Author Lucija Gajski
Mentor Tea Čaljkušić-Mance (mentor)
Committee member Goran Pelčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlatka Sotošek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasenka Mršić-Pelčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Ophthalmology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Ophthalmology
Abstract Refraktivne greške danas su globalni problem, odražavaju neusklađenost između aksijalne duljine oka i njegove optičke snage. Miopija je vrsta refraktivne greške kod koje se paralelne zrake svjetlosti koje dolaze iz beskonačnosti fokusiraju ispred mrežnice bez akomodacije oka. Kod hiperopije se paralelne zrake svjetlosti koje dolaze iz beskonačnosti fokusiraju iza neurosenzorne mrežnice bez akomodacije oka. Prezbiopija je stanje povezano sa starenjem, a do kojeg dolazi zbog progresivnog
... More funkcionalnog opadanja akomodacijske sposobnosti kristalne leće. Astigmatizam je vrsta refraktivne greške koju karakterizira nejednaka refrakcija svjetla u različitim meridijanima. Refraktivna kirurgija je područje oftalmologije koje se bavi kirurškom korekcijom refraktivnih grešaka ljudskog oka. Može se podijeliti na refraktivnu kirurgiju rožnice koja koristi tehnike excimer lasera i incizijske postupke, i na refraktivnu kirurgiju leća. Najčešće korištena metoda je LASIK koja se izvodi u lokalnoj anesteziji. Zahvat se izvodi tako što se prvo stvori flap, a zatim se excimer laserom napravi ablacija rožnice nakon čega se flap vraća na mjesto.
Refraktivne greške moguće je korigirati na nekoliko načina, naočalama, kontaktnim lećama, ortho-k te metodama refraktivne kirurgije. Prednost naočala je što nema direktnog kontakta s očima te relativno laka zamjena, ali estetski nekim ljudima ne odgovaraju, potrebno ih je održavati čistima, nositi ih sa sobom te ne pokrivaju cjelokupno vidno polje. Kontaktne leće rješavaju zadnji problem naočala, ali s obzirom da su u direktnom kontaktu s okom, najčešći su uzrok infekcija od svih drugih metoda.
Metode refraktivne kirurgije imaju nisku stopu komplikacija i visoku učinkovitost, ali mogu uzrokovati nepovratna oštećenja oka i puno veće troškove liječenja samih komplikacija. S ekonomskog aspekta pacijenta, trošak refraktivne kirurgije u tom trenutku je velik, ali u usporedbi s troškovima zamjene, popravka ili gubitka naočala ili kontaktnih leća kroz godine ispada manji. Bitna je preoperativna procjena kojim se utvrđuje je li pacijent dobar kandidat za operaciju. Područja evaluacije uključuju dob, vrstu i stupanj refrakcijske pogreške, a zatim slijedi opsežan oftalmološki pregled nakon kojeg se pacijentu objasne svi detalji. Kako bi se komplikacije smanjile na minimum, a uspješnost maksimalno povećala postoje brojne kontraindikacije za ove zahvate kao što su: dijabetes mellitus, trudnoća, autoimune bolesti, vaskularni poremećaji kolagena, bolesti štitnjače te abnormalno cijeljenje rana. Uz to postoje i oftalmološke kontraindikacije poremećaja suznog filma, poremećaja koji se sami mogu pogoršati fotoablacijom, abnormalnosti topografije rožnice i nerefrakcijski izvori smanjenog vida. Najčešća komplikacija je suho oko, zatim nepotpuno ispravljena greška, haloo, otežana vožnja noću zbog odbljeska te infekcija. Većina ih se može spriječiti dobrom postoperativnom njegom. Less
Abstract (english) Refractive errors are a global problem today, reflecting a mismatch between the axial length of the eye and its optical power. Myopia is a type of refractive error in which parallel rays of light coming from infinity are focused in front of the retina without accommodation of the eye. In hyperopia, parallel rays of light coming from infinity are focused behind the neurosensory retina without accommodation of the eye. Presbyopia is a condition associated with aging, which occurs due to
... More the progressive functional decline of the accommodative ability of the crystalline lens. Astigmatism is a type of refractive error characterized by unequal refraction of light in different meridians. Refractive surgery is a subfield of ophthalmology that deals with the surgical correction of refractive errors of the human eye. It can be divided into corneal refractive surgery, which uses excimer laser techniques and incisional procedures, and lens refractive surgery. The most commonly used method is LASIK, which is performed under local anesthesia. The operation is performed by first creating a flap, then ablating the cornea with an excimer laser, after which the flap is returned to its place.
Refractive errors can be corrected in several ways, with glasses, contact lenses, orthokeratology and refractive surgery methods. The advantage of glasses is that there is no direct contact with the eyes and they are relatively easy to replace, but aesthetically they do not suit some people, they need to be kept clean, carried with them, and they do not cover the entire field of vision. Contact lenses solve the last problem of glasses, but since they are in direct contact with the eye, they are the most common cause of infections than all other methods.
Refractive surgery methods have a low rate of complications and high efficiency, but cause irreversible damage to the eye and much higher costs of treating the complications themselves. From the patient's economic point of view, the cost of refractive surgery at that moment is high, but compared to the costs of replacing, repairing or losing glasses or contact lenses over the years, it turns out to be smaller. A preoperative assessment is essential to determine whether the patient is a good candidate for surgery. Areas of evaluation include age, type and degree of refractive error, followed by a comprehensive ophthalmic examination, after which all details are explained to the patient. In order to minimize complications and maximize success, there are numerous contraindications for these procedures, such as: diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, autoimmune diseases, vascular collagen disorders, thyroid diseases, and abnormal wound healing. In addition, there are ophthalmological contraindications for tear film disorders, disorders that can be worsened by photoablation, corneal topography abnormalities, and non-refractive sources of reduced vision. The most common complication is dry eye, then an incompletely corrected error, halo, difficulty driving at night due to glare and infections. Most of them can be prevented with good post-operative care. Less
Anatomija oka
refraktivne greške
korekcija refraktivnih grešaka
refraktivna kirurgija
Keywords (english)
Anatomy of the eye
refractive errors
correction of refractive errors
refractive surgery
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:497767
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-06-26 09:50:25