@mastersthesis{medri:8744, author = {{Rukavina, Lovro}}, title = {{Fizička aktivnost za liječenje križobolje}}, } @article{medri:8266, author = {{Uravić Bursać, Iva and Kehler, Tatjana and Pehar Pejčinović, Vesna and Peršić, Viktor and Laškarin, Gordana}}, title = {{Possible diagnostic accuracy of interleukin − 17A for early diastolic dysfunction in patients with psoriatic arthritis}}, } @article{kbcsm:297, author = {{Romiti, Giulio Francesco and Kes, Vanja Basic and Kalan, Marica Bracic and Brkljacic, Diana Delic and Knezevic, Aleksandar and Kovacic, Dragan and Nazlić, Jurica and Persic, Viktor and Pivac, Nediljko and Poljakovic, Zdravka}}, title = {{Patterns of oral anticoagulant use and outcomes in Asian patients with atrial fibrillation: a post-hoc analysis from the GLORIA-AF Registry}}, } @article{kbcsm:285, author = {{Ding, Wern Yew and Kes, Vanja Basic and Kalan, Marica Bracic and Brkljacic, Diana Delic and Knezevic, Aleksandar and Kovacic, Dragan and Nazlić, Jurica and Persic, Viktor and Pivac, Nediljko and Poljakovic, Zdravka}}, title = {{Validating the predictive ability of the 2MACE score for major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with atrial fibrillation: results from phase II/III of the GLORIA-AF registry}}, } @phdthesis{medri:7708, author = {{Uravić Bursać, Iva}}, title = {{ULOGA ČIMBENIKA PRIVLAČENJA MONOCITA-1 U PATOGENEZI PSORIJATIČNOG ARTRITISA I UTJECAJ NA KARDIOVASKULARNI RIZIK}}, } @article{medri:7998, author = {{Barković, Igor and Jurilj, Zdravko and Marinelli, Frano and Maričić, Vitomir and Pavlović, Marijana and Turk Wensveen, Tamara and Peršić, Viktor}}, title = {{Arterial blood gases’ analysis in elite breath-hold divers at extreme depths}}, } @article{medri:6942, author = {{Gašparini, Dora and Kavazović, Inga and Barković, Igor and Maričić, Vitomir and Ivaniš, Viktor and Samsa, Dijana Travica and Peršić, Viktor and Polić, Bojan and Turk Wensveen, Tamara and Wensveen, Felix M.}}, title = {{Extreme anaerobic exercise causes reduced cytotoxicity and increased cytokine production by peripheral blood lymphocytes}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:6569, author = {{Zuljani, Anamaria}}, title = {{Detekcija periferne arterijske bolesti kod pacijenata sa šećernom bolesti tip 2 ovisno o utvrđenoj kardiovaskularnoj bolesti}}, } @article{kbcsm:335, author = {{Lip, Gregory Y. H. and Kes, Vanja Basic and Kalan, Marica Bracic and Brkljacic, Diana Delic and Knezevic, Aleksandar and Kovacic, Dragan and Nazlić, Jurica and Persic, Viktor and Pivac, Nediljko and Poljakovic, Zdravka}}, title = {{Comparative effectiveness and safety of non-vitamin K antagonists for atrial fibrillation in clinical practice: GLORIA-AF Registry}}, } @article{medri:6862, author = {{Bursać, Iva Uravić and Kehler, Tatjana and Drvar, Vedrana and Babarović, Emina and Pejčinović, Vesna Pehar and Baršić, Antonija Ružić and Peršić, Viktor and Laškarin, Gordana}}, title = {{Predictive Value of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 in the Development of Diastolic Dysfunction in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis}}, } @article{medri:7017, author = {{Williams, Michelle Claire and Shaw, Leslee and Hirschfeld, Cole B and Maurovich-Horvat, Pal and Nørgaard, Bjarne L and Pontone, Gianluca and Jimenez-Heffernan, Amelia and Sinitsyn, Valentin and Sergienko, Vladimir and Ansheles, Alexey and Bax, Jeroen J and Buechel, Ronny and Milan, Elisa and Slart, Riemer H J A and Nicol, Edward and Bucciarelli-Ducci, Chiara and Pynda, Yaroslav and