@article{medri:9058, author = {{Karner, Dubravka and Kveštak, Daria and Kučan Brlić, Paola and Cokaric Brdovčak, Maja and Lisnić, Berislav and Brizić, Ilija and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Golemac, Mijo and Tomac, Jelena and Krmpotić, Astrid and Karkeni, Esma and Libri, Valentina and Mella, Sebastien and Legname, Giuseppe and Altmeppen, Hermann C. and Hasan, Milena and Jonjić, Stipan and Lenac Roviš, Tihana}}, title = {{Prion protein alters viral control and enhances pathology after perinatal cytomegalovirus infection}}, } @article{medri:8117, author = {{Rožmanić, Carmen and Lisnić, Berislav and Pribanić Matešić, Marina and Mihalić, Andrea and Hiršl, Lea and Park, Eugene and Lesac Brizić, Ana and Indenbirken, Daniela and Viduka, Ina and Šantić, Marina and Adler, Barbara and Yokoyama, Wayne M. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Jonjić, Stipan and Brizić, Ilija}}, title = {{Perinatal murine cytomegalovirus infection reshapes the transcriptional profile and functionality of NK cells}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:7969, author = {{Herrlich, Benjamin}}, title = {{The Role of PrPC in the Course of CMV Infection}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:7903, author = {{Modrić, Ivan Samuel}}, title = {{The role of thyroid hormones in the immune control of cytomegalovirus infection}}, } @phdthesis{medri:8143, author = {{Krapić, Mia}}, title = {{INTERACTIONS BETWEEN ADIPOSE TISSUE AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM IN THE CONTEXT OF INFECTION}}, } @article{medri:7404, author = {{Herb, Stefanie and Železnjak, Jelena and Hennig, Thomas and L'Hernault, Anne and Lodha, Manivel and Jürges, Christopher and Tršan, Tihana and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Jonjić, Stipan and Erhard, Florian and Krmpotić, Astrid and Dölken, Lars}}, title = {{Two murine cytomegalovirus microRNAs target the major viral immediate early 3 gene}}, } @article{medri:6415, author = {{Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja and Materljan, Jelena and Šustić, Marko and Ravlić, Sanda and Ružić, Tina and Lisnić, Berislav and Miklić, Karmela and Brizić, Ilija and Pribanić Matešić, Marina and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Halassy, Beata and Rončević, Dobrica and Knežević, Zdravka and Štefan, Leo and Bertoglio, Federico and Schubert, Maren and Čičin‐Šain, Luka and Markotić, Alemka and Jonjić, Stipan and Krmpotić, Astrid}}, title = {{ChAdOx1‐S adenoviral vector vaccine applied intranasally elicits superior mucosal immunity compared to the intramuscular route of vaccination}}, } @phdthesis{medri:6631, author = {{Šustić, Marko}}, title = {{Odgovor CD8 limfocita T u miševa cijepljenih rekombinantnim citomegalovirusnim vektorom koji izražava NKG2D ligand RAE-1γ}}, } @article{medri:4904, author = {{Kim, Yeonsu and Zheng, Xiaoyan and Eschke, Kathrin and Chaudhry, M. Zeeshan and Bertoglio, Federico and Tomić, Adriana and Krmpotić, Astrid and Hoffmann, Markus and Bar-On, Yotam and Boehme, Julia D. and Bruder, Dunja and Ebensen, Thomas and Brunotte, Linda and Ludwig, Stephan and Messerle, Martin and Guzman, Carlos and Mandelboim, Ofer and Hust, Michael and Pöhlmann, Stefan and Jonjić, Stipan and Čičin-Šain, Luka}}, title = {{MCMV-based vaccine vectors expressing full-length viral proteins provide long-term humoral immune protection upon a single-shot vaccination}}, } @article{medri:4786, author = {{Šustić, Marko and Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{CD8 T Cell Vaccines and a Cytomegalovirus-Based Vector Approach}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:4643, author = {{Zubčić, Marija}}, title = {{Uloga stanica urođene imunosti u razvoju nealkoholnog steatohepatitisa}}, } @article{medri:4441, author = {{Tomac, Jelena and Mazor, Marija and Lisnić, Berislav and Golemac, Mijo and Kveštak, Daria and Bralić, Marina and Bilić-Zulle, Lidija and Brinkmann, Melanie M. and Dölken, Lars and Reinert, Line S. and Paludan, Soren R. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda}}, title = {{Viral infection of the ovaries compromises pregnancy and reveals innate immune mechanisms protecting fertility}}, } @article{medri:6256, author = {{Kveštak, Daria and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Lisnić, Berislav and Tomac, Jelena and Golemac, Mijo and Brizić, Ilija and Indenbirken, Daniela and Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja and Bernardini, Giovanni and Krstanović, Fran and Rožmanić, Carmen and Grundhoff, Adam and Krmpotić, Astrid and Britt, William J. and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{NK/ILC1 cells mediate neuroinflammation and brain pathology following congenital CMV infection}}, } @article{medri:4254, author = {{Angulo, Guillem and Železnjak, Jelena and Martínez-Vicente, Pablo and Puñet-Ortiz, Joan and Hengel, Hartmut and Messerle, Martin and Oxenius, Annette and Jonjić, Stipan and Krmpotić, Astrid and Engel, Pablo and Angulo, Ana}}, title = {{Cytomegalovirus restricts ICOSL expression on antigen presenting cells disabling T cell co-stimulation and contributing to immune evasion}}, } @article{medri:8421, author = {{Angulo, Guillem and Železnjak, Jelena and Martínez-Vicente, Pablo and Puñet-Ortiz, Joan and Hengel, Hartmut and Messerle, Martin and Oxenius, Annette and Jonjić, Stipan and Krmpotić, Astrid and Engel, Pablo and Angulo, Ana}}, title = {{Cytomegalovirus restricts ICOSL expression on antigen-presenting cells disabling T cell co-stimulation and contributing to immune evasion}}, } @article{medri:4761, author = {{Šustić, Marko and Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja and Lisnić, Berislav and Materljan, Jelena and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Rožmanić, Carmen and Indenbirken, Daniela and Hiršl, Lea and Busch, Dirk H. and Brizić, Ilija and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Memory CD8 T Cells Generated by Cytomegalovirus Vaccine Vector Expressing NKG2D Ligand Have Effector-Like Phenotype and Distinct Functional Features}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:4084, author = {{Materljan, Jelena}}, title = {{Infekcija neurona citomegalovirusom}}, } @article{medri:3466, author = {{Stražić Geljić, Ivana and Kučan Brlić, Paola and Angulo, Guillem and Brizić, Ilija and Lisnić, Berislav and Jenuš, Tina and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Pietri, Gian Pietro and Engel, Pablo and Kaynan, Noa and Železnjak, Jelena and Schu, Peter and Mandelboim, Ofer and Krmpotić, Astrid and Angulo, Ana and Jonjić, Stipan and Lenac Roviš, Tihana}}, title = {{Cytomegalovirus protein m154 perturbs the adaptor protein-1 compartment mediating broad-spectrum immune evasion}}, } @article{medri:4027, author = {{Aguilar, Oscar A. and Sampaio, Isabella S. and Rahim, Mir Munir A. and Samaniego, Jackeline D. and Tilahun, Mulualem E. and Krishnamoorthy, Mithunah and Popović, Branka and Babić, Marina and Krmpotić, Astrid and Treanor, Bebhinn and Margulies, David H. and Allan, David S.J. and Makrigiannis, Andrew P. and Jonjić, Stipan and Carlyle, James R.