@mastersthesis{medri:8914, author = {{Prekodravac, Marija}}, title = {{Adrenalna insuficijencija u djece i adolescenata}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:8871, author = {{Marš, Lucija}}, title = {{ENDOKRINOLOŠKE OSOBITOSTI PRADER WILLI SINDROMA}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:8728, author = {{Barešić, Lucija}}, title = {{Hitna stanja u pedijatrijskoj endokrinologiji}}, } @article{medri:8485, author = {{Jugovac, Petra and Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Baraba Dekanić, Kristina and Palčevski, Goran}}, title = {{Šećerna bolest tipa 2 u 11-godišnjeg dječaka – prikaz slučaja}}, } @article{medri:7559, author = {{Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Šimunović, Ana and Milardović, Ana and Verbić, Arijan and Ovuka, Aleksandar and Butorac Ahel, Ivona}}, title = {{Patološki sadržaj u prsištu u djece}}, } @phdthesis{medri:8027, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona}}, title = {{UTJECAJ POREMEĆENE RAZINE GLUKOZE NEDONOŠČADI U RANOM NOVOROĐENAČKOM RAZDOBLJU NA NEURORAZVOJNI ISHOD U DOBI OD DVIJE GODINE}}, } @article{medri:6408, author = {{Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Matko, Lucija and Verbić, Arijan and Milardović, Ana and Severinski, Srećko and Kolić, Ivana and Baraba Dekanić, Kristina and Šerifi, Senada and Butorac Ahel, Ivona}}, title = {{Epidemiologic Characteristics of Children with Diabetic Ketoacidosis Treated in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in a 10-Year-Period: Single Centre Experience in Croatia}}, } @article{medri:6716, author = {{Milardović, Ana and Bilić Čače, Iva and Težak, Melita and Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Verbić, Arijan and Butorac Ahel, Ivona}}, title = {{Hospitalizacije prijevremeno rođene dojenčadi na Odjelu intenzivnog liječenja djece Kliničkog bolničkog centra Rijeka u petogodišnjem razdoblju}}, } @article{medri:6894, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Vlašić Cicvarić, Inge and Žuvić, Marta and Baraba Dekanić, Kristina and Šegulja, Silvije and Bilić Čače, Iva}}, title = {{Incidence and Risk Factors for Glucose Disturbances in Premature Infants}}, } @article{medri:6717, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Severinski, Srećko and Paravić, Mara and Lah Tomulić, Kristina}}, title = {{Liječenje dijabetičke ketoacidoze u djece i adolescenata}}, } @article{medri:6068, author = {{Kolić, Ivana and Radić Nišević, Jelena and Vlašić Cicvarić, Inge and Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Šegulja, Silvije and Baraba Dekanić, Kristina and Serifi, Senada and Ovuka, Aleksandar and Prpić, Igor}}, title = {{GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome—Early Treatment Maintains Cognitive Development? (Literature Review and Case Report)}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:4623, author = {{Matko, Lucija}}, title = {{Karakteristike djece s dijabetičnom ketoacidozom liječene na odjelu intenzivnog liječenja tijekom 10 godina: retrospektivna studija}}, } @article{medri:4452, author = {{Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Šimunović, Ana and Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Milardović, Ana and Verbić, Arijan and Ovuka, Aleksandar and Banac, Srđan}}, title = {{Liječenje djece s patološkim sadržajem u prsištu}}, } @article{medri:6624, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Severinski, Srećko and Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Milardović, Ana and Baraba Dekanić, Kristina and Palčevski, Dora}}, title = {{An extremely high blood glucose level in a child with hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state and type 1 diabetes}}, } @article{medri:4449, author = {{Jašić, Mladen and Drašković, Dorotea and Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Kraguljac, Darko}}, title = {{Epidemiological characteristics of premature infants born at General Hospital Pula in a five-year-period (2012-2016)}}, } @article{medri:7318, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Baraba Dekanić, Kristina and Bašić, Anđela and Severinski, Srećko and Palčevski, Goran and Roganović, Jelena}}, title = {{Short Stature – the Tip of the Iceberg of a Serious Illnesses – a Case Report}}, } @article{medri:5195, author = {{Bilić Čače, Iva and Milardović, Ana and Nikolić, Harry and Bosak Veršić, Ana and Butorac Ahel, Ivona}}, title = {{Could the Implantation of Dextranomer/Hyaluronic Acid Cause the Elevation of Neuron-Specific Enolase in Children Treated for Vesicoureteral Reflux?}}, } @article{medri:5124, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Severinski, Srećko and Baraba Dekanić, Kristina and Kolić, Ivana}}, title = {{Kronične komplikacije u adolescentice s lošom regulacijom tip 1 šećerne bolesti}}, } @article{medri:5823, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Severinski, Srećko and Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Verbić, Arijan and Milardović, Ana and Jašić, Mladen}}, title = {{The Importance of Early Recognition and Prompt Treatment of Adrenal Crisis and Addison's Disease}}, } @article{medri:5012, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Baraba Dekanić, Kristina and Palčevski, Goran and Roganović, Jelena}}, title = {{An infant with unusually high unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia due to coexistence of hereditary spherocytosis and Gilbert syndrome}}, } @article{medri:5299, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Severinski, Srećko and Stoševski, Dušanka}}, title = {{Epidemiologic features of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents over a 5-year period – a single centre experience}}, } @article{medri:1933, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Banac, Srđan}}, title = {{Complicated measles in an 8-month old infant – a case report}}, } @article{medri:5653, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Milardović, Ana and Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Verbić, Arijan and Flajšman Raspor, Sanja and Košuljandić, Đurđica and Štrk Romić, Ivana}}, title = {{Premature twins with acute renal injury – it is not always what it seems to be: case report}}, } @article{medri:675, author = {{Ružman, Lucija and Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Verbić, Arian and Kvenić, Barbara and Milevoj- Ražem, Mirna and Baudoin, Tomislav and Banac, Srđan}}, title = {{Neuobičajen klinički tijek prirođene subglotične stenoze – prikaz slučaja}}, } @article{medri:667, author = {{Verbić, Arijan and Lah Tomulić, Kristina and Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Milardović, Ana}}, title = {{Trovanje paracetamolom u djece}}, } @article{medri:1736, author = {{Severinski, Srećko and Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Ovuka, Aleksandar and Verbić, Arijan}}, title = {{A fatal outcome of complicated severe diabetic ketoacidosis in a 11-year-old girl}}, } @article{medri:664, author = {{Severinski, Srećko and Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Božinović, Ivana}}, title = {{Tip 1 šećerna bolest u dječjoj dobi}}, } @article{medri:1054, author = {{Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Flajšman Raspor, Sanja and Šubat Dežulović, Mirna}}, title = {{Infekcija mokraćnog sustava u dječjoj dobi: dijagnoza, liječenje i obrada}}, } @article{medri:1047, author = {{Nikolić, Harry and Šubat-Dežulović, Mirna and Jašić, Mladen and Valenčić, Maksim and Butorac Ahel, Ivona and Holjar-Erlić, Izidora}}, title = {{Ponavljajuća retencija urina uzrokovana polipom stražnje uretre u osmogodišnjeg dječaka}}, }