Better, Nathan and Cerci, Rodrigo and Dorbala, Sharmila and Raggi, Paolo and Villines, Todd C and Vitola, Joao and Malkovskiy, Eli and Goebel, Benjamin and Cohen, Yosef and Randazzo, Michael and Pascual, Thomas N B and Dondi, Maurizio and Paez, Diana and Einstein, Andrew J and Peršić, Viktor}}, title = {{Impact of COVID-19 on the imaging diagnosis of cardiac disease in Europe}}, } @article{medri:4408, author = {{Raljević, Damir and Peršić, Viktor and Markova-Car, Elitza and Cindrić, Leon and Miškulin, Rajko and Žuvić, Marta and Kraljević Pavelić, Sandra}}, title = {{Study of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in a cohort of myocardial infarction patients with coronary artery disease}}, } @article{kbcsm:338, author = {{Ntaios, George and Kes, Vanja Basic and Kalan, Marica Bracic and Brkljacic, Diana Delic and Knezevic, Aleksandar and Kovacic, Dragan and Nazlić, Jurica and Persic, Viktor and Pivac, Nediljko and Poljakovic, Zdravka}}, title = {{Anticoagulant selection in relation to the SAMe-TT2R2 score in patients with atrial fibrillation: The GLORIA-AF registry}}, } @article{medri:7384, author = {{Laškarin, Gordana and Rakić, Marijana and Sotošek, Vlatka and Travica Samsa, Dijana and Peršić, Viktor and Kehler, Tatjana and Gobić, David and Zaputović, Luka and Rukavina, Daniel}}, title = {{Immunoregulatory role of circulating endothelial vWF positive cells in patients after acute myocardial infarction}}, } @phdthesis{medri:6633, author = {{Raljević, Damir}}, title = {{ULOGA POLIMORFIZAMA GENA ZA PROTEINSKI NOSAČ I RECEPTOR ZA VITAMIN D U INFARKTU MIOKARDA}}, } @phdthesis{medri:4306, author = {{Rakić, Marijana}}, title = {{SVOJSTVA CIRKULIRAJUĆIH POZITIVNIH STANICA VON WILLEBRANDOVA ČIMBENIKA U BOLESNIKA S AKUTNIM INFARKTOM MIOKARDA}}, } @mastersthesis{fthm:2216, author = {{Petrić, Katica}}, title = {{Zadovoljstvo korisnika kvalitetom na medicinskoj rehabilitaciji}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:439, author = {{Golubović, Snežana}}, title = {{PREDNOSTI I OGRANIČENJA ELEKTROKARDIOGRAFSKOG PROBIRA U PROCJENI RIZIKA IZNENADNE SRČANE SMRTI U NATJECATELJSKIM SPORTOVIMA}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:632, author = {{Vučković, Matea}}, title = {{UTJECAJ COORDINATIVE LOCOMOTOR TRAINING (CLT) TEHNIKE VJEŽBANJA NA POBOLJŠANJE DINAMIČKOG BALANSA KOD ISPITANIKA SA OSTEOARTRITISOM KOLJENA}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:541, author = {{Kušar Takač, Jasmina}}, title = {{ANALIZA RAZINE VITAMINA 25 (OH) D U SERUMU U ODRASLOJ POPULACIJI}}, } @article{medri:5293, author = {{Ray, Kausik K and Colhoun, Helen M and Szarek, Pećin and ... Reiner, Željko and Peršić, Viktor and Tomulić, Vjekoslav}}, title = {{Effects of alirocumab on cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes after acute coronary syndrome in patients with or without diabetes: a prespecified analysis of the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES randomised controlled trial}}, } @article{medri:3149, author = {{Peršić, Viktor and Raljević, Damir and Markova-Car, Elitza and Cindrić, Leon and Miškulin, Rajko and Žuvić, Marta and Pavelić, Sandra Kraljević}}, title = {{Vitamin D-binding protein (rs4588) T/T genotype is associated with anteroseptal myocardial infarction in coronary artery disease patients}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:871, author = {{Franović, Tamara}}, title = {{INCIDENCIJA ATRIOVENTRIKULARNOG BLOKA U BOLESNIKA SA SINDROMOM BOLESNOG SINUSNOG ČVORA I UGRAĐENIM ELEKTROSTIMULATOROM