Abstract | Komisija EAT-Lancet nastoji definirati zdravu i održivu prehranu u određenim rasponima unosa svih komponenata prehrane, stavljajući u središte promicanje zdravlja ljudi i prevenciju bolesti. Cilj ovog rada bio je ocijeniti kakvoću prehrane studenata sveučilišta u Rijeci koristeći prehrambene preporuke Komisije, odnosno uspoređeni su njihovi prehrambeni obrasci s trenutnim znanstvenim razumijevanjem zdrave i održive prehrane. Predloženi rasponi unosa komponenti prehrane omogućuju usvajanje različitih održivih prehrambenih obrazaca, s ciljem pozitivnog djelovanja na zdravlje i okoliš. Također, referirajući se na preporuke i komponente hrane, cilj je bio opisati i kakvoću prehrane studenata u odnosu na njihovu dob, spol, stanje uhranjenosti, razinu tjelesne aktivnosti te navike pušenja.
Ovim istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 1460 studenata, od kojih 1077 žena i 383 muškarca. Podaci o njihovoj prehrani, dobi, spolu, stanju uhranjenosti te navikama tjelesne aktivnosti i pušenja dobiveni su iz anketnih upitnika istraživanja o prehrani studenata Riječkog sveučilišta provedenih 2008. i 2018. godine. Svi navedeni parametri su promatrani u svrhu utvrđivanja kakvoće prehrane u studenata, a prosječni dnevni unosi energije, odnosno unosi namirnica biljnog i životinjskog podrijetla, kao i njihove energetske gustoće, korišteni su u cilju dobivanja prosječne ocjene Planetary Health Diet Index (PHDI). Njegova se ocjena kreće od 0 do 150, a primijenjen je u svrhu utvrđivanja pridržavaju li se studenti preporuka Komisije. Prosječna ocjena PHDI studenata iznosi 64,6, što ukazuje na umjerenu pripadnost zdravoj i održivoj prehrani. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da su potrebne javnozdravstvene aktivnosti promocije zdravlja i održive prehrane među studentskom populacijom, osobito među studentima mlađe dobi, pothranjenim i pretilim studentima, pušačima te tjelesno slabije aktivnim studentima. |
Abstract (english) | The EAT-Lancet commission seeks to define a healthy and sustainable diet within certain ranges of intake of all dietary components, focusing on the promotion of human health and disease prevention. The goal of this research was to evaluate the quality of diet of students at the University of Rijeka, and to make this possible, the nutritional recommendations of the Commission were used, that is, their dietary patterns were compared with the current scientific understanding of healthy and sustainable nutrition. The suggested intake ranges of food components enable the adoption of different sustainable food patterns, with the aim of having a positive effect on health and the environment. Also, referring to the recommendations and food components, the goal was to describe the quality of the students' diet in relation to their age, gender, nutritional status, level of physical activity and smoking habits.
This research included 1,460 students, of which 1,077 were women and 383 were men. Data on their diet, age, gender, nutritional status, and physical activity and smoking habits were obtained from survey questionnaires of the University of Rijeka's student nutrition research conducted in 2008 and 2018. All the mentioned parameters were observed for the purpose of determining the quality of nutrition in students, and the average daily energy intake, that is, the quantitative intake of plant and animal foods, as well as their energy density, were used to obtain the average PHDI score. The Planetary Health Diet Index (PHDI), whose score ranges from 0 to 150, was applied to determine whether students were following the Commission's recommendations. The average score of PHDI students is 64.6, which indicates a moderate adherence to a healthy and sustainable diet. This research has shown that there is a need for public health activities to promote health and sustainable nutrition among the student population, especially among younger students, undernourished and obese students, smokers, and less physically active students. |