Abstract (croatian) | U suvremenoj medicini sve je više novih znanstvenih otkrića, a zbog njihove je primjene u praksi pozicija čovjeka sve (ne) izvjesnija. Promjene nisu samo formalne nego, prije svega, sadržajne odnosno vrijednosne naravi. Stoga je neophodna promjena percepcije te formalnog i zbiljskog mjesta biodisciplina u suvremenom zdravstvu jer se u njemu uspostavljaju novi ciljevi pa su svi pacijenti nerijetko samo formalno, ali ne i stvarno isti. To zahtijeva nastanak i razvoj novih biodisciplina u čijem je središtu pozornosti život, odnosno Čovjek (biomedicina, bioetika, biopolitika i dr.).
Sve je neophodniji i razvoj bioprava, kao nove, posebne generacije prava. Ono će izrasti na korijenima medicinskog prava, te će na nov – «bio» način – pravno urediti poziciju čovjeka pred izazovima razvoja biomedicine i biotehnologije u biozdravstvu. Odnos između bioetike i bioprava ima svoje mjesto unutar općeg pitanja odnosa između etike i prava. Zbog složenosti tih novih biodisciplina članak se osvrće na razvitak bioetike (što ona jest i koja pitanja dotiče) te bioprava (područja njegova zanimanja, te značenje njegove autonomije odnosno odvajanja, ali i povezanosti s bioetikom) s ciljem pronalaženja mogućnosti novog modela njihove međusobne suradnje da u sustavu zdravstva u središtu pozornosti bude – život (bios). To treba rezultirati definiranjem kriterija pomoću kojih će se rješavati pitanja i problemi koji se javljaju u suvremenom zdravstvu, a važna su kada je u pitanju život, tj. čovjek, obitelj i društvo. Na taj će se način osigurati da suvremeno zdravstvo preraste u biozdravstvo i funkcionira pravno i etički uređeno s ciljem da štiti život svake osobe, odnosno da Čovjek bude u središtu pozornosti. Biti će to povratak moralu. U suprotnom, (p)ostat će mjesto za skrivanje anomalija, za segregaciju, korupciju, dehumanizaciju, diskriminaciju i mistanaziju. |
Abstract (english) | Summary
The number of scientific discoveries in contemporary medicine is rising. Their incorporation into everyday practice is making the position of man ever more uncertain. The changes themselves are not only of formal nature. First and foremost they are affecting the contents and values of everyday living and reality. It is because of
this that a chenge in perception is needed along with the change of the formal and actual placing of biodisciplines in contemporary healthcare.
It is there that new goals are being defined resulting in the fact that all of he patients are only formally and not actually equal, in the vast majority of cases. Moreover, such a course of events calls for creation and development of new biodisciplines which tend to focus upon life and, more specifically, Man (biomedicine, bioethics, biopolitics, etc.). The development of biolaw is becoming more and more necessary, as a new, special generation in the legislative system. It will rise out of its foundations in medicinal law and will determine the legal position of a person confronted with the challenges which are put forth by the development of biomedicine and biotechnology in the actual biohealthcare. This will be the new, «bio» way of making the necessary arrangements.
The relationship between bioethics and biolaw is placed between the general questions concerning the relationship between ethics and law in general. Due to the complexity of these new disciplines the following article looks upon the development of bioethics (what it actually is and which fields of interest it touches upon). It extends through the domain of biolaw (the field of its interest and the significance of its authonomy – its separation as well as its numerous connections with bioethics) with the ultimate goal of discovering and explaining a new model of their mutual cooperation in order to establish Life (Bios) as the new centre of attention within the healtcare system. All mentioned will, hopefully, result in defining the criteria which will serve as the guide when it comes to defining problems and finding solutions that are appearing in contemporary healthcare. Such issues are of immence importance in dealing with issues as life itself. In other words, the questions of humanity of humans itself, family and society, representing the return to true moral values. Hopefully, such an aproach will enable for the contemporary healthcare system to transcend into the biohealthcare system and allow it to function in legally and ethically arranged way with the goal of protecting the life of every and each person. Should the course of events take a different direction we will be faced with a healthcare system which will serve as a place for hiding anomalies which result in segregation, corruption, discrimination, dehumanization and mystanazia. |