
The quality of informed consent in Croatia-a cross-sectional study and instrument development
The quality of informed consent in Croatia-a cross-sectional study and instrument development
Vučemilo Luka
Milošević Milan
Dodig Doris
Grabušić Bruno
Đapić Biljana
Borovečki Ana
The readiness of the spontaneous reporting system for COVID-19 vaccines safety monitoring in Croatia
The readiness of the spontaneous reporting system for COVID-19 vaccines safety monitoring in Croatia
Kovačić Barbara
Pavičić Morana
Skvrce Nikica Mirošević
Tomić Siniša
The relationship between clinical measures of aniseikonia and stereoacuity before and after LASIK
The relationship between clinical measures of aniseikonia and stereoacuity before and after LASIK
Mravičić Ivana
Bohač Maja
Lukačević Selma
Jagarić Kruno
Merlak Maja
Patel Sudi
The relationship between components of metabolic syndrome and disease onset in patients with schizophrenia
The relationship between components of metabolic syndrome and disease onset in patients with schizophrenia
Nadalin Sergej
Rebić Jelena
Ružić Klementina
Buretić-Tomljanović Alena.
The relationship between the nucleolus and cancer: Current evidence and emerging paradigms
The relationship between the nucleolus and cancer: Current evidence and emerging paradigms
Oršolić Ines
Jurada Deana
Pullen Nick
Oren Moshe
Eliopoulos Aristides G.
Volarević Siniša
The role of B cells in an early immune response to Mycobacterium bovis
The role of B cells in an early immune response to Mycobacterium bovis
Krocova Zuzana
Plzakova Lenka
Pavkova Ivona
Kubelkova Klara
Macela Ales
Ožanič Mateja
Marečić Valentina
Mihelčić Mirna
Šantić Marina
The role of CD4 and CD8 T cells in viral infections
The role of CD4 and CD8 T cells in viral infections
Koszinowski Ulrich H
Reddehase Matthias J
Jonjić Stipan
