Title Transplantacija bubrega korištenjem starijih donora : diplomski rad
Title (english) Kidney transplantation from elderly donors
Author Karla Boras
Mentor Dean Markić (mentor)
Committee member Stanislav Sotošek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Romano Oguić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Španjol (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Urology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Urology
Abstract Uvod: Transplantacija bubrega je liječenje izbora za većinu pacijenta u završnom stadiju kronične bubrežne bolesti čime im se nadomještava bubrežna funkcija, a samim time poboljšava kvaliteta života i produljuje život.
Svrha rada: Svrha ovog rada je retrospektivno istraživanje pacijenata koji su dobili bubreg starijeg donora u razdoblju od 1.siječnja 2009. do 31.prosinca 2021. godine na Klinici za urologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Rijeka.
Ispitanici i metode: U svrhu ovog istraživanje
... More obrađen je 31 ispitanik, od čega 19 (61,29%) muškaraca i 12 (38,71%) žena. Prosječna dob ispitanika je bila 70 godina. Prikupljeni i analizirani podatci jesu dob i spol bolesnika, osnovna bolest, imunosupresija, podrijetlo organa, izvor organa, trajanje operacije, trajanje hladne ishemije, trajanje hospitalizacije, rane komplikacije, kasne komplikacije i smrtni ishod.
Rezultati: Na Klinici za urologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Rijeka učinjena je 31 transplantacija bubrega korištenjem starijih donora. Najviše transplantacija izvelo se u 2009. godini njih 7 (22,58%). Svi ispitanici 31 (100%) su dobili bubreg kadaveričnog darivatelja od čega je 28 (90,32%) ispitanika primilo bubreg iz RH, a 3 (9,68%) ispitanika iz ostalih zemalja Eurotransplanta. Prosječno trajanje operativnog zahvata je bilo 208,23 minute. Prosječno trajanje hladne ishemije je bilo 902,65 minuta. Rane komplikacije je imalo 24 (77,42%) ispitanika dok je bez ranih komplikacija bilo njih 7 (29,17%). Kasne komplikacije su se javile kod 6 (19,35%) ispitanika dok su se obje vrste komplikacija javile kod 4 (12,90%) ispitanika. Smrtni ishod zabilježen je kod 5 (16,3%) ispitanika.
Zaključak: Bez obzira na dob bolesnika, transplantacija bubrega je najbolja moguća metoda liječenja terminalnog stadija kronične bubrežne bolesti. Jedno od rješenja za povećanje broja transplantacija je proširenje kriterija za korištenje potencijalnih donora. Time se proširuje baza potencijalnih donora, smanjuje lista čekanja, a dokazana je pragmatična korist takvog spuštanja kriterija posebice za starije primatelje. Less
Abstract (english) Introduction: Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for most patients in the final stage of chronic kidney disease, which replaces kidney function, while at the same time improving quality of life and prolonging life.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is a retrospective study of patients who received a kidney from an elderly donor in the period from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2021 at the Department of Urology, Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka.
Subjects and methods: For
... More the purpose of this research, 31 respondents were processed, of which 19 (61.29%) were men and 12 (38.71%) were women. The average age of the respondents was 70 years. The collected and analyzed data are the patient's age and gender, underlying disease, immunosuppression, organ origin, organ source, duration of surgery, duration of cold ischemia, duration of hospitalization, early complications, late complications and death.
Results: At the Department of Urology, Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, 31 kidney transplantions were performed using elderly donors in elderly recipients. The most transplants were performed in 2009, 7 of them (22.58%). All subjects, 31 (100%), received a kidney from a cadaveric donor, of which 28 (90.32%) subjects received a kidney from the Republic of Croatia, and 3 (9.68%) subjects from the other countries of Eurotransplant. The average duration of the operation was 208.23 minutes. The average duration of cold ischemia was 902.65 minutes. 24 (77.42%) respondents had early complications, while 7 (29.17%) had no early complications. Late complications occurred in 6 (19.35%) subjects, while both types of complications occurred in 4 (12.90%) subjects. The fatal outcome was recorded in 5 (16.3%) respondents, one male (20%) and four female (80%) patients.
Conclusion: Regardless of the patient's age, kidney transplantation is the best possible method of treating end-stage chronic kidney disease. One of the solutions to increase number of kidney transplantation is to expand the criteria used to validate a potential donor. This expands the base of potential donors, reduces the waiting list, and the pragmatic benefit of such a lowering of the criteria, especially for older recipients, has been proven. Less
Trasnplantacija bubrega
Eurotransplant Senior program
Keywords (english)
Kidney transplantation
Eurotransplant Senior program
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:258385
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-06-30 07:53:41