@mastersthesis{medri:9041, author = {{Žarinac Borko, Marina}}, title = {{Ispitivanje uzoraka mlijeka na prisutnost antibiotika}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:9034, author = {{Kevrić, Antonija}}, title = {{Ispitivanje uzoraka mlijeka na prisutnost mikotoksina}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:7815, author = {{Kotur, Vanja}}, title = {{Infekcije povezane s biofilmom}}, } @mastersthesis{medri:6467, author = {{Nefat, Vedrana}}, title = {{Uloga iglI mutante Francisella tularensis soj LVS u eksperimentalnoj tularemiji}}, } @article{medri:4888, author = {{Knežević, Maša and Rončević, Dobrica and Vukić Lušić, Darija and Mihelčić, Mirna and Kogoj, Rok and Keše, Darja and Glad, Marin and Cenov, Arijana and Ožanič, Mateja and Glažar Ivče, Daniela and Šantić, Marina}}, title = {{Decreasing Pasteurization Treatment Efficiency against Amoeba-Grown Legionella pneumophila - Recognized Public Health Risk Factor}}, } @article{medri:3848, author = {{Kelava, Ina and Mihelčić, Mirna and Ožanič, Mateja and Marečić, Valentina and Knežević, Maša and Ćurlin, Marija and Štifter, Sanja and Sjöstedt, Anders and Šantić, Marina}}, title = {{Atg5-Deficient Mice Infected with Francisella tularensis LVS Demonstrate Increased Survival and Less Severe Pathology in Internal Organs}}, } @article{medri:4923, author = {{Knežević, Maša and Marečić, Valentina and Ožanič, Mateja and Špoljarić, Nikolina and Kelava, Ina and Ćurlin, Marija and Kwaik, Yousef Abu and Mihelčić, Mirna and Šantić, Marina}}, title = {{Increased Sensitivity of Amoeba-Grown Francisella Species to Disinfectants}}, } @article{medri:3785, author = {{Mihelčić, Mirna and Marečić, Valentina and Ožanič, Mateja and Kelava, Ina and Knežević, Maša and Šantić, Marina}}, title = {{Epidemiologic and Epizootic Data of Tularemia in the Past and in the Recent History in Croatia}}, } @article{medri:4925, author = {{Price, Christopher and Jones, Snake and Mihelčić, Mirna and Šantić, Marina and Abu Kwaik, Yousef}}, title = {{Paradoxical Pro-inflammatory Responses by Human Macrophages to an Amoebae Host-Adapted Legionella Effector}}, } @article{medri:3571, author = {{Kelava, Ina and Marečić, Valentina and Fućak, Petra and Ivek, Elena and Kolarić, Dominik and Ožanič, Mateja and Mihelčić, Mirna and Šantić, Marina}}, title = {{Optimisation of External Factors for the Growth of Francisella novicida within Dictyostelium discoideum}}, } @article{medri:5844, author = {{Krocova, Zuzana and Plzakova, Lenka and Pavkova, Ivona and Kubelkova, Klara and Macela, Ales and Ožanič, Mateja and Marečić, Valentina and Mihelčić, Mirna and Šantić, Marina}}, title = {{The role of B cells in an early immune response to Mycobacterium bovis}}, } @article{medri:3482, author = {{Mihelčić, Mirna and Habuš, Josipa and Vucelja, Marko and Svoboda, Petra and Kurolt, Ivan-Christian and Markotić, Alemka and Turk, Nenad and Margaletić, Josip and Šantić, Marina}}, title = {{Prevalencija bakterije Francisella tularensis u populaciji sitnih sisavaca u kontinentalnim šumama Hrvatske}}, } @phdthesis{medri:6034, author = {{Mihelčić, Mirna}}, title = {{IMMUNEREGULATORY MECHANISMS IN MURINE EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE NEURITIS}}, } @article{medri:1682, author = {{Marečić, Valentina and Shevchuk, Olga and Ožanič, Mateja and Mihelčić, Mirna and Steinert, Michael and Jurak Begonja, Antonija and Abu Kwaik, Yousef and Šantić, Marina}}, title = {{Isolation of F. novicida-Containing Phagosome from Infected Human Monocyte Derived Macrophages}}, } @article{medri:2496, author = {{Abram, Maja and Bubonja-Šonje, Marina and Mihelčić, Mirna and Vučković, Darinka and Mustać, Elvira}}, title = {{The Listeriosis Triangle: Pathogen, Host and the Environment}}, }