@article{medri:9035, author = {{Radić, Josipa and Vučković, Marijana and Đogaš, Hana and Gelemanović, Andrea and Belančić, Andrej and Radić, Mislav}}, title = {{Is Arterial Stiffness Interconnected with Cardiovascular Drug Prescription Patterns, Body Composition Parameters, and the Quality of Blood Pressure Regulation in Hypertensive Patients?}}, } @article{medri:9040, author = {{Knežević, Sandra and Filippi-Arriaga, Francesca and Belančić, Andrej and Božina, Tamara and Mršić-Pelčić, Jasenka and Vitezić, Dinko}}, title = {{Metabolic Syndrome Drug Therapy: The Potential Interplay of Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacokinetic Interactions in Clinical Practice: A Narrative Review}}, } @article{medri:8999, author = {{Radić, Mislav and Vlak, Ivan and Vučković, Marijana and Rendulić Slivar, Senka and Kadojić, Mira and Stamenković, Doris and Bobek, Dubravka and Radić, Josipa and Gelemanović, Andrea and Belančić, Andrej and Bešić, Erim and Vlak, Tonko}}, title = {{Disease Activity, Inflammation Markers, and Quality of Life Are Associated with Muscle Strength in Croatian Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients—A National-Based Study}}, } @article{medri:9059, author = {{Alimohammadi‐Kamalabadi, Malek and Ziaei, Somayeh and Hasani, Motahareh and Mohammadi, Shooka and Mehrbod, Milad and Morvaridi, Mehrnaz and Persad, Emma and Belančić, Andrej and Malekahmadi, Mahsa and Estêvão, Maria Dulce da Mota Antunes de Oliveira and Daneshzad, Elnaz and Heshmati, Javad}}, title = {{Does vitamin D supplementation impact serotonin levels? A systematic review and meta‐analysis}}, } @article{medri:8949, author = {{Bažadona, Danira and Matovinović, Martina and Krbot Skorić, Magdalena and Grbavac, Hrvoje and Belančić, Andrej and Malojčić, Branko}}, title = {{Reply to Saleh, C. Comment on “Bažadona et al. The Interconnection between Carotid Intima–Media Thickness and Obesity: Anthropometric, Clinical and Biochemical Correlations. Medicina 2023, 59, 1512”}}, } @article{medri:8972, author = {{Radić, Josipa and Vučković, Marijana and Đogaš, Hana and Gelemanović, Andrea and Belančić, Andrej and Radić, Mislav}}, title = {{Are There Differences in Skin Autofluorescence-Measured Advanced Glycation End-Product Levels between Chronic Kidney Disease and Kidney Transplant Recipients?}}, } @article{medri:8978, author = {{Rieder, Michael and Belančić, Andrej}}, title = {{Past, present and future of drug safety: Editorial}}, } @article{medri:8654, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Hlača, Nika and Peternel, Sandra and Golčić, Marin and Prpić‐Massari, Larisa and Vlahović‐Palčevski, Vera}}, title = {{Afatinib‐induced toxic epidermal necrolysis: A case report with a literature review}}, } @article{medri:8529, author = {{Grubešić, Petra and Jurak, Igor and Čaljkušić-Mance, Tea and Belančić, Andrej and Grubešić, Aron}}, title = {{Clinical and Demographic Characteristics of Herpetic Keratitis Patients—Tertiary Centre Experience}}, } @article{medri:8531, author = {{Al-Nasir, Jasmine and Belančić, Andrej and Palčevski, Dora and Dyar, Oliver J.}}, title = {{2015 versus 2021: Self-Reported Preparedness to Prescribe Antibiotics Prudently among Final Year Medical Students in Sweden}}, } @article{medri:8494, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Kresović, Andrea}}, title = {{Inhibitori protonske pumpe: kada, kome i koliko? – osvrt na racionalnu farmakoterapiju}}, } @article{medri:8482, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Strbad, Tea and Kučan Štiglić, Marta and Vitezić, Dinko}}, title = {{Switching from Nusinersen to Risdiplam: A Croatian Real-World Experience on Effectiveness and Safety}}, } @article{medri:8443, author = {{Klobučar, Sanja and Belančić, Andrej and Bukša, Iva and Morić, Nikolina and Rahelić, Dario}}, title = {{Effectiveness of Oral versus Injectable Semaglutide in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: Results from a Retrospective Observational Study in Croatia}}, } @article{medri:8379, author = {{Matovinović, Martina and Belančić, Andrej and Jug, Juraj and Mustač, Filip and Sirovica, Maja and Santini, Mihovil and Bošnjaković, Anja and Lovrić, Mario and Lovrić Benčić, Martina}}, title = {{Does the Efficacy of Semaglutide Treatment Differ between Low-Risk and High-Risk Subgroups of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity Based on SCORE2, SCORE2-Diabetes, and ASCVD Calculations?}}, } @article{medri:8351, author = {{Golčić, Marin and Belančić, Andrej}}, title = {{Could Microbiome Be the Common Co-Denominator between Type 2 Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer?}}, } @article{medri:8247, author = {{Donker, Erik M. and Belančić, Andrej and Piët, Joost D. and Vitezić, Dinko and Tichelaar, Jelle}}, title = {{Educating Medical Students on How to Prescribe Anti-Hyperglycaemic Drugs: A Practical Guide}}, } @article{medri:8242, author = {{Mustač, Filip and Galijašević, Tin and Podolski, Eva and Belančić, Andrej and Matovinović, Martina and Marčinko, Darko}}, title = {{Recent Advances in Psychotherapeutic Treatment and Understanding of Alexithymia in Patients with Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2}}, } @article{medri:8121, author = {{Gkrinia, Elvira Meni Maria and Faour, Andrea Katrin and Belančić, Andrej and Bazile, Jacques and Marland, Emma and Vitezić, Dinko}}, title = {{A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations of Insulin for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes}}, } @article{medri:8086, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Klobučar, Sanja and Rahelić, Dario}}, title = {{Current Obstacles (With Solutions) in Type 2 Diabetes Management, Alongside Future Directions}}, } @article{medri:8055, author = {{Bažadona, Danira and Matovinović, Martina and Krbot Skorić, Magdalena and Grbavac, Hrvoje and Belančić, Andrej and Malojčić, Branko}}, title = {{The Interconnection between Carotid Intima–Media Thickness and Obesity: Anthropometric, Clinical and Biochemical Correlations}}, } @article{mef:9604, author = {{Bažadona, Danira and Matovinović, Martina and Krbot Skorić, Magdalena and Grbavac, Hrvoje and Belančić, Andrej and Malojčić, Branko}}, title = {{The Interconnection between Carotid Intima–Media Thickness and Obesity: Anthropometric, Clinical and Biochemical Correlations}}, } @article{medri:7957, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Klobučar, Sanja}}, title = {{Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitors as a Powerful Cardioprotective and Renoprotective Tool: Overview of Clinical Trials and Mechanisms}}, } @article{mef:10228, author = {{Palčevski, Dora and Belančić, Andrej and Mikuličić, Ivan and Oštarijaš, Eduard and Likić, Robert and Dyar, Oliver and Vlahović-Palčevski, Vera}}, title = {{Antimicrobial Prescribing Preparedness of Croatian Medical Students—Did It Change between 2015 and 2019?}}, } @article{mef:6696, author = {{Golčić, Marin and Simetić, Luka and Herceg, Davorin and Blažičević, Krešimir and Kenđel Jovanović, Gordana and Dražić, Ivan and Belančić, Andrej and Skočibušić, Nataša and Palčevski, Dora and Rubinić, Igor and Vlahović-Palčevski, Vera and Majnarić, Tea and Dobrila-Dintinjana, Renata and Pleština, Stjepko}}, title = {{Analysis of the Gut Microbiome and Dietary Habits in Metastatic Melanoma Patients with a Complete and Sustained Response to Immunotherapy}}, } @article{medri:7733, author = {{Golčić, Marin and Simetić, Luka and Herceg, Davorin and Blažičević, Krešimir and Kenđel Jovanović, Gordana and Dražić, Ivan and Belančić, Andrej and Skočibušić, Nataša and Palčevski, Dora and Rubinić, Igor and Vlahović-Palčevski, Vera and Majnarić, Tea and Dobrila-Dintinjana, Renata and Pleština, Stjepko}}, title = {{Analysis of the Gut Microbiome and Dietary Habits in Metastatic Melanoma Patients with a Complete and Sustained Response to Immunotherapy}}, } @article{medri:8018, author = {{Baradwan, Saeed and Abuzaid, Mohammed and Sabban, Hussein and Alshahrani, Majed Saeed and Khadawardi, Khalid and AlSghan, Rayan and Alnoury, Albaraa and Bukhari, Ibtihal Abdulaziz and Alyousef, Abdullah and Belančić, Andrej and Persad, Emma and Abu-Zaid, Ahmed}}, title = {{Transvaginal needle versus laparoscopic ovarian drilling in hormonal profile and pregnancy outcomes of polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis}}, } @article{medri:7602, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Palčevski, Dora and Likić, Robert and Vlahović-Palčevski, Vera}}, title = {{Samoprocijenjena spremnost za racionalno propisivanje antimikrobnih lijekova među diplomantima četiriju hrvatskih medicinskih fakulteta}}, } @article{medri:7473, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Strbad, Tea and Kučan Štiglić, Marta and Vitezić, Dinko}}, title = {{Effectiveness of Nusinersen in Type 1, 2 and 3 Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Croatian Real-World Data}}, } @article{fzsri:2673, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Palčevski, Dora and Likić, Robert and Vlahović-Palčevski, Vera}}, title = {{Samoprocijenjena spremnost za racionalno propisivanje antimikrobnih lijekova među diplomantima četiriju hrvatskih medicinskih fakulteta}}, } @article{medri:6283, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Sans-Pola, Carla and Jouanjus, Emilie and Alcubilla, Pau and Arellano, Ana Lucía and Žunić, Miodrag and Nogueiras-Álvarez, Rita and Roncato, Rossana and