}}, title = {{Mouse Cytomegalovirus m153 Protein Stabilizes Expression of the Inhibitory NKR-P1B Ligand Clr-b}}, } @phdthesis{medri:3454, author = {{Miletić, Antonija}}, title = {{ULOGA RECEPTORA NCR1 U PRIROĐENOM I STEČENOM IMUNOLOŠKOM ODGOVORU NA CITOMEGALOVIRUS}}, } @phdthesis{medri:3473, author = {{Hiršl, Lea}}, title = {{ULOGA NKG2D LIGANADA RAZLIČITOG AFINITETA U INFEKCIJI REKOMBINANTNIM MIŠJIM CITOMEGALOVIRUSIMA I RAZVOJU VIRUSNIH CJEPIVA}}, } @article{medri:3167, author = {{Zheng, Xiaoyan and Oduro, Jennifer D. and Boehme, Julia D. and Borkner, Lisa and Ebensen, Thomas and Heise, Ulrike and Gereke, Marcus and Pils, Marina C. and Krmpotic, Astrid and Guzmán, Carlos A. and Bruder, Dunja and Čičin-Šain, Luka}}, title = {{Mucosal CD8+ T cell responses induced by an MCMV based vaccine vector confer protection against influenza challenge}}, } @article{medri:3462, author = {{Železnjak, Jelena and Lisnić, Vanda Juranić and Popović, Branka and Lisnić, Berislav and Babić, Marina and Halenius, Anne and L’Hernault, Anne and Roviš, Tihana Lenac and Hengel, Hartmut and Erhard, Florian and Redwood, Alec J. and Vidal, Silvia M. and Dölken, Lars and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{The complex of MCMV proteins and MHC class I evades NK cell control and drives the evolution of virus-specific activating Ly49 receptors}}, } @article{medri:2907, author = {{Gawish, Riem and Bulat, Tanja and Biaggio, Mario and Lassnig, Caroline and Bago-Horvath, Zsuzsanna and Macho-Maschler, Sabine and Poelzl, Andrea and Simonović, Natalija and Prchal-Murphy, Michaela and Rom, Rita and Amenitsch, Lena and Ferrarese, Luca and Kornhoff, Juliana and Lederer, Therese and Svinka, Jasmin and Eferl, Robert and Bosmann, Markus and Kalinke, Ulrich and Stoiber, Dagmar and Sexl, Veronika and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan and Müller, Mathias and Strobl, Birgit}}, title = {{Myeloid Cells Restrict MCMV and Drive Stress-Induced Extramedullary Hematopoiesis through STAT1}}, } @article{medri:2796, author = {{Stempel, Markus and Chan, Baca and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Krmpotić, Astrid and Hartung, Josephine and Paludan, Søren R and Füllbrunn, Nadia and Lemmermann, Niels AW and Brinkmann, Melanie M.}}, title = {{The herpesviral antagonist m152 reveals differential activation of STING‐dependent IRF and NF‐κB signaling and STING's dual role during MCMV infection}}, } @article{medri:5097, author = {{Brizić, Ilija and Hiršl, Lea and Šustić, Marko and Golemac, Mijo and Britt, William J. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{CD4 T cells are required for maintenance of CD8 TRM cells and virus control in the brain of MCMV-infected newborn mice}}, } @phdthesis{medri:3102, author = {{Železnjak, Jelena}}, title = {{Karakterizacija imunoregulatorne uloge najviše izraženoga virusnog transkripta tijekom infekcije citomegalovirusom}}, } @article{medri:5719, author = {{Krmpotić, Astrid and Podlech, Jürgen and Reddehase, Matthias J. and Britt, William J. and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Role of antibodies in confining cytomegalovirus after reactivation from latency: three decades' resume}}, } @phdthesis{medri:2757, author = {{Šimić, Hrvoje}}, title = {{PROTUTUMORSKA AKTIVNOST IMUNOKOMPLEKSA αCD155/SAPORIN NA GLIOBLASTOM}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:2682, author = {{Vrbanović, Ana}}, title = {{Protein gp34/m04 mišjeg citomagalovirusa kao novi biljeg za detekciju virusom inficiranih stanica}}, } @phdthesis{medri:2756, author = {{Šestan, Marko}}, title = {{ULOGA VIRUSNIH INFEKCIJA U RAZVOJU REZISTENCIJE NA INZULIN I ŠEĆERNE BOLESTI TIPA 2 U DEBLJINI}}, } @article{medri:2397, author = {{Hiršl, Lea and Brizić, Ilija and Jenuš, Tina and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Reichel, Johanna Julia and Jurković, Slaven and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Murine CMV Expressing the High Affinity NKG2D Ligand MULT-1: A Model for the Development of Cytomegalovirus-Based Vaccines}}, } @article{medri:3718, author = {{Brizić, Ilija and Šušak, Božo and Arapović, Maja and Huszthy, Peter C. and Hiršl, Lea and Kveštak, Daria and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Golemac, Mijo and Pernjak Pugel, Ester and Tomac, Jelena and Oxenius, Annetrte and Britt, William J. and Arapović, Jurica and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Brain‐resident memory CD8+ T cells induced by congenital CMV infection prevent brain pathology and virus reactivation}}, } @article{medri:1689, author = {{Miletić, Antonija and Lenartić, Maja and Popović, Branka and Brizić, Ilija and Tršan, Tihana and Miklić, Karmela and Mandelboim, Ofer and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{NCR1-deficiency diminishes the generation of protective murine cytomegalovirus antibodies by limiting follicular helper T-cell maturation}}, } @article{medri:1374, author = {{Popović, Branka and Golemac, Mijo and Podlech, J. and Železnjak, Jelena and Bilić-Zulle, Lidija and Lukić, M.L. and Čičin-Šain, Luka and Reddehase, M.J. and Sparwasser, T. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{IL-33/ST2 pathway drives regulatory T cell dependent suppression of liver damage upon cytomegalovirus infection.}}, } @article{medri:2102, author = {{Milovanović, Jelena and Popović, Branka and Milovanović, Marija and Kveštak, Daria and Arsenijević, Aleksandar and Stojanović, Bojana and Tanasković, Irena and Krmpotić, Astrid and Arsenijević, Nebojša and Jonjić, Stipan and Lukić, Miodrag L.}}, title = {{Murine cytomegalovirus infection induces susceptibility to eae in resistant BalB/c Mice}}, } @article{medri:1548, author = {{Aguilar, Oscar A. and Berry, R. and Rahim, M. and Reichel, J. and Popović, Branka and Tanaka, M. and Fu, Z. and Balaji, G. and Lau, T. and Tu, M. and Kirkham, C. and Mahmoud, A. and Mesci, A. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Allan, David S.J. and Makrigiannis, A. and Jonjić, Stipan and Rossjohn, J. and Carlyle, J.}}, title = {{A Viral Immunoevasin Controls Innate Immunity by Targeting the Prototypical Natural Killer Cell Receptor Family}}, } @article{medri:3671, author = {{Tršan, Tihana and Vuković, Kristina and Filipović, Petra and Lesac Brizić, Ana and Lemmermann, Niels A.W. and Schober, K. and Busch, Dirk H. and Britt, William J. and Messerle, Martin and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Cytomegalovirus vector expressing RAE-1γ induces enhanced anti-tumor capacity of murine CD8+ T cells}}, } @article{medri:3669, author = {{Brizić, Ilija and Hiršl, Lea and Britt, William J. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Immune responses to congenital cytomegalovirus infection.}}, } @article{medri:5510, author = {{Železnjak, Jelena and Popović, Branka and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan and Lisnić Juranić, Vanda}}, title = {{Mouse cytomegalovirus encoded immunoevasins and evolution of Ly49 receptors - sidekicks or enemies?