Title Sudsko medicinski značaj sinkope
Title (english) Forensic significance of syncope
Author Anastazija Ukalović
Mentor Valter Stemberga (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Cuculić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Kovač (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Štifter (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Forensic Medicine and Criminalistics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Forensic Medicine
Abstract Sinkopa je iznenadan, kratki, samoograničavajući prolazni gubitak svijesti s potpunim oporavkom čiji je isključivi mehanizam prolazna cerebralna hipoperfuzija. Stoga, sve nesvjestice druge etiologiju spadaju u drugu kategoriju. Sinkopa se dijeli na nekoliko vrsta: refleksnu (neurološki posredovanu), ortostatsku hipotenziju i kardijalnu sinkopu, od kojih najveću prijetnju za zdravlje predstavlja posljednja. Sinkopa sama po sebi nije po život opasno stanje, ali podležeća stanja i bolesti koja su
... More je uzrokovala mogu biti. Zato je potrebno na vrijeme utvrditi točnu etiologiju kako bi povećali kvalitetu života, ali i smanjili direktne i indirektne posljedice. Početna procjena, čija je svrha identifikacija etiologije gubitka svijesti i procjena rizika, sastoji se od uzimanja anamneze, fizikalnog pregleda i inicijalnog EKG-a. Stratifikacija rizika služi predviđanju lošeg ishoda u vidu smrti ili ozljeda, što je poglavito vezano za podležeće bolesti, ali i rizika od ponavljanja sinkope. Glavni cilj je je procijeniti rizik za svakog pacijenta individualno, jer upravo to određuje strategiju daljnjeg tretiranja. Sinkopa kao vrsta nesvjestice, podrazumijeva izostanak voljnih i intelektualnih sposobnosti, te kao takva ako se dogodi prilikom vožnje oslobađa vozača od kaznene odgovornosti. Za korektno vještačenje sinkope neophodno je pridržavati se strogog pravila struke koje zahtijeva da se vještači jedino prema adekvatnoj dokumentaciji s kritički postavljenim dijagnozama. Iako liječnici nisu pravilno obučeni i ne postoje adekvatni alati za objektivnu procjenu nečije sposobnosti vožnje, od njih se nerijetko traži procjena i mišljenje. U takvoj nezahvalnoj poziciji, liječnik mora biti sposoban odvagati rizik za svakog pacijenta individualno, te djelovati u najboljem interesu javnosti. Less
Abstract (english) Syncope is a sudden, brief, self-limiting transient loss of consciousness with complete recovery that is defined by a unique mechanism of transient cerebral hypoperfusion. Therefore, all faints of other etiology are included in the second category. Syncope is divided into several types: reflex (neurologicaly mediated), orthostatic hypotension, and cardiac syncope, of which the last is the greatest threat to health. Syncope itself is not a life-threatening condition, but the underlying
... More conditions and the disease, can be. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the exact etiology in time in order to increase the quality of life, but also to reduce the direct and indirect consequences. The initial assessment, the purpose of which is to identify the etiology of loss of consciousness and risk assessment, consists of medical history, physical examination, and initial ECG. Risk stratification serves to predict a poor outcome in the form of death or injury, which is mainly related to the underlying disease, but also the risk of recurrence of syncope. The main goal is to assess the risk for each patient individually, because that is what determines the strategy of further treatment. Syncope, as a type of unconsciousness, implies the absence of voluntary and intellectual abilities, and as such, if it occurs while driving, acquits the driver of criminal liability. For the correct expertise of syncope, it is necessary to adhere to the strict rules of the profession, which require that the expert witness be only in accordance with adequate documentation with critically placed diagnoses. Although doctors are not properly trained and there are no adequate tools for objectively assessing one's ability to drive, they are often asked for assessment and opinion. In such ungrateful position, the physician must be able to weigh the risk for each patient individually, and act in the best interest of the public. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:412280
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-11-30 11:56:35