
The C-Terminal Extension Unique to the Long Isoform of the Shelterin Component TIN2 Enhances Its Interaction with TRF2 in a Phosphorylation- and Dyskeratosis Congenita Cluster-Dependent Fashion
The C-Terminal Extension Unique to the Long Isoform of the Shelterin Component TIN2 Enhances Its Interaction with TRF2 in a Phosphorylation- and Dyskeratosis Congenita Cluster-Dependent Fashion
Nelson Nya D.
Dodson Lois M.
Escudero Laura
Sukumar Ann T.
Williams Christopher L.
Mihalek Ivana
Baldan Alessandro
Baird Duncan M.
Bertuch Alison A.
The Crucial Triad: Endothelial Glycocalyx, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Cardiac Surgery—Exploring the Molecular Connections
The Crucial Triad: Endothelial Glycocalyx, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Cardiac Surgery—Exploring the Molecular Connections
Ćurko-Cofek Božena
Jenko Matej
Taleska Stupica Gordana
Batičić Lara
Krsek Antea
Batinac Tanja
Ljubačev Aleksandra
Zdravković Marko
Knežević Danijel
Šoštarič Maja
Sotošek Vlatka
The Cytomegalovirus Tegument Protein UL35 
Antagonizes Pattern Recognition Receptor-
Mediated Type I IFN Transcription
The Cytomegalovirus Tegument Protein UL35 Antagonizes Pattern Recognition Receptor- Mediated Type I IFN Transcription
Fabits Markus
Gonçalves Magalhães Vladimir
Chan Baca
Girault Virginie
Elbasani Endrit
Rossetti Elisa
Saeland Eirikur
Messerle Martin
Pichlmair Andreas
Lisnić Vanda Juranić
Brinkmann Melanie M.
The DICA Endoscopic Classification for Diverticular Disease of the Colon Shows a Significant Interobserver Agreement among Community Endoscopists: an International Study
The DICA Endoscopic Classification for Diverticular Disease of the Colon Shows a Significant Interobserver Agreement among Community Endoscopists: an International Study
Tursi Antonio
Brandimarte Giovanni
Di Mario Francesco
Lanas Angel
Scarpignato Carmelo
Bafutto Mauro
Barbara Giovanni
Bassotti Gabrio
Binda Gian Andrea
Biondi Alberto
Biondo Sebastiano
Cassieri Claudio
Crucitti Antonio
Dumitrascu Dan L.
Elisei Walter
Escalante Ricardo
Herszènyi László
Kruis Wolfgang
Kupcinskas Juozas
Lahat Adi
Lecca Piera Giuseppina
Maconi Giovanni
Malfertheiner Peter
Mazzari Andrea
Mearìn Fermìn
Milosavljeviċ Tomica
Nardone Gerardo
Chavez De Oliveira Enio
Papa Alfredo
Papagrigoriadis Savvas
Pera Miguel
Persiani Roberto
Picchio Marcello
Regula Jaroslaw
Štimac Davor
Stollman Neil
Strate Lisa L.
Walker Marjorie M.D.
The Divergent Intracellular Lifestyle of Francisella tularensis in Evolutionarily Distinct Host Cells
The Divergent Intracellular Lifestyle of Francisella tularensis in Evolutionarily Distinct Host Cells
Ožanič Mateja
Marečić Valentina
Abu Kwaik Yousef
Šantić Marina