}}, } @phdthesis{medri:5992, author = {{Popović, Branka}}, title = {{ULOGA INTERLEUKINA-33 U PRIROĐENOM I STEČENOM IMUNOLOŠKOM ODGOVORU NA INFEKCIJU MIŠJIM CITOMEGALOVIRUSOM}}, } @phdthesis{medri:5984, author = {{Jelenčić, Vedrana}}, title = {{Mehanizam nadzora tumora stanicama NK u miševa s nedostatkom NKG2D receptora}}, } @mastersthesis{biotechri:10, author = {{Đukić, Anamaria}}, title = {{Dinamika ekspresije molekula važnih za aktivaciju imunološkog sustava u stanicama visceralnog masnog tkiva u debljini}}, } @phdthesis{medri:5995, author = {{Dominović, Marin}}, title = {{IZRAŽAJ I FUNKCIJA GRANULIZINA I PERFORINA U DECIDUI PRVOG TROMJESEČJA TRUDNOĆE}}, } @article{medri:1382, author = {{Tomić, Adriana and Varanasi, Pavankumar R. and Golemac, Mijo and Malić, Suzana and Riese, Peggy and Mischak-Weissinger, Eva and Guzman, CA and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan and Messerle, Martin}}, title = {{Activation of Innate and Adaptive Immunity by a Recombinant Human Cytomegalovirus Strain Expressing an NKG2D Ligand.}}, } @article{medri:1884, author = {{Lenac Roviš, Tihana and Kučan Brlić, Paola and Kaynan, Noa and Juranić Lisnić, Vanda and Brizić, Ilija and Jordan, Stefan and Tomić, Adriana and Kveštak, Daria and Babić, Marina and Tsukerman, Pinchas and Colonna, Marco and Koszinowski, Ulrich and Messerle, Martin and Mandelboim, Ofer and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Inflammatory monocytes and NK cells play a crucial role in DNAM-1-dependent control of cytomegalovirus infection}}, } @article{medri:1956, author = {{Arapović, Maja and Brizić, Ilija and Popović, Branka and Jurković, Slaven and Jordan, Stefan and Krmpotić, Astrid and Arapović, Jurica and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Intrinsic Contribution of Perforin to NK-Cell Homeostasis during Mouse Cytomegalovirus Infection}}, } @article{medri:2608, author = {{Lemmermann, Niels A. W. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Podlech, Jürgen and Brizić, Ilija and Prager, Adrian and Adler, Heiko and Karbach, Astrid and Wu, Yiquan and Jonjić, Stipan and Reddehase, Matthias J. and Adler, Barbara}}, title = {{Non-redundant and Redundant Roles of Cytomegalovirus gH/gL Complexes in Host Organ Entry and Intra-tissue Spread}}, } @article{medri:2403, author = {{Brizić, Ilija and Lenac Roviš, Tihana and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{MCMV avoidance of recognition and control by NK cells}}, } @article{medri:2598, author = {{Tršan, Tihana and Busche, Andreas and Abram, Maja and Wensveen, F. M. and Lemmermann, N. A. and Arapović, Maja and Babić, Marina and Tomić, Adriana and Golemac, Mijo and Brinkmann, Melanie M. and Jager, W. and Oxenius, A. and Polić, Bojan and Krmpotić, Astrid and Messerle, M. and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Superior induction and maintenance of protective CD8 T cells in mice infected with mouse cytomegalovirus vector expressing RAE-1 }}, } @article{medri:4007, author = {{Trsan, T. and Busche, A. and Abram, M. and Wensveen, F. M. and Lemmermann, N. A. and Arapovic, M. and Babic, M. and Tomic, A. and Golemac, M. and Brinkmann, M. M. and Jager, W. and Oxenius, A. and Polic, B. and Krmpotic, A. and Messerle, M. and Jonjic, S.