Title (croatian) Hipokratova zakletva. Povijesna perspektiva u bioetičkom obrazovanju
Title (english) The Hippocratic Oath. A Historical Perspective in Bioethical Education
Title (french) Le serment d’Hippocrate. Perspective historique dans la formation en bioéthique
Title (german) Der Eid des Hippokrates. Eine historische Perspektive in der bioethischen Edukation
Author Nada Gosić
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Integrative Bioethics (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences)
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj članak specificira mjesto Hipokratove zakletve u programu bioetičkog obrazovanja na profesionalnim fakultetima gdje se obrazuju budući medicinski i zdravstveni radnici. Predstavljena konceptualizacija sadržaja i opisana metodologija rada pokazuje kako se sadržaji curriculuma, kojima dominiraju povijesne činjenice, aktualiziraju uporabom znanja što su ih studenti usvojili ranije, te problematiziraju aktivnim uključenjem studenata u prikupljanju nove informacije relevantne za sadržaj, a onda koriste usvojeno znanje kako bi riješili konkretni bioetički predmet ili problem. Ponuđena aktivnost studenata i nastavnika ima svrhu pokazati suradnički odnos između njih, te komunikaciju u kojoj studenti i nastavnici međusobno preuzimaju zadatke u realizaciji sadržaja curriculuma.
Abstract (english) This article specifies the place of the Hippocratic Oath in the programme of bioethical education on graduate schools where future medical and healthcare workers are being educated. The presented conceptualization of contents and described methodology of work show how the curriculum contents, dominated by historical facts, are being actualized by the use of knowledge students have acquired earlier, and problematized by an active inclusion of students in collecting new information relevant for the content, and then using the acquired knowledge to solve a concrete bioethical issue or problem. The offered activity of students and teacher has the purpose to demonstrate a collaborative relationship between students and teacher and a communication in which students and teacher mutually takeover tasks for the realisation of the curriculum content.
Abstract (french) Cet article spécifie la place du serment d’Hippocrate dans le programme bioéthique des établissements professionnels de formation du personnel médical. La conceptualisation du contenu présenté et la méthodologie décrite montrent comment les contenus du curriculum, dominés par des faits historiques, s’actualisent grâce à l’application des connaissances que les étudiants ont acquis précédemment, puis se problématisent grâce à la participation active des étudiants à la collecte de nouvelles informations relatives au contenu avant d’utiliser le savoir acquis pour résoudre concrètement un sujet ou un problème bioéthique. La participation active des étudiants et des enseignants a pour but de montrer leur relation de collaboration ainsi qu’une communication dans laquelle les étudiants et les enseignants se partagent des tâches dans le cadre de la réalisation du curriculum.
Abstract (german) Dieser Artikel spezifiziert die Stellung, die der Hippokratische Eid im bioethischen Edukationsprogramm an den medizinischen Fakultäten einnimmt. Die vorgestellte Konzeptualisierung des Inhalts und die beschriebene Methodologie eines solchen Edukationsprogramms zeigen, dass das von historischen Fakten dominierte Curriculum durch die Vorkenntnisse der Studenten aktualisiert und durch ihre aktive Teilnahme am Zusammentragen neuer und relevanter Informationen problematisiert wird; daraufhin werden die neu erworbenen Kenntnisse umgesetzt, um eine Lösung für ein konkretes bioethisches Problem zu finden. Die aufgezeigten Möglichkeiten für Aktivitäten von Studenten und Professoren sollen die Kooperation zwischen ihnen betonen, ferner die Kommunikation, bei der beide Seiten verschiedene Aufgaben zur Umsetzung des Curriculums übernehmen.
Keywords (croatian)
Hipokratova zakletva
bioetičko obrazovanje
povijesna perspektiva
Keywords (english)
The Hippocratic Oath
bioethical education
historical perspective
Keywords (french)
serment d’Hippocrate
formation en bioéthique
perspective historique
Keywords (german)
Eid des Hippokrates
bioethische Edukation
historische Perspektive
Language croatian
Language english
Language french
Language german
Publication type Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Synthesis philosophica
Numbering vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 225-238
p-ISSN 0352-7875
e-ISSN 1848-2317
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:617503
Publication 2008
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/37133
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-04-19 16:13:56