SRCA}}, } @article{medri:5088, author = {{Szarek, Michael and White, Harvey D. and Schwartz, Gregory G. and Alings, Marco and Bhatt, Deepak L. and Bittner, Vera A. and Chiang, Chern-En and Diaz, Rafael and Edelberg, Jay M. and Goodman, Shaun G. and Hanotin, Corinne and Harrington, Robert A. and Jukema, J. Wouter and Kimura, Takeshi and Kiss, Robert Gabor and Lecorps, Guillaume and Mahaffey, Kenneth W. and Moryusef, Angèle and Pordy, Robert and Roe, Matthew T. and Tricoci, Pierluigi and Xavier, Denis and Zeiher, Andreas M. and Steg, Ph. Gabriel and Reiner, Željko and Peršić, Viktor and Tomulić, Vjekoslav}}, title = {{Alirocumab Reduces Total Nonfatal Cardiovascular and Fatal Events}}, } @article{medri:6081, author = {{Ray, Kausik K. and Colhoun, Helen M. and Szarek, Michael and Baccara-Dinet, Marie and Bhatt, Deepak L. and Bittner, Vera A. and Budaj, Andrzej J. and Diaz, Rafael and Goodman, Shaun G et all. and Reiner, Željko and Peršić, Viktor}}, title = {{Effects of alirocumab on cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes after acute coronary syndrome in patients with or without diabetes: a prespecified analysis of the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES randomised controlled trial}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:458, author = {{Depope, Radmila}}, title = {{UTJECAJ COORDINATIVE LOCOMOTOR TRAINING (CLT) TEHNIKE VJEŽBANJA NA POBOLJŠANJE STATIČKOG BALANSA KOD ISPITANIKA SA OSTEOARTHRITISOM KOLJENA}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:435, author = {{Pitarević, Sabina}}, title = {{UTJECAJ TJELESNE AKTIVNOSTI, TALASOTERAPIJE I KLIMATOTERAPIJE NA RASPOLOŽENJE PACIJENATA TIJEKOM STACIONARNE KARDIOLOŠKE REHABILITACIJE}}, } @article{medri:3469, author = {{Boban, Marko and Žulj, Marinko and Pesa, Vladimir and Peršić, Viktor and Trbušic, Matias and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Ratio of End-Systolic Volume to Left Atrial Area Is a Solid Benchmark of Systolic Dysfunction in Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathies}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:57, author = {{Zgrablić, Ivana}}, title = {{INTERVALNI TRENING DOVODI DO POBOLJŠANJA FUNKCIONALNOG KAPACITETA KARDIOLOŠKIH PACIJENATA}}, } @mastersthesis{fzsri:379, author = {{Radolović Raljević, Marina}}, title = {{SUVREMENA TERAPIJA BIOLOŠKIM LIJEKOVIMA}}, } @article{medri:5187, author = {{Peršić, Viktor and Bastiančić, Ana Lanca and Rosović, Ivan and Raljević, Damir and Travica Samsa, Dijana and Bastiančić, Luka and Miškulin, Rajko and Boban, Marko and Laškarin, Gordana}}, title = {{Correlation between immunological-inflammatory markers and endothelial disfunction in the early stage of coronary heart disease}}, } @article{medri:5585, author = {{Boban, Marko and Peša, Vladimir and Peršić, Viktor and Žulj, Marinko and Malčić, Ivan and Beck, Natko and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Overlapping Phenotypes and Degree of Ventricular Dilatation Are Associated with Severity of Systolic Impairment and Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathies}}, } @article{kbco:104, author = {{Boban, Marko and Peša, Vladimir and Peršić, Viktor and Žulj, Marinko and Malčić, Ivan and Beck, Natko and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Overlapping Phenotypes and Degree of Ventricular Dilatation are Associated with Severity of Systolic Impairment and Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathies}}, } @article{medri:5614, author = {{Rakić, Marijana and Peršić, Viktor and Kehler, Tatjana