Abstract | Sve veća potreba za hranom u svijetu uslijed rasta populacije dovela je do sve veće uporabe pesticida koji svakodnevno predstavljaju potencijalnu opasnost, kako za okoliš, tako i za čovjeka. Imajući to na umu, provedeno je istraživanje koje je za cilj imalo analizirati pokretnost insekticida acetamiprida na tlima Republike Hrvatske. Provedene su analize četiriju uzoraka tla (Š, J, O, Kt) uzorkovanih s područja zapadne Slavonije te uzorka bogatog organskom tvari (Ku) kupljenog u trgovini. Izvršene su analize fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava tla, od mehaničkog sastava (teksture) tla, kiselosti, kapaciteta izmjene kationa (KIK) do sadržaja, sastava te prirode građe humusa, nakon čega je pristupljeno analizi kinetike sorpcijsko-desorpcijskih procesa acetamiprida u tlu čiji ostaci su se analizirali tekućinskim kromatografom s masenim spektrometrom (LC-MS) koristeći pritom Lagergrenov model pseudo-prvog reda, bifazni model kinetike prvog reda te Weber-Morrisov model unutar-čestične difuzije. Analizom mehaničkog sastava (teksture) tla, uzorci Š, J, O i Kt klasificirani su kao glinaste ilovače (srednje do fino teksturirana tla), dok je uzorak Ku klasificiran kao pjeskulja (grubo teksturirano tlo). Reakcija tla okarakterizirana je kao kisela (pH 5,59-6,04), a prema udjelu humusa (organske tvari) u tlu, uzorci Š, J, O i Kt pripadaju slabo humoznim tlima (1,78-2,95 % C), dok uzorak Ku pripada jako humoznim tlima (62,37 % C). Bifazni model kinetike prvog reda pokazan je kao najprikladniji model za opis kinetike sorpcijsko-desorpcijskih procesa acetamiprida u tlu. Uzorak Ku imao je najveće sorbirane i desorbirane količine acetamiprida u tlu, dok je najveće vrijednosti k1 i k2 imao uzorak J. Organska tvar tla imala je najveći utjecaj na spomenute procese, ali analiza zajedničkog utjecaja svih karakteristika tla zajedno najbolje opisuje kinetiku sorpcijsko-desorpcijskih procesa acetamiprida u tlu. |
Abstract (english) | The growing need for food in the world due to the population growth has led to the increasing use of pesticides that pose a potential risk to both the environment and humans on a daily basis. With this in mind, this study was conducted to analyze the mobility of the insecticide acetamiprid in the soils of the Republic of Croatia. Analysis of the four soil samples (Š, J, O, Kt) sampled from the area of western Slavonia and a sample rich in organic matter (Ku) purchased from the shop were performed. Analysis of physicochemical soil properties, such as mechanical soil composition (texture), acidity, cation exchange capacity (CEC), composition and structure of soil humus were performed, while kinetics analysis of acetamiprid sorption-desorption processes in soils was conducted using the Lagergren model of the pseudo-first order, Two-site model and Weber-Morris intra-particle diffusion model. Residue of acetamiprid was determined by liquid chromatograph with a mass spectrometer (LC-MS). According to the mechanical composition (texture) of the soil, samples Š, J, O and Kt were classified as clay loams (medium to finely textured soils), while sample Ku was classified as sandy (coarsely textured soil). The soil reaction was acidic (pH 5.59-6.04), while samples Š, J, O and Kt belong to the low humus soils (1.78-2.95% C), and the Ku sample to soils with high humus content (62.37% C). Two-site model has been shown to be the most suitable model for describing the kinetics of sorption-desorption processes of acetamiprid in soil. Sample Ku sorbed and desorbed the highest amount of acetamiprid in the soil, while the sample J had the highest value of k1 and k2. Soil organic matter had the greatest influence on the mentioned processes, but the multiple linear regression analysis that combined soil characteristics best describes the kinetics of sorption-desorption processes of acetamiprid in soil. |