Abstract | Uvod: Akutni gastroenteritis značajan je uzrok pobola i smrtnosti djece širom Svijeta, a po učestalosti zauzima drugo mjesto među infektivnim bolestima, odmah nakon respiratornih infekcija. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi klinička obilježja akutnog gastroenteritisa u hospitalizirane djece u Klinici za pedijatriju, KBC Rijeka u dvogodišnjem razdoblju 2015. i 2016. godine.
Ispitanici i postupci: Restrospektivno je analizirana medicinska dokumentacija 142 pacijenta liječena na Zavodu za nefrologiju, gastroenterologiju, endokrinologiju i bolesti metabolizma, Klinike za pedijatriju, Kliničkog bolničkog centra Rijeka od 1.1. 2015. do 31.12. 2016.
Rezultati: 76,76% djece hospitalizirane zbog AGE bilo je mlađe od 5 godina. AGE virusne etiologije imalo je 35,21% djece, 4,92% bakterijske, a u 9,85% uzoraka poslanih na analizu uzročnik nije izoliran. U preostalih 50% djece etiologija AGE nije određivana. Najčešći izolirani uzročnik bio je rotavirus prisutan u 33,80% djece. Spomenuti virus kao uzročnik crijevne infekcije statistički značajno prednjači u svim dobnim skupinama djece osim u onoj >5 godina (p< 0,0001). U sve djece zabilježena je prisutnost proljevastih stolica, 92,25% djece kao simptom imalo je povraćanje, 63,38% povišenu tjelesnu temperaturu, a 31,69% bol u trbuhu. Ni u jednog djeteta nije zabilježena prisutnost teške dehidracije, 23,94% djece bilo je blaže, a 76,06% djece umjereno dehidrirano. U 7,75% zabilježena je hiponatrijemija, a u 7,04% hipokalijemija. 7% djece imalo je metaboličku acidozu kao komplikaciju bolesti. Prosječno trajanje hospitalizacije iznosilo je 2,1 dan.
Zaključak: Većina djece hospitalizirane zbog AGE bila je mlađa od 5 godina. Statistički značajni uzročnik u ispitivane skupine bio je rotavirus. Najčešća komplikacija AGE je dehidracija. |
Abstract (english) | Background: Acute gastroenteritis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality of children worldwide and takes second place by frequency among infectious diseases. The aim of this report was to identify clinical features of acute gastroenteritis in hospitalized children in the Pediatrics Clinic of Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka in two year period, from begining of 2015 untill the end of 2016.
Methods: Medical documentation of 142 patients treated at Department of Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Pediatrics Clinic, Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka has been retrospectively analysed.
Results: 76.76% of hopsitalized children were younger than 5 years of age. In 35.21% of children AGE was caused by viruses, in 4.92% by bacteria and in 9.85% of samples sent to analysis the cause was not isolated. In the remaining 50% of children the etiology of AGE was not determined. The most frequently isolated agent was rotavirus present in 33.80% of children. Rotavirus is statistically a predominant agent in all age groups except in those > 5 years (p <0.0001). Presence of diarrhoea was reported in all children, 92.25% of children had symptoms of vomiting, 63.38% fever and 31.69% abdominal pain. Severe dehydration wasn't observed in any child, 23.94% of children were mildly, and 76.06% of children were moderate dehydrated. In 7,75% hyponatremia was found and in 7,04% hypopotassemia. Seven percent of children had metabolic acidosis as a complication of the illness. Average duration of hospitalization was 2.1 days.
Conclusion: Most children who were hospitalized because of AGE were under 5 years of age. Statistically significant cause in the observed group was rotavirus. The most common complication of AGE is dehydration. |