Abstract | Svrha ove epidemiološke studije i rada je prikazati učestalost i najčešće uzroke nastanka maksilofacijalne traume i metode liječenja istih u KBC-u Rijeka tijekom 2017. godine. Cilj je bio istražiti najčešću dob i spol osoba koje su zadobile traume maksilofacijalne regije, isto kao i mehanizam nastanka tih ozljeda, popratne ozljede drugih dijelova tijela, te načine pristupa i saniranja tih ozljeda. U ovo istraživanje bili su uključeni pacijenti koji su 2017. godine do 31. prosinca 2017. godine. Tijekom tog perioda obrađeno je 89 pacijenata zbog različitih vrsta traume maksilofacijalne regije. Trauma maksilofacijalne regije je bilo koji oblik fizičke traume koji je nanesen u području lica i ona uključuje sve od ogrebotina, laceracija, opekotina, podljeva, do prijeloma kostiju lica, a simptomi mogu biti raznoliki, od boli i podljeva, do gubitka funkcije i/ili deformacije kostiju lica. Iako nisu uvijek životno ugrožavajuće, maksilofacijalne ozljede mogu biti smrtonosne, zbog nastanka jakih krvarenja, ili zbog opstrukcije dišnog puta. U ovom istraživanju puno je više muškaraca (72%) bilo zaprimljeno radi maksilofacijalne traume nego žena, to je često slučaj zbog nasilja kod kojeg su gotovo uvijek upleteni, pogotovo muškarci mlađi od 35 godina. No, međutim, najčešći uzrok maksilofacijlne traume su padovi (48%), koji su najčešće popraćeni ranama i ozljedom mekih tkiva u području glave i vrata (42%). Najčešće frakturirana kost je mandibula (34.83%), najveći broj operacija je bio proveden zbog prijeloma mandibule (32.11%). |
Abstract (english) | The purpose of this epidemiological study and work is to show the frequency and most common causes of the maxillofacial trauma and treatment methods in Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka during 2017. The aim was to investigate the age and gender of the maxillofacial region trauma patients as well as the mechanism of those injuries and the subsequent injuries to other parts of the body. We also investaigated methods of accessing and repairing these injuries. This study included patients who were treated at the Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery of Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka from 1st of January 2017 to 31st December 2017. During this period 89 patients were treated for various types of maxillofacial trauma. The trauma of the maxillofacial region is any form of physical trauma that is applied to the facial area and it includes all of the scars, lacerations, burns, bruises, facial bone fractures. Symptoms can vary from pain and bruising, to loss of function and facial deformation. Although not always life-threatening, maxillofacial injury can be deadly due to severe bleeding or obstruction of the respiratory tract. In this study, a lot more men (72%) were admitted for maxillofacial trauma than women, often because of the violence they were almost always involved in, especially men under the age of 35. However, the most common cause of maxillofacial trauma are falls (48%). Most common associated injuries were wounds and soft tissues in the area of the head and neck (42%). The most commonly fractured bone is mandible (34.83%), and most of the surgeries were performed due to mandibular fractures (32.11%). |