekvatnim liječenjem preživljenje je veoma visoko, međutim sama bolest, kao i posljedice njezinog liječenja, (kirurško liječenje, kemoterapija ili radioterapija) ostavljaju traga na plodnost oboljelih muškaraca, te se stoga preporuča pohranjivanje sjemena prije početka terapije. Kirurški zahvat (semikastracija) osnova je liječenja, čime se definitivno rješava lokalna bolest, a nakon patohistološke dijagnostike dobivaju se vrijedni podaci o stadiju tumora koji određuju daljnje liječenje. U svrhu određivanja stadija te praćenja bolesti, obično se rade CT i/ili MR slikovna pretraga i određuju vrijednosti tumorskih markera. Dodatne metode liječenja mogu biti radioterapija, kemoterapija i retroperitonealna limfadenektomija.
U ovoj studiji retrospektivno smo evaluirale pacijente s tumorom testisa koji su u razdoblju od 2012.-2017. godine liječeni na Klinici za urologiju KBC Rijeka.
Ukupno je operirano 106 bolesnika. Medijan životne dobi prilikom postavljanja dijagnoze bio je 37 godina. Pacijenti su se najčešće prezentirali sa palpabilnom tvorbom i tvrđim testisom (43,39%), otokom i uvećanjem testisa (38,68%), te osjećajem boli (31,13%). Svi su pacijenti imali ultrazvukom dokazanu leziju testisa (100%), a 48 pacijenata imalo je povišenu vrijednost barem jednog tumorskog markera preoperativno (47,06%). Glavna metoda liječenja bila je semikastracija (N=104; 98,11%). Najčešći tip tumora bio je seminom (46,29%), a nakon njega mješoviti tumor (29,63%). Metastaze su pronađene u 20 pacijenata (18,87%). Poslijeoperativno kemoterapijom su liječena 42 pacijenta (39,62%).
Tumori testisa najčešće zahvaćaju muškarce mlađe dobi. Adekvatnim liječenjem preživljenje od ove bolesti je veoma visoko |
Abstract (english) | Testicular tumours are rare tumours that occur in 1% of male population. With adequate treatment survival rates are extremely high, however, disease itself, as well as treatment methods (surgical, chemotherapy, radiotherapy), bear great consequences for fertility, so cryopreservation is recommended before treatment. Surgery is the basis of treatment and it ensures complete removal of localized tumour (semicastration). After pathohistological diagnosis, there are important data on tumour staging available, that can determine further treatment. For the purpose of tumour staging and follow-up, CT and/or MR and tumour markers measurements are usually used. Additional treatment methods include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy.
We have retrospectively evaluated data of patients diagnosed with testicular tumour at the Department of Urology at the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, between 2012.-2017.
Total of 106 patients was treated for testicular tumour. The median age at the time of diagnosis was 37 years. Patients usually presented with palpable nodule and firm testicle (N=46; 43,39%), swelling and enlargement of testicle (N=41; 38,68%), and pain (N=33; 31,13%). All patients had visible testicular lesion on ultrasound (100%). Before surgical treatment, at least one tumour marker was elevated in 48 patients (47,06%). The main treatment method was semicastration (N=104; 98,11%). The most common type of tumour was seminoma (N=50; 46,29%), and the second most common type was mixed tumour (N=32; 29,63%). Metastases were found in 20 patients (18,87%). Postoperative chemotherapy was done in 42 patients (39,62%). Testicular tumours are most commonly found in young men. When treated adequately, survival rates are extremely high. |