Abstract (english) | In the introductory part, the authors remind of the character of
the aggressive war, imposed to Republic of Croatia in l99l by the rebelled
Serbs in Croatia and the Yugoslav Army. Since, among the war
victims, the major part is constituted of civilians, primary health care,
local as well as statal, soon acquires a new regime of organization, adjusted
to war conditions.
In the second pan of the paper, new problems of the health care
service in Lika are described. This service already was insufficient before
the war, and the status worsened (especially the hospital care) also
due to the flight of a major number of specialists to the other side.
Still, the functioning of the hospitals in Gospi6 and Otoiac continued
thanks to the engagement of the personell of the fujeka Clinical Center
(KBC RijekaJ, while the carrying-on of the increased specific
needs of primary health care was helped by volonteers of the Rijeka
Health Center (Dom zdravlja Rijeka).In the last part of the paper, the authors, volonteers themselves
and active participants of the described events, present the engagement
of the personell of the fujeka Health Center (primarily of the
physicians and nurses, but also of psychologists, psychiatrists, stomatologists
and technical personell) in the Lika region in the period from
October 1991 until 1993. kada je uslijedio preustroj cjelokupnog vojnog
saniteta pa posao nastavljaju mobilizirani zdravstveni radnici- In
described period, numerous cquipes volontarily were offering complete
primary health care to the civil population and refugees. They
offered also first aid and organized the transport of those wunded on
the fire line. Gradually, into these task were included also young, unemplyed
physicians and volonteers from several other health care institutions. |