and Bastiančić, Ana Lanca and Rosović, Ivan and Laškarin, Gordana and Sotošek Tokmadžić, Vlatka}}, title = {{Possible role of circulating endothelial cells in patients after acute myocardial infarction}}, } @article{kbco:106, author = {{Boban, Marko and Žulj, Marinko and Peša, Vladimir and Peršić, Viktor and Trbušić, Matias and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Ratio of End-systolic Volume to left Atrial area is a Solid Benchmark of Systolic Dysfunction in Non-ischemic Cardiomyopathies}}, } @article{kbco:102, author = {{Boban, Marko and Peša, Vladimir and Gabrić, Ivo Darko and Manola, Šime and Peršić, Viktor and Antić-Kauzlarić, Helena and Žulj, Marinko and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Auxiliary Diagnostic Potential of Ventricle Geometry and late Gadolinium Enhancement in left Ventricular Non-compaction; Non-randomized case Control Study}}, } @article{medri:1924, author = {{Boban, Marko and Pesa, Vladimir and Gabrić, Ivo Darko and Manola, Šime and Peršić, Viktor and Antić Kauzlarić, Helena and Žulj, Marinko and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Auxiliary diagnostic potential of ventricle geometry and late gadolinium enhancement in left ventricular non-compaction; non-randomized case control study}}, } @article{medri:5066, author = {{Laškarin, Gordana and Peršić, Viktor and Rusac Kukić, Sandra and Massari, Dražen and Legović, Anita and Boban, Marko and Miškulin, Rajko and Rogoznica, Marija and Kehler, Tatjana}}, title = {{Can pain intensity in osteoarthritis joint be indicator of the impairment of endothelial function?}}, } @article{kbco:166, author = {{Boban, Marko and Peršić, Viktor and Petričević, Mate and Biočina, Bojan and Sipić, Tomislav and Pehar-Pejčnović, Vesna and Balen, Sanja and Žulj, Marinko and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Connections Between Nutritional Status and Proton pump Inhibitor Therapy in Patients Scheduled for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation after Treatment for Ischaemic and Valvular Heart Disease.}}, } @article{medri:1627, author = {{Boban, Marko and Peršić, Viktor and Petričević, Mate and Biočina, Bojan and Sipic, Tomislav and Pehar-Pejčnovic, Vesna and Balen, Sanja and Žulj, Marinko and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Connections between nutritional status and proton pump inhibitor therapy in patients scheduled for cardiovascular rehabilitation after treatment for ischaemic and valvular heart disease}}, } @article{medri:5432, author = {{Boban, Marko and Laviano, Alessandro and Peršić, Viktor and Biočina, Bojan and Petričević, Mate and Zekanović, Drazen and Rotim, Cecilija and Alerić, Ivan and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Influence of Transiently Increased Nutritional Risk on a Left Ventricle Myocardial Mass Assessed by Echocardiography}}, } @article{medri:5502, author = {{Boban, Marko and Barišić, Mijana and Peršić, Viktor and Zekanović, Drazen and Medved, Igor and Žulj, Marinko and Včev, Aleskandar}}, title = {{Muscle strength differ between patients with diabetes and controls following heart surgery}}, } @article{medri:5618, author = {{Boban, Marko and Žulj, Marinko and Peršić, Viktor and Medved, Igor and Zekanović, Dražen and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Prolonged utilization of proton pump inhibitors in patients with ischemic and valvular heart disease is associated with surgical treatments, weight loss and aggravates anemia}}, } @article{medri:5842, author = {{Šustar, Aleksandra