@mastersthesis{medri:9061, author = {{Mudrovčić, Klaudia}}, title = {{Ketonska tijela u energetskom metabolizmu, staničnoj signalizaciji i terapijskoj primjeni}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:8989, author = {{Hajdaš, Sara}}, title = {{Spektrofotometrijske metode analize okolišnih uzoraka}}, } @article{medri:8478, author = {{Suman, Iva and Šimić, Lidija and Čanadi Jurešić, Gordana and Buljević, Sunčica and Klepac, Damir and Domitrović, Robert}}, title = {{The interplay of mitophagy, autophagy, and apoptosis in cisplatin-induced kidney injury: involvement of ERK signaling pathway}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:8672, author = {{Sefedini, Art}}, title = {{The role of exosomes in the pathophysiology of diabetes and their potential clinical implications}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:8108, author = {{Devčić, Luka}}, title = {{Ponašanje insekticida acetamiprida, klotianidina i tiametoksama u tlima Republike Hrvatske}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:8088, author = {{Borovac, Sara}}, title = {{Primjena različitih metoda u određivanju koncentracije proteina u biološkom uzorku}}, } @article{medri:7992, author = {{Smoljan, Ivana and Detel, Dijana and Buljević, Sunčica and Erjavec, Igor and Marić, Ivana}}, title = {{Therapeutic Potential of BMP7 in the Treatment of Osteoporosis Caused by the Interaction between Inflammation and Corticosteroids in Inflammatory Bowel Disease}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:6794, author = {{Krišković, Antonina}}, title = {{Sekvestracija ugljikovog dioksida iz atmosfere - umjetna drveća}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:6758, author = {{Radolović, Simone}}, title = {{Analiza proteoma mitohondrija kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303}}, } @article{medri:6458, author = {{Vukelić, Iva and Buljević, Sunčica and Batičić, Lara and Barišić, Karmela and Franović, Barbara and Detel, Dijana}}, title = {{CD26 Deficiency Controls Macrophage Polarization Markers and Signal Transducers during Colitis Development and Resolution}}, } @article{medri:5122, author = {{Vukelić, Iva and Detel, Dijana and Batičić Pučar, Lara and Potočnjak, Iva and Buljević, Sunčica and Domitrović, Robert.}}, title = {{Chlorogenic acid ameliorates experimental colitis in mice by suppressing signaling pathways involved in inflammatory response and apoptosis}}, } @article{medri:5795, author = {{Buljević, Sunčica and Detel, Dijana and Pernjak Pugel, Ester and Varljen, Jadranka}}, title = {{The effect of CD26-deficiency on dipeptidyl peptidase 8 and 9 expression profiles in a mouse model of Crohn's disease}}, } @article{medri:2098, author = {{Batičić Pučar, Lara and Kovač, Anja and Detel, Dijana and Buljević, Sunčica and Pernjak Pugel, Ester and Varljen, Jadranka}}, title = {{Wound Healing Process, Diabetes and Implications of Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP IV/CD26}}, } @article{medri:5426, author = {{Detel, Dijana and Buljević, Sunčica and Batičić Pučar, Lara and Kučić, Natalia and Pernjak Pugel, Ester and Varljen, Jadranka}}, title = {{Influence of CD26/dipeptidyl peptidase IV deficiency on immunophenotypic changes during colitis development and resolution.}}, } @phdthesis{medri:5983, author = {{Buljević, Sunčica}}, title = {{ULOGA DIPEPTIDIL-PEPTIDAZA 8 I 9 U POKUSNOM MODELU CROHNOVE BOLESTI U CD26 DEFICIJENTNOM MIŠU}}, }