Abstract | "Trgovina ljudima", prema Palermo protokolu Ujedinjenih naroda, predstavlja vrbovanje, prijevoz, premještanje, pružanje utočišta i prihvat osoba putem prijetnje upotrebe sile ili upotrebe sile ili drugih oblika prinude, otmice, prevare, obmane, zloupotrebe ovlasti ili ugroženog položaja, ili davanja ili primanja novčanih sredstava da bi se dobio pristanak osobe koja ima kontrolu nad drugom osobom u svrhu iskorištavanja. Ona ima mnogo oblika, ali najčešći su: prisilan rad i seksualno iskorištavanje. Poseban oblik trgovine ljudima je i trgovina organima.
Sva ova zlostavljanja ostavljaju tragove na žrtvama, a najčešće se mogu vidjeti fizičke ozljede kao što su hematomi, dehidracija, teška mršavost, slomljene kosti. Osim fizičkih, žrtve mogu imati i teške psihičke simptome poput depresije i patološkog straha.
Trgovina ljudima ima tri temeljna elementa, a to su: djelo, način i svrha iskorištavanja. Djelo podrazumijeva ono što je učinjeno, način nam govori kako je sam zločin izvršen, a svrha iskorištavanja je završni cilj trgovine ljudima. Prostitucija, prisilni rad, ropstvo ili djela slična ropstvu te vađenje organa spadaju u tu kategoriju. Uzroci su mnogobrojni, ali najvažniji su siromaštvo, rat, elementarne nepogode ili pak ignoriranje pravosuđa, dok je globalizacija doprinijela bržem i lakšem prelaženju međunarodnih granica.
DNA identifikacija može se primijeniti u kontekstu trgovine ljudima za poslijesmrtnu identifikaciju žrtava, identifikaciju žrtava u tranzitu i istragu osumnjičenih za trgovinu ljudima. Također se upotrebljava u istrazi seksualnog iskorištavanja, nedopuštenog posvajanja djece i trgovine organima. |
Abstract (english) | "Human trafficking", according to the Palermo protocol of the United Nations, is the recruitment, transport, relocation, provision of sanctuary and acceptance of persons through the threat of the use of force or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, Abuse of power or an endangered position, or to give or receive funds in order to obtain the consent of a person who has control over another person for the purpose of exploitation. It has many forms, but the most common are: forced labor and sexual exploitation. A special form of human trafficking is also organ trafficking.
All these abuses leave marks on the victims, and most often you can see physical injuries such as hematoma, dehydration, severe thinness, broken bones. In addition to physical, victims can also have severe psychic symptoms such as depression and pathological fear.
Human trafficking has three basic elements: the work, the way and the purpose of exploitation. The work implies what has been done, the way it tells us that the crime itself has been executed, and the purpose of exploitation is the final goal of trafficking. Prostitution, forced labour, slavery or parts similar to slavery and organ extraction are in that category. The causes are numerous, but the most important are poverty, war, natural disasters, ignoring the organs of the law, while globalization contributed to faster and easier crossing international borders.
DNA identification can be applied in the context of trafficking in human beings for post-mortem identification of victims, identifying victims in transit and investigating suspects for human trafficking. It is also used in the investigation of sexual exploitation, illicit adoption of children and organ trafficking. |