and Žagar, Davorka and Javoran, Dragan and Peršić, Viktor and Stanić, Karlo}}, title = {{The role of cardiac computed tomography in diagnosing left ventricular noncompaction in patients with sinus node dysfunction}}, } @article{medri:1688, author = {{Peršić, Viktor}}, title = {{Tjelesna je aktivnost lijek i za srčano zatajivanje}}, } @article{medri:3470, author = {{Boban, Marko and Peršić, Viktor and Petričević, Mate and Manola, Šime and Boban, Ljubica and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Impact of Cardiovascular Treatments and Systolic Dysfunction on Nutritional Risk in Patients with Ischemic and Valvular Heart Disease}}, } @article{kbco:99, author = {{Boban, Marko and Peršić, Viktor and Petričević, Mate and Manola, Šime and Boban, Ljubica and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Impact of Cardiovascular Treatments and Systolic Dysfunction on Nutritional Risk in Patients with Ischemic and Valvular Heart Disease}}, } @article{medri:8355, author = {{Boban, Marko and Laviano, Alessandro and Peršić, Viktor and Rotim, Ante and Jovanović, Željko and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Characteristics of NRS-2002 Nutritional Risk Screening in Patients Hospitalized for Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation}}, } @article{medri:3467, author = {{Boban, Marko and Peršić, Viktor and Jovanović, Z. and Brozina, Alenka and Miletić, B. and Rotim, A. and Drinkovic, N. and Manola, S. and Laškarin, Gordana and Boban, Luka}}, title = {{Obesity dilemma in the global burden of cardiovascular diseases}}, } @phdthesis{svkri:3299, author = {{Miškulin, Rajko}}, title = {{Cirkulirajuće toplinske stresne bjelančevine u bolesnika s akutnim infarktom miokarda}}, } @article{medri:1102, author = {{Laškarin, Gordana and Peršić, Viktor and Pinjuh, Goran and Laginja, Josip and Boban, Marko and Ćurko-Cofek, Božena and Kuharić, Janja and Ličina, Milan and Sotošek Tokmadžić, Vlatka}}, title = {{Procjena stupnja anemije u bolesnika nakon zamjene srčanih zalistaka i aortokoronarnog premoštenja}}, } @phdthesis{svkri:3583, author = {{Travica Samsa, Dijana}}, title = {{Procjena upalne reakcije u bolesnika tijekom akutnog infarkta miokarda}}, } @article{medri:2652, author = {{Peršić, Viktor and Miletić, Bojan and Boban, Marko and Ružić, Alen and Cerovec, Duško and Ciglenečki, Nedeljko}}, title = {{Kardiovaskularna prevencija i rehabilitacija: gdje smo i kuda idemo?}}, } @article{medri:7452, author = {{Massari, Dražen and Prpić-Massari, Larisa and Kehler, Tatjana and Kaštelan, Marija and Ćurkovic, Božidar and Peršić, Viktor and Ružić, Alen and Laškarin, Gordana}}, title = {{Analysis of granulysin-mediated cytotoxicity in peripheral blood of patients with psoriatic arthritis}}, } @article{medri:7451, author = {{Laškarin, Gordana and Peršić, Viktor and Miškulin, Rajko and Ružić, Alen and Zaputović, Luka}}, title = {{Can we assess an acute myocardial infarction in patients with acute coronary syndrome according to diagnostic accuracy of heat shock proteins?