Title (croatian) Amoksicilinski osip: prikaz slučaja
Title (english) Amoxicillin Rash: A Case Report
Author Danijela Poslon
Author Srđan Banac
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Pediatrics)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract (croatian) Cilj: Amoksicilinski osip je generalizirani makulopapulozni egzantem koji se javlja nakon primjene semisintetskih penicilina u liječenju bolesnika koji imaju klinički neprepoznatu infektivnu mononukleozu. Često se kod takvih bolesnika pogrešno postavlja dijagnoza alergije na penicilin. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati pojavu osipa u djevojčice koja je liječena amoksicilinom zbog znakova upale gornjih dišnih putova. Nije imala tipičnu kliničku prezentaciju infektivne mononukleoze. Prikaz slučaja:
... More Četverogodišnja djevojčica primljena je zbog akutnih simptoma kataralne upale gornjih dišnih putova i vrućice do 39,7 °C uz zimicu i tresavicu, na što je uvedena terapija amoksicilinom. Nakon prve doze amoksicilina javio se osip – prvo na glavi, iza uški, da bi se zatim difuzno proširio „spustivši“ se na trup i ektremitete. S obzirom na perzistirajuću vrućicu, širenje i konfluiranje osipa i grlobolju, djevojčica je hospitalizirana. Pri prijamu je bio prisutan makulopapulozni eritematozni osip, crveno ždrijelo s hipertrofičnim tonzilama i uvećani angularni limfni čvorovi. CRP je iznosio 37,1, a krvna slika bila je obilježena relativnom neutrofilijom. Iz biokemijske analize seruma za izdvojiti su bile normalne vrijednosti transaminaza. Serologijom je potvrđena akutna infekcija Epstein-Barrovim virusom. Nakon simptomatskog liječenja kožni simptomi su se postupno povukli. Pacijentica je četvrtog dana hospitalizacije postala afebrilna, a šestog dana otpuštena je kući. Zaključak: Patogeneza ovakvog kožnog osipa još je uvijek nedovoljno istražena. Najčešće je riječ o prolaznoj imunološkoj reakciji zbog virusne infekcije, a ne o razvoju prave alergijske reakcije na amoksicilin, na što se najčešće u praksi pogrešno posumnja. Zaključno, na infektivnu mononukleozu treba posumnjati čak i kada nema tipičnih kliničkih elemenata za tu bolest poput limfocitoze i povišenih vrijednosti transaminaza. Less
Abstract (english) Aim: Amoxicillin rash is a generalized maculopapular exanthema that occurs after the use of semisynthetic penicillins in the treatment of patients with clinically unrecognized infectious mononucleosis. Such patients are often misdiagnosed as allergic to penicillin. The aim of this study was to present the rash that occurred in a girl treated with amoxicillin due to the signs of upper respiratory tract inflammation. She did not have the typical clinical presentation of infectious mononucleosis.
... More Case report: A four-year-old girl presented with acute symptoms of catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and fever up to 39.7°C with chills and shivering, to which amoxicillin was introduced. After the first dose of amoxicillin, a rash appeared. First on the head, behind the ears, and then diffusely spread “descending” to the trunk and extremities. Due to persistent fever, spreading and confusing rash and sore throat, the girl was hospitalized. Maculopapular erythematous rash, red throat with hypertrophic tonsils, and enlarged angular lymph nodes were present at admission. CRP was 37.1 and blood count was marked by relative neutrophilia. It is important to point out normal transaminase values from serum biochemistry. Acute Epstein-Barr virus infection was confirmed by serology. After symptomatic treatment, the skin symptoms gradually subsided. The patient became afebrile on the fourth day of hospitalization, and was discharged home on the sixth day. Conclusion: The pathogenesis of this skin rash is still insufficiently investigated. It is most often a transient immune reaction due to a viral infection, and not a real allergic reaction to amoxicillin, which is most often mistakenly suspected in practice. In conclusion, infectious mononucleosis should be suspected even when there are no typical clinical signs for the disease, such as lymphocytosis and elevated transaminases. Less
Keywords (croatian)
humani herpesvirus tip 4
infektivna mononukleoza
Keywords (english)
herpesvirus 4, human
infectious mononucleosis
Language croatian
Language english
Publication type Scientific paper - Case study
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Medicina Fluminensis
Numbering vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 94-99
p-ISSN 1847-6864
e-ISSN 1848-820X
DOI https://doi.org/10.21860/medflum2023_292455
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:308762
Publication 2023
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/292455
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-03-01 06:50:45