}}, title = {{Superior induction and maintenance of protective CD8 T cells in mice infected with mouse cytomegalovirus vector expressing RAE-1 }}, } @article{medri:2367, author = {{Jordan, Stefan and Ruzsics, Zsolt and Mitrović, Maja and Baranek, Thomas and Arapović, Jurica and Krmpotić, Astrid and Vivier, Eric and Dalod, Marc and Jonjić, Stipan and Dölken, Lars and Koszinowski, Ulrich H.}}, title = {{Natural Killer Cells Are Required for Extramedullary Hematopoiesis following Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection}}, } @article{medri:2463, author = {{Miletić, Antonija and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{The evolutionary arms race between NK cells and viruses: Who gets the short end of the stick?}}, } @article{medri:2455, author = {{Handke, W. and Luig, C. and Popović, Branka and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan and Brune, Wolfram}}, title = {{Viral Inhibition of BAK Promotes Murine Cytomegalovirus Dissemination to Salivary Glands}}, } @phdthesis{svkri:2888, author = {{Arapović, Maja}}, title = {{Uloga NK-stanica u modulaciji specifičnog imunološkog odgovora na virus}}, } @article{medri:2458, author = {{Mitrović, Maja and Arapović, Jurica and Jordan, Stefan and Fodil-Cornu, N. and Ebert, S. and Vidal, S. M. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Reddehase, M. J. and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{The NK Cell Response to Mouse Cytomegalovirus Infection Affects the Level and Kinetics of the Early CD8+ T-Cell Response}}, } @phdthesis{svkri:3587, author = {{Pavoković, Gordana}}, title = {{Uloga iglC gena u unutarstaničnom životu Francisella tularensis}}, } @article{medri:2456, author = {{Poglitsch, M. and Weichhart, T. and Hecking, M. and Werzowa, J. and Katholnig, K. and Antlanger, M. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan and Hörl, W. H. and Zlabinger, G. J. and Puchhammer, E. and Säemann, M. D.}}, title = {{CMV Late Phase-Induced mTOR Activation Is Essential for Efficient Virus Replication in Polarized Human Macrophages : Antiviral Effects of mTOR Inhibitors}}, } @article{medri:2457, author = {{Marcinowski, Lisa and Tanguy, Mélanie and Krmpotić, Astrid and Rädle, Bernd and Lisnić, Vanda J. and Tuddenham, Lee and Chane-Woon-Ming, Béatrice and Ruzsics, Zsolt and Erhard, Florian and Benkartek, Corinna and Babić, Marina and Zimmer, Ralf and Trgovcich, Joanne and Koszinowski, Ulrich H. and Jonjić, Stipan and Pfeffer, Sébastien and Dölken, Lars}}, title = {{Degradation of Cellular miR-27 by a Novel, Highly Abundant Viral Transcript Is Important for Efficient Virus Replication In Vivo}}, } @phdthesis{svkri:2917, author = {{Slavuljica, Irena}}, title = {{Uloga NKG2D receptora u imunološkom nadzoru citomegalovirusne infekcije}}, } @article{medri:2345, author = {{Mitrović, Maja and Arapović, Jurica and Traven, Luka and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Innate immunity regulates adaptive immune response: lessons learned from studying the interplay between NK and CD8+ T cells during MCMV infection}}, } @phdthesis{svkri:3266, author = {{Babić Čač, Marina}}, title = {{Virusna regulacija aktivnosti NK-limfocita: uloga inhibicijskih LY49 receptora}}, } @article{medri:2879, author = {{Babić, Marina and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{All is fair in virus–host interactions: NK cells and cytomegalovirus}}, } @article{medri:2477, author = {{Slavuljica, Irena and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Manipulation of NKG2D ligands by cytomegaloviruses: impact on innate and adaptive immune response}}, } @article{medri:2476, author = {{Babić, Marina and Pyzik, Michal and Zafirova, Biljana and Mitrović, Maja and Butorac, Višnja and Lanier, Lewis L. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Vidal, Silvia M. and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Cytomegalovirus immunoevasin reveals the physiological role of “missing self” recognition in natural killer cell dependent virus control in vivo}}, } @article{medri:2475, author = {{Dölken, Lars and Krmpotić, Astrid and Kothe, Sheila and Tuddenham, Lee and Tanguy, Mélanie and Marcinowski, Lisa and Ruzsics, Zsolt and Elefant, Naama and Altuvia, Yael and Margalit, Hanah and Koszinowski, Ulrich H. and Jonjić, Stipan and Pfeffer, Sébastien}}, title = {{Cytomegalovirus microRNAs Facilitate Persistent Virus Infection in Salivary Glands}}, } @article{medri:2595, author = {{Lisnić Juranić, Vanda and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Modulation of natural killer cell activity by viruses}}, } @article{medri:2469, author = {{Zafirova, Biljana and Mandarić, Sanja and Antulov, Ronald and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonsson, Helena and Yokoyama, Wayne M. and Jonjić, Stipan and Polić, Bojan}}, title = {{Altered NK Cell Development and Enhanced NK Cell-Mediated Resistance to Mouse Cytomegalovirus in NKG2D-Deficient Mice}}, } @article{medri:2471, author = {{Arapović, Jurica and Lenac, Tihana and Antulov, Ronald and Polić, Bojan and Ruzsics, Z. and Carayannopoulos, L. N. and Koszinowski, U. H. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Differential Susceptibility of RAE-1 Isoforms to Mouse Cytomegalovirus}}, } @article{medri:6095, author = {{Arapović, Jurica and Lenac Roviš, Tihana and Reddy, A.B. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Promiscuity of MCMV immunoevasin of NKG2D: m138/fcr-1 down-modulates RAE-1epsilon in addition to MULT-1 and H60}}, } @article{medri:6089, author = {{Jonjić, Stipan and Babić, Marina and Polić, Bojan and Krmpotić, Astrid}}, title = {{Immune evasion of natural killer cells by viruses}}, } @article{medri:6091, author = {{Lenac, Tihana and Arapović, Jurica and Traven, Luka and Krmpotić, Astrid and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{Murine cytomegalovirus regulation of NKG2D ligands}}, } @article{medri:6093, author = {{Jonjić, Stipan and Polić, Bojan and Krmpotić, Astrid}}, title = {{Viral inhibitors of NKG2D ligands : friends or foes of immune surveillance?}}, } @article{medri:2348, author = {{Lenac, Tihana and Budt, Matthias and Arapović, Jurica and Hasan, Milena and Zimmermann, Albert and Šimic, Hrvoje and Krmpotić, Astrid and Messerle, Martin and Ruzsics, Zsolt and Koszinowski, Ulrich H. and Hengel, Hartmut and Jonjić, Stipan}}, title = {{The herpesviral Fc receptor fcr-1 down-regulates the NKG2D ligands MULT-1 and H60}}, } @article{medri:2610, author = {{Bubić, Ivan and Wagner, M. and Krmpotić, Astrid and Saulig, T. and Kim, S. and Yokoyama, W. M. and Jonjić, Stipan and Koszinowski, U. H.}}, title = {{Gain of Virulence Caused by Loss of a Gene in Murine Cytomegalovirus}}, } @phdthesis{svkri:3070, author = {{Krmpotić, Astrid}}, title = {{Uloga herpesvirusnih gena u izbjegavanju imunološkog nadzora posredovanog limfocitima T i NK-stanicama in vivo}}, } @article{medri:2744, author = {{Polić, Bojan and Hengel, Hartmut and Krmpotić, Astrid and Trgovcich, Joanne and Pavić, Ivica and Lučin, Pero and Jonjić, Stipan and Koszinowski, Ulrich H.}}, title = {{Hierarchical and Redundant Lymphocyte Subset Control Precludes Cytomegalovirus Replication during Latent Infection}}, }