}}, } @article{medri:7453, author = {{Peršić, Viktor and Ružić, Alen and Miletić, Bojan and Samsa Travica, Dijana and Rakić, Marijana and Raljević, Damir and Pejčinović Pehar, Vesna and Eminović, Senija and Zaputović, Luka and Laškarin, Gordana}}, title = {{Granulysin Expression in Lymphocytes that Populate the Peripheral Blood and the Myocardium after an Acute Coronary Event}}, } @article{medri:7450, author = {{Laškarin, Gordana and Zaputović, Luka and Peršić, Viktor and Ružić, Alen and Sotošek Tokmadžić, Vlatka}}, title = {{Harmful immune reactions during acute myocardial infarction}}, } @article{medri:1612, author = {{Ružić, Alen and Miletić, Bojan and Balen, Sanja and Peršić, Viktor and Travica-Samsa, Dijana and Rakić, Marijana and Pehar-Pejčinović, Vesna and Hajdin, Jelena and Včev, Aleksandar and Laškarin, Gordana}}, title = {{Perforin Expression after Acute Myocardial Infarction – A Pilot Study}}, } @article{medri:7454, author = {{Laškarin, Gordana and Peršić, Viktor and Ružić, Alen and Miletić, Bojan and Rakić, Marijana and Travica Samsa, Dijana and Raljević, Damir and Pejčinović Pehar, Vesna and Miškulin, Rajko and Rukavina, Daniel}}, title = {{Perforin-Mediated Cytotoxicity in non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction}}, } @article{medri:1609, author = {{Ružić, Alen and Miletić, Bojan and Ružić, Tatjana and Peršić, Viktor and Laškarin, Gordana}}, title = {{Regular Dog-Walking Improves Physical Capacity in Elderly Patients after Myocardial Infarction}}, } @article{medri:7487, author = {{Nola Iskra, Alexandra and Doko Jelinić, Jagoda and Bergovec, Mijo and Ružić, Alen and Peršić, Viktor}}, title = {{Prehrambene navike i kardiovaskularne bolesti}}, } @article{medri:6877, author = {{Ružić, Alen and Miletić, Bojan and Iskra Nola, Aleksandra and Peršić, Viktor and Ražov Radas, Melanija and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Endotelna disfunkcija u „enigmatskoj slagalici“ kardiovaskularnih bolest}}, } @article{medri:1613, author = {{Balen, Sanja and Vukelić-Damijani, Nada and Peršić, Viktor and Ružić, Alen and Miletić, Bojan and Samardžija, Marina and Domanović, Dragoslav and Mirat, Jure and Naki, Dario and Soldo, Ivan and Včev, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Exercise Training in the Early Period after Myocardial Infarction}}, } @article{medri:1614, author = {{Crnčević-Orlić, Željka and Jovanović, Željko and Štimac, Davor and Zaputović, Luka and Peršić, Viktor and Ružić, Alen}}, title = {{Efficacy of Healthy Weight Loss Program in Obesity Treatment: Croatian Experience}}, } @article{medri:1615, author = {{Batinac, Tanja and Zamolo, Gordana and Ružić, Alen and Peršić, Viktor}}, title = {{Apoptosis in Skin Cancer Development and Regression}}, } @article{medri:1623, author = {{Ružić, Alen and Peršić, Viktor and Miletić, Bojan and Včev, Aleksandar and Mirat, Jure and Soldo, Ivan and Batinac, Tanja and Kovač, Tanja}}, title = {{Erectile Dysfunction after Myocardial Infarction – Myth or a Real Problem?}}, } @article{medri:7461, author = {{Balen, Sanja and Ružić, Alen and Mirat, Jure and Peršić, Viktor}}, title = {{Exercise induced von Willebrand Factor release - New model for routine endothelial testing}}, } @article{medri:7456, author = {{Včev, Aleksandar and Nakić, Dario and Mrđen, Anamarija and Mirat, Jure and Balen, Sanja and Ružić, Alen and Peršić, Viktor and Soldo, Ivan and Matijević, Marko and Barbić, Jerko and Matijević, Valentina and Božić, Dubravko and Radanović, Branko}}, title = {{Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Coronary Artery Disease}}, } @article{medri:7458, author = {{Peršić, Viktor and Ružić, Alen and Miletić, Bojan and Balen, Sanja and Jovanović, Željko and Včev, Aleksandar and Rački, Sanjin and Vujičić, Božidar}}, title = {{Left ventricle diastolic dysfunction in obese patients with newly diagnosed arterial hypertension}}, } @article{medri:1321, author = {{Peršić, Viktor and Peršić-Margić, Maja and Zekić, Tatjana}}, title = {{DEBLJINA I KARDIOVASKULARNA BOLEST}}, }