Sáez-Peñataro, Joaquín}}, title = {{European association for clinical pharmacology and therapeutics young clinical pharmacologists working group: a cornerstone for the brighter future of clinical pharmacology}}, } @article{medri:6967, author = {{Štimac, Davor and Klobučar Majanović, Sanja and Baretić, Maja and Bekavac Bešlin, Miroslav and Belančić, Andrej and Crnčević Orlić, Željka and Đorđević, Veljko and Marčinko, Darko and Miličić, Davor and Mirošević, Gorana and Musić Milanović, Sanja and Pavičić Baldani, Dinka and Pokrajac Bulian, Alessandra and Rački, Sanjin and Rahelić, Dario and Reiner, Željko and Ružić, Alen and Samardžija, Miroslav}}, title = {{HRVATSKE SMJERNICE ZA LIJEČENJE ODRASLIH OSOBA S DEBLJINOM}}, } @article{medri:5611, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Stanić Benić, Mirjana and Skočibušić, Nataša and Palčevski, Dora and Vlahović-Palčevski, Vera}}, title = {{Repeated point prevalence survey on antimicrobial use in a university hospital: what have we learned?}}, } @article{medri:4232, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Kresović, Andrea and Troskot Dijan, Marija}}, title = {{Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists in the era of COVID-19: Friend or foe?}}, } @article{medri:6229, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Kalauz, Miro and Tiljak, Hrvoje and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Pathophysiological Mechanisms behind Possible Cataract Progression in Patients after COVID-19}}, } @article{medri:4170, author = {{Belančić, Andrej}}, title = {{Gut microbiome dysbiosis and endotoxemia - Additional pathophysiological explanation for increased COVID-19 severity in obesity}}, } @article{medri:3789, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Kresović, Andrea and Rački, Valentino}}, title = {{Potential pathophysiological mechanisms leading to increased COVID-19 susceptibility and severity in obesity}}, } @article{medri:3689, author = {{Štimac, Davor and Klobučar Majanović, Sanja and Belančić, Andrej}}, title = {{Endoscopic Treatment of Obesity: From Past to Future}}, } @misc{medri:4380, author = {{Pereza, Nina and Belančić, Andrej and Ostojić, Saša and Ploh, Maja and Mrak, Maja and Arh, Evgenia and Zoričić, Dunja}}, title = {{Metodološki priručnik za organizaciju studentskih znanstvenih skupova u biomedicini i zdravstvu}}, } @article{medri:3869, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Klobučar Majanović, Sanja and Štimac, Davor}}, title = {{The escalating global burden of obesity following the COVID-19 times - Are we ready?}}, } @article{medri:5026, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Vranić, Luka and Ševeljević, Ivan and Hadžisejdić, Ita and Duletić Načinović, Antica and Jonjić, Nives}}, title = {{Antiphospholipid antibodies associated with nodal marginal zone T lymphoma and its progression to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma—A case report}}, } @article{medri:5559, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Krpina, Marija and Klobučar Majanović, Sanja and Merlak, Maja}}, title = {{Ocular hypertension secondary to obesity: cortisol, the missing piece of the pathophysiological puzzle?}}, } @article{medri:5649, author = {{Močenić, Ivona and Kolić, Ivana and Radić Nišević, Jelena and Belančić, Andrej and Snoj Tratnik, Janja and Mazej, Darja and Falnoga, Ingrid and Vlašić-Cicvarić, Inge and Štimac, Tea and Špirić, Zdravko and Horvat, Milena and Prpić, Igor}}, title = {{Prenatal selenium status, neonatal cerebellum measures and child neurodevelopment at the age of 18 months}}, } @article{medri:3093, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Karanfilovski, Anita and Čituljski, Lara and Rapaić, Jelena and Klobučar Majanović, Sanja}}, title = {{Učinkovitost strukturirane edukacije osoba sa šećernom bolešću}}, } @article{medri:1996, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Klobučar Majanović, Sanja}}, title = {{“Stormy” jaundice – an unusual presentation of thyrotoxic crisis}}, } @article{medri:3541, author = {{Klobučar Majanović, Sanja and Zelić, Marko and Belančić, Andrej and Licul, Vanja and Vujičić, Božidar and Girotto, Neva and Štimac, Davor}}, title = {{Gastric Electrical Stimulation Improves Symptoms of Diabetic Gastroparesis in Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis—2 Case Reports}}, } @article{medri:2628, author = {{Petranović, Duška and Belančić, Andrej}}, title = {{Anemija kao prognostički čimbenik ishoda različitih bolesti i stanja}}, } @article{medri:5734, author = {{Belančić, Andrej and Vučinić, Damir and Pereza, Nina and Ostojić, Saša}}, title = {{Studentska sekcija časopisa Medicina Fluminensis – jamstvo za svijetlu